Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 5:37 pm
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[b][url=]Groundbreak[/url][/b] . phoenix kiss . Critic
[i]With a natural eye for fashion, but a big mouth, Groundbreak's criticism is constructive... if he gets a chance to think it over before accidentally insulting someone.[/i]
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[b][url=]Trim[/url][/b] . zeflamigo . Designer
[i]Familiar with the tribe since childhood, this charming buck has developed an exceptional eye for detail, and loves nothing more than helping others with their finishing touches.[/i]
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[b][url=]Be Dazzled[/url][/b] . Scaramouche Fandango . Model
[i]Versatile, fashionable, cool as can be... just don't ask him to turn left.[/i]
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[b][url=]The Final Word[/url][/b] . Lirilei . Critic
[i]Highly critical, and usually not in a nice way. He can't believe the things kin try to get away with wearing, and they [b]need[/b] to know his thoughts about it.[/i]
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[b][url=]Creeping Dusk[/url][/b] . AstroFuturism . Designer/Model
[i]A doe with a love for both creating beauty and reveling in it, Creeping Dusk's elegant poise hides a fiery passion to compete with those she respects as peers--no matter the result for her.[/i]
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[b][url=]River Carver[/url][/b] . Kinu . Designer/Critic
[i]A delicate and dramatic buck with a love of fashion. He has a hard time taking criticism, though he can easily give it out. He believes his vision to be unique and only those who 'know' will understand.[/i]