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───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 2:18 pm
by LOLLI qAq
Username: LOLLI qAq
# of Tickets: 1 ticket
Rp response:
1 - Big paw print - 2x tickets to the final pet raffle.
2 - Small paw print - 1x ticket to the final pet raffle.
3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
4 - Big paw print - 2x tickets to the final pet raffle.
5 - Small paw print - 1x ticket to the final pet raffle.
6 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.

Story ambled up to the baskets and contraptions all limbs creaking. He watched keenly as others took their turns and idly wondered if he was too old for this particular sort of game, but there was no such thing in the swamp. Not really. He smiled as he stepped up to take a whack at it and noted that already his feet were covered in red juice. If the sweetness of berry wasn't hanging heavy in the air he'd have been taken aback(dismayed even) by the resemblance to blood.

Chuckling at his own imagination he lifted a berry into the slingshot, pulled, and let it fly. He hadn't been aiming at any particular leaf as Story just wanted to get a feel for how it worked, but he'd hit something! He let out a delighted whoop and tried again-



Oh, dear. Maybe trying for specific leaves was not going to be the best plan of attack for him. He took a step back and moved out of the way for the next kin that wanted a go.

Story wasn't sure that he wanted to leave just yet, however. Despite the berries flying and the cries of triumph or defeat he loved how calming the area was. In no small part to the pair running it and their family. So he chose to settle in to a spot clear enough and out of the way enough that he wouldn't be a bother just to watch for awhile. Maybe they'd even let him snack on a few of the berries?

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 4:00 pm
by Muffinsbaby
When Born had attempted to take a step forward, Unlife had taken a shuffling step back. She was okay with conversation, but not closeness. Closeness wasn't safe. She had noticed the dog prevent and had been filled with a dizzying array of emotions - gratefulness, anger, offense, sadness, acceptance- she pushed away to file for never. Emotions weren't safe either.

"Despite my tendency to miss, it's fun. I definitely plan to try again," Her head bobbed as she spoke, a nervous habit maybe, "Yes, I did. It took me a while to join, and I only went two rounds, but the chaos was welcome. I kept to myself then, though."
Beejoux wrote:

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:12 pm
by Astraea
Username: Astraea
# of Tickets: 2
Rp response: It took Waves some time to remember the this place, but the remains of last year's game quickly brought the memories back. The leaves tacked down with sticks, some places still stained with berry juice, the remains of anything else edible long gone. He quietly admired Born of Death and Death Take Mes' cooperation and affection with each other. Maybe one day, if he was lucky, he'd have such a relationship of his own.

But it wasn't time to get down in his own feelings, it was time to fling berries.

He pulled his shooter far back and let it go. A hit! He was feeling quiet proud of himself, already a good start.

His next two shots however, well, were less then ideal. Two huge zeros on his count. He let out a huge sigh and then gave his head a shake. It was ok, it had been a whole year after all. Of course he would be kinda rusty, so those zeros didn't matter. He'd make up the points in time.

Before going off to see what else was going in the Market, he paused by the pen where the familiars were being kept. He smiled, as all the animals looked quiet healthy and lively. He knew Harmony was often concerned that some kin might not have good set ups for their familiars in the booths, but these seemed like they were quiet comfortable and happy. The marshfowls clucked happily and pecked at the ground and the fox buns seemed calm despite the festive event and the coming and going of all sort of kin.

Waves Under the Moon smiled and booped noses with green ear foxbun who had come up to him to sniff in his direction curiously. The bun went wide eyed and hopped away in surprise. The buck made a mental note of when to return from the rules and wandered off to look what else the market had to offer.


───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:58 pm
by Baneful
Username: Baneful
# of Tickets: 3
Rp response: Rep had been alone for a while and wasn’t having a great time with it, if he was honest. The snowstorm had arrived thick and heavy and separated him from his companions. It didn’t make sense how hard it had hit, and he was still suspicious of the general weather fluctuations.
Still, he was alone now, and it sucked, and he had made his way to the winter market.

The berry booth had drawn his attention because he was hungry more than anything else, and he made his way over to the game to try to win something worth eating and maybe pilfering some of the berries in the process.

He wasn’t a great shot, more used to fighting with his hooves, teeth and horns than he was to deft and accurate firing. Still, he did all right, hitting the target a few times.

This accomplished, he sneakily shuffled towards the store of berries.

1 - Big paw print - 2x tickets to the final pet raffle.
2 - Small paw print - 1x ticket to the final pet raffle.
3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:01 pm
by Astoria

Turning her head to look at the brightly colored doe she nodded. "Yes, this is definitely not as easy as it looks. Though I hadn't expected to do very well. As she turned to address the doe properly a sand dog that had been hiding rather strategically behind her came into view and sat down at her legs. It stared at the foxbun curiously. "Have you played this yet?" She asked curiously and then looked down at the the sanddog at her legs. "This is Friend of the Dead, I'm Guardian of Souls. What might your names be?"

Beejoux wrote:

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:46 pm
by phoe
Username: phoe
# of Tickets: 0
Rp response: "Shoot," Spring Onion exclaimed. One of the berries had gone awfully wide, missing the playing field and splatting far to one side of the wall. The other one missed by a foal's hair. The third one didn't even get launched; instead the sling shooter snapped, popping Spring Onion directly in the foreleg. She hopped in a circle, shaking her smarting leg. "How in the world did that happen?"
Results wrote:[*] 3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
[*] 3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
[*] 3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:49 pm
by Beejoux
The spindly zikwa was oblivious to any of Unlife's body language, but Haven remained watchful where he sat at their feet. "I would suspect there may be a learning curve, or so my mate and children have informed me," they chuckled. "And probably a bit of luck." Born hadn't attempted it themselves, but they did find the idea of a blind kin co-running a booth that very much involved sight quite amusing.

Although, a lack of sight had not kept a few blind kin from participating the year before. "Chaos indeed," they mused softly, remembering how berry stained they and Death had been last year.
muffinsbaby wrote:
Sweet's gaze dipped to the sanddog as it moved up to sit between the other doe's legs, and she smiled down at them, even as Song sank down into guarded sphere shape with a wiggly nose and ears folding. "This is Song, and I'm Sweet Hereafter." She glanced at the shooters shifting on her hooves a bit