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Spun Skin

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 9:13 pm
by Jun
SPUN SKIN [ Spun ] :: 03.09.2021 [ buck ]

This is Spun Skin and he’s really upset. He’s really upset because his name is Spun Skin. He tumbled out of his sac screaming from his naming dream and he’s never really stopped. When he’s not having an existentialist breakdown, he’s really quite a sweet boy. Very polite.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Snow Glass Apples x Trauma [ Asphyxiation :: Moonless - Darkling | Spun Skin | Closure | Murder ]

RP LOGS :: Spun Skin [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: Ruri RLC'd these beautiful fairytale bbys for my birfday! QAQ<3


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:13 pm
by Jun
STARSTAINED [ Star ] :: 19.09.2021 [ buck ]

Having grown up at the Mother's Club, Starstained wants nothing more than to be an excellent Mother like his father, Nurse. Unfortunately, children don't care much for him, and he doesn't know why. ;_;

Yes. He is a crybaby.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Rain of Tears x Nurse [ Crybaby :: Toxic Waters - Starstained | Snug | Perchance to Dream ]

RP LOGS :: Starstained [ naming dream ]


SUGAR RAY [ 09.03.2023 ]
No one know where Sugar Ray came from, but no one cares because Starstained really, really, needed a friend...

...can we catch the tears of a broken world? falling down upon the earth, falling down... - Stars of Tears

NOTES :: Yes-Nut November 2020! Apparently Maxx took the pair 'cos he really wanted to do pollution mermaids, but they turned fancy.
PETS :: So lucky to get rolled for a heart ray based on the anerable Starstained-themed CYO Ruri made me! ;A;<3


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:17 pm
by Jun
MOONCAGE :: 26.09.2021 [ doe ]

The princess knight. Everyday, she feels the cold moon's elegance tighten around her like a ribcage ever more, and keeps it at bay with a well-aimed kick. Dainty, noble, and fierce.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Kiss Kiss x The Moon in Your Bones [ Moonkissed :: The Moon is My Love | Soft Skeleton | Mooncage - Starheart | Moon Garden ]

RP LOGS :: Mooncage [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: Mage was so kind as to RLC these bunbuns! QAQ<3 The lovesoup navy skelebun pin her dad was based on was actually my first enamel pin purchase, along with the pink one that looks like her twin. I really wanted the white one too, but those two had just been released and I couldn't afford all three, so I thought I'd grab them while they were still stocked. I always meant to pick up the white one when I could, but Covid eventually shut down the store - and when it came back, the white one had been retired. >A< I was super sad about it, but now that I have her, it's like I have it, in a way!

Heavy Lies the Sun

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:19 pm
by Jun
Heavy Lies the Sun [ The Sun ] :: 27.09.2021 [ doe ]

That's The Sun to you.

Imperious and dismissive, and whyever not? She's clearly been anointed by the (actual) sun.

But maybe a little lonely deep inside, for heavy lies the sun.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

RP LOGS :: Heavy Lies the Sun [ naming dream ]


APPLE [ 30.09.2021 ]
Behold, the goldenred applebee of The Sun.

FIG [ 30.09.2021 ]
Bit long for a fig.

...-... - ...

NOTES :: Lucky roll from the Sun Gods Art Raffle, thanks to Shroud's butt.

PETS :: A surprise package deal. | I only had two prefs in Sun Gods Sunshine Pets Raffle and got my first pick, so of course she took it when she got rolled at the end of the event.


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:11 pm
by Jun
SLEEP :: 01.10.2021 [ doe ]

They met near the foot of the mountains, the dragon king, and the Swamp's nightshade. It ended acrimonously. When the twins were born, the father took the boy and the mother took the girl, and both performed extreme parental alienation. He was led to believe his sister is now a bloodthirsty murderwitch. She was led to believe her brother is now an tyrannical warlord. She’s actually a quiet hunter with a polite curiosity. He’s actually an obedient princeling who needs help questioning authority.

Her mother taught her to survive, and she uses it well. Her name was met with a dark, approving laugh - her mother knew that to awake with a name meant she was already and always of the Swamp, and she had chosen right. (Don't nobody tell her the boy got a dream-name too.)

