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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:14 am
by Fasti
Username: Fasti
Prompt response:
As an assassin, you're used to being trained to get rid of your targets. But you also kind of want a vacation.

Fading Peacock lay motionless in his hiding place, waiting for his chance to finish the job. While he waited, he briefly lost himself in a daydream. What if he wasn't an assassin? What would a normal life be like? How is it not to always be on guard? Could he also relax and take a vacation? He shook his head and dispelled the thoughts that none of that was important now, the goal was important!

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:20 am
by Fasti
Username: Fasti
Prompt response:
A woodworker, a carpenter, a potter; you use your hands to create things and you are building yourself a home, whatever that means.

The time had come for Moonlit Flower, she was old enough to have her own roof over her head. But that was easier said than done, first she had to find a place to make her home. Full of enthusiasm, she set out to search and roamed through mountains and valleys. After a while, exhausted, she took a rest, found a beautiful thicket with a pond nearby and sat down. Insects are buzzing around and birds are chirping. Moonlit Flower drifted into a daydream. Three figures stood around a wooden structure, preparing how best to proceed. The potter wanted to make the facade out of clay, while the carpenter wanted to finish the wooden structure first. The woodworker waved the two off and said, "Until you agree, I'll get the next logs."

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:31 am
by Fasti
Username: Fasti
Prompt response:
A teacher once taught you that you could be anything. So you've decided to become something better. Something bigger. Something worse.

"Fired?!" Fading Peacock asked with a raised voice "Why is that? What have I done?!"
"Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to you for personnel reasons." replied his superior.
"Is it because of Bathing in Moonlight? She definitely has something to do with it!"
His superior swallowed and repeated the sentence again. Then he turned and left. Confused, Fading Peacock picked up his things and went home, where he began to ponder. A loud ringing of the doorbell snapped him out of his thoughts, he jumped up and realized it was his doorbell. He quickly scurried to the door, his sister Moonlit Flower was standing in front of it. "What are you doing here?" he asked her after opening the door. "Your ex-girlfriend's social media profiles are full of messages that she let you get fired, do you really think I won't come to you?!"
"Why are you following my ex-girlfriend?"
"I just forgot to unfollow her, but that aside, we need to talk about it. You and me. Will you let me in?"
They both made themselves comfortable inside and Moonlit Flower told Fading Peacock about the posts and showed him them too. Together they then thought about what they could do.

"My teacher taught me that I could be whatever I wanted, so I got something far worse than they could imagine."
Against Moonlit's advice, he had spoken out against a fight, he took a different route. Instead of hatred and terror, he chose to learn. He learned and learned, took training courses and quickly rose in his job industry.
It only took a few years before he was standing in his office again, strolling through the familiar hallways until he came across... his ex-girlfriend. Surprise flashed across her face, then anger. "What are you doing here?!" she snapped. He answered calmly, "It's nice to see you, I'm on the way to my office." With those words he pushed past her, into his boss's office his office.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:19 pm
by Astraea
I'll take the last boy from the Rainsong set please!

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:01 pm
by elvy
Username: elvy
Prompt response:
As an assassin, you're used to being trained to get rid of your targets. But you also kind of want a vacation.

The way this plays out for Night Eyes, who of course is a world famous assassin (well famous in the right circles), is he learns after removing his target that the man was rich. So rich. So he basically weekend at bernies his vacation.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:05 pm
by elvy
Username: elvy
Prompt response:
You are a witch. What kind of magic do you have?

This is the Way came from a long long long line of witches. And every witch born into the family always had fire magic. So come to her surprise when healing magic is what she ends up with.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:07 pm
by elvy
Username: elvy
Prompt response:
You are in a haunted house and it doesn't like you. Maybe you should escape. Maybe you should stay.

Be the Thunder was a major jock. Big muscle head, always did just the not smartest things. You know the type. Well after 5 minutes in the haunted house down the street he just noped out and never looked back.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:31 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Prompt response: A circus performer, a dancer, an actor; on stage, you are the master of your soul and you are sharing it with the world.

Enchantment was very good with her body or so she had been told when she performed on stage. Ever since she had been little something about dancing drew her in along with the audience she performed for. Hence her enchantment... she enchanted those with her fluid movements and humming, it also helped to have shimmering marks all over that glistered as she danced her heart out.

An opportunity had come up, funnily enough during winter market, that caused a crowd. It then snowballed from there as she loved to perform.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:31 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Prompt response: You were sent by those above you to kill the mighty dragon. But when you get there, you realize you don't want to.

Bare my Teeth gasped in outrage as he stared at the sparkly doe in front of him. HIM! Kill a dragon?! Something he felt very connected too? As if and boy was he going to give her a piece of his mind! Dragons were such beautiful and fierce creatures. From their impressive wing span down to their sharp teeth he loved it all.

"Never! I shall never kill a dragon my lady and the fact that you dare speak such horrid words to me are appalling!" Thus began a rant that lasted for quite sometime which he could tell visibly that the doe was regretting.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:31 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Prompt response: Your life is a horror story, a testament to everyone of what not to do.

Running found himself in an unfamiliar place. Where was he? The sound of something dripping in the background caused him to jerk around, it was getting to him. How long had he been here? He had to... run but where? It was pitch black and he was lost!

Putting his hoof forward to his horror said hoof was sinking into what? He did not know. Back pedaling, he squealed. Not his finest moment but who gave a *bleep*. An internal driving force told him to turn around and head deeper into the dark. Run. Run. Run.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 3!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:03 am
by rexcorvus
  1. Fasti
  2. elvy
  3. Tara de Draiocht


Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:05 am
by rexcorvus
  1. Tara de Draiocht
  2. elvy
  3. Fasti

Since only three people entered, all three of you get a prize! Please post your preference lists; no special guidelines apply.

Tara de Draiocht wrote:
elvy wrote:
Fasti wrote:

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:11 am
by elvy
prefs: blue sun/moon kio, brown sun/moon kio

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 4!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:20 am
by Astoria
Username: AstoriaFallen
Prompt response:
Your life is a horror story, a testament to everyone of what not to do.

Once Pleasant Dreams wasn't sure what to tell anyone. Everything she ever did, ended in disaster. She figured it was because of bad luck, but perhaps she was just really bad at life in general. Ever since she had tried to do things on her own, without asking for help she'd done screwed up just about anything and everything she's set her focus on. "Moral of this story is, it's okay to ask for help.... but don't go your whole life never doing anything for yourself so you don't know WHAT to do when you finally have to do things on your own.... Hopefully others would learn from her mistakes.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - temp closed

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:28 am
by Tara de Draiocht
I would love the blue sun/moon kio! She was my fav!! T_T yay! Thank you!!