She wears her beauty casually, like a shrug.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: ?? x ?? [ Sleep - Suffer ]

RP LOGS :: Sleep [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: I actually staffclaimed this from maxx LAST AUGUST (don't worry Maxx will delay only his and my kin like that...) and thought it was never gonna happen! when I had a semi idea I really wanted this year, I was like 'man I'd better rlc him instead if I ever want to see it,' so I saved up for it as a self-birthday gift and submitted my request last month - AND THEN IT SUDDENLY HAPPENED. I told him I wanted flower totomers with petally-fins, and said he could follow as much or as little of a Feverworm ref, and this is what resulted. I think they might be the most beautiful Kin I own and that's saying a lot. QAQ<3<3 I'd originally staffclaimed them for my birthday, and meant to cert them so this year, but circumstances dictated otherwise. They were uploaded on 22nd September.


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:11 pm
by Jun
SUFFER :: 01.10.2021 [ buck ]

They met near the foot of the mountains, the dragon king, and the Swamp's nightshade. It ended acrimonously. When the twins were born, the father took the boy and the mother took the girl, and both performed extreme parental alienation. He was led to believe his sister is now a bloodthirsty murderwitch. She was led to believe her brother is now an tyrannical warlord. She’s actually a quiet hunter with a polite curiosity. He’s actually an obedient princeling who needs help questioning authority.

When his father learnt that not only was he already born with a name, but it was Suffer, he momentarily struggled with the revelation. And then he decided it meant he would make his enemies suffer. (There will be no more discussion on the subject.)

He is sometimes told he's beautiful. It makes him feel very awkward.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: ?? x ?? [ Sleep - Suffer ]

RP LOGS :: Suffer [ naming dream ]

...-... - …

NOTES :: I actually staffclaimed this from maxx LAST AUGUST (don't worry Maxx will delay only his and my kin like that...) and thought it was never gonna happen! when I had a semi idea I really wanted this year, I was like 'man I'd better rlc him instead if I ever want to see it,' so I saved up for it as a self-birthday gift and submitted my request last month - AND THEN IT SUDDENLY HAPPENED.  told him I wanted flower totomers with petally-fins, and said he could follow as much or as little of a Feverworm ref, and this is what resulted. I think they might be the most beautiful Kin I own and that's saying a lot. QAQ<3<3 I'd originally staffclaimed them for my birthday, and meant to cert them so this year, but circumstances dictated otherwise. They were uploaded on 22nd September. While Sleep's colours and markings were more inspired by the ref, Suffer's (save what they share) was made up by Maxx based on what he knew I'd like, so it feels very personal to me.


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 3:17 pm
by Jun
FLEETING :: 02.10.2021 [ buck ]

Fleeting has always felt clumsy and inadequate next to his elegant siblings (probably because he doesn't have a horn lul). As much as he loved them so, when ungainly colthood finally fell off his limbs, he had to leave to see the world, and find his role in it (which is to be no thoughts head empty and really really really good-looking).

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Of the Woods x Fabled [ Fabled Woods :: Crowned One | Wreathed | Grovewalker | Fleeting | Treewoven ]

RP LOGS :: Fleeting [ naming dream ]

...and who can say when the day sleeps if the night keeps all your heart... - Only Time

NOTES :: * sobbing * Astra and Elvy bred their phonymeti and gave me this beautiful bby! I love love love both of their Phonies and their Kimeti versions so much, I'm just crying forever…


Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:07 pm
by Jun
SERIOUS :: 19.10.2021 [ buck ]

The dog star… Serious is what it says on the tin, but sometimes you just have to go full-moon and run down a mongoose or something.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

RP LOGS :: Serious [ naming dream ]

...I wanna be the one, yeah, to experience so serious... - All Night

NOTES :: September CC pick of this inspo. His "image song" isn't really his image song, it's just what plays in my head every time I say his name.


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 3:11 am
by Jun
DOLLOP :: 31.10.2021 [ doe ]

Dollop is a dollop of pure, creamy goodness. Boring Island's resident baker nice food person, everyone knows she's a shoulder you can always cry on, with a nice, juicy fruit to pick you up after that!

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Bless You x Curse You [ No U (Mock) :: Pouring | Drops | Dollop | Jiggle ]

RP LOGS :: Dollop [ naming dream ]


JELLY [ 03.11.2023 ]
Jelly is so useful in her work 'cos it's got hands! *promptly ignores all the weird stuff* A see-through...thing...for a see-through gal.

...-... - …

NOTES :: One of the last edited mocks, to populate Boring Island with NPCs.

PETS :: First-rolled in the Fall 2023 Spectral Furby Raffle! I wanted this one so. So. Bad.

Ghost Host

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 3:13 am
by Jun
GHOST HOST [ Host ] :: 04.11.2021 [ buck ]

The hostest with the ghosties…Host may be a little quirky, with a penchant for ghost puns and creepy tales, but he's really an excellent, uh, host. Convivial and informative, and definitely not trying to harvest your soul hahahaha I mean what?

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Giggling Ghost x Trip [ Clumsy Ghost :: Spirit Song | Ghost Host | Soulspore ]

Other Siblings ::
[ High Times | Mushroom Visions | I Can Taste Colors | Dreams of Ecstasy ]

RP LOGS :: Ghost Host [ naming dream ]

...we've been dying to have you... - Grim Grinning Ghosts

NOTES :: October 2021 CC pick for Giggling Ghost Halloween bbys.


Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 3:17 am
by Jun
HENBANE :: 06.11.2021 [ buck ]

A broody hen witch with a variety of chicken curses. Has a tendency to sit on his hooves and fluff menacingly. Will most certainly peck you with extreme prejudice if you come too close. And visit upon you chicken curses.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]

RP LOGS :: Henbane [ naming dream ]

...-... - ...

NOTES :: October CC pick of this v seasonal inspo.


Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:00 pm
by Jun
CLEAN :: 15.11.2021 [ doe ]

In her naming dream, she was a corpse, and she was butterflies. The butterflies picked the bones clean, and she both stripped the flesh, and had her flesh stripped. Since born, she flits from bloom to bloom like a laughing butterfly, but she can never unfeel it.

Both a little obsessive, and a little commitment-shy.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Artful x Fury [ Artfully Furious :: Rabble | Untrue | Clean ]

RP LOGS :: Clean [ naming dream ]


PICKY [ 26.03.2023 ]
Picky pickypickypickypicky.'re giving me too many things, lately you're all I need... - Simple and Clean

NOTES :: September CC pick.
PETS :: February Discord game 2023. Paired with Clean partly 'cos I wanted someone who could call it Picky ala the Ragnarok Online mob, and partially 'cos I'm very mean to her. c:

Closer Than This

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:01 pm
by Jun
CLOSER THAN THIS [ Closer ] :: ??.11.2021 [ doe ]

Despite the fancy flourishes on her coat, Closer is an eminently practical doe. Dependable, a good caretaker, wastes no time moving on if things fall apart despite her best efforts. Part of it is nature, part of it repression. Still, deep down, she wishes you could be…yeah.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Disrepair x Scandal [ Social Banishment :: Closer Than This | Disintegration | Loved ]

Other Siblings ::
[ Somebody Told Me | Rally | Bring Me to Life ]

RP LOGS :: Closer Than This [ naming dream ]

...but I won't look up when you walk away... - Aware, Rust and Repair

NOTES :: From this boxpile, kindly taken over by Araucana.


Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:03 pm
by Jun
STARMAKER :: 17.11.2021 [ doe ]

Intellectual and reticent, keenly perceptive, a little detached. She keeps herself away, because if she cares, she knows she cares too much. And if she cares, and you ask a thing of her, despite her better judgement, she will move the earth...and, yes, make the stars.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Moon Crisis x False [ Moon Crisis Made Up (mock) :: Starfighter | Starmaker | Starseed ]

RP LOGS :: Starmaker [ naming dream ]

...I could only restrain my tears of regret, the pain remains... - Nagareboshi E

NOTES :: From this boxpile I waited almost a year to try to cert on my birthday…


Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:07 pm
by Jun
STARSEED :: 17.11.2021 [ buck ]

An illusory crystal, a rare moon princess. Was such a vision ever real? Soft as moonlight, here and gone, a transient dream.

Total space cadet.

BLOOD :: [ kindex ]
Origin :: Moon Crisis x False [ Moon Crisis Made Up (mock) :: Starfighter | Starmaker | Starseed ]

RP LOGS :: Starseed [ naming dream ]


CRESCENT [ 19.05.2023 ]
Would you still love your magical girl princess if they were a worm? is in my hands... - Maboroshi no Ginzuishou

NOTES :: From this boxpile I waited almost a year to try to cert on my birthday… I only meant to keep one but could I resist - even though Maxx clearly deliberately made him the one without hair could I really resist.
PETS :: Maxx made grubs out of caveworms for his birthday and gave me a magical girl princess one, so it had to go to Starseed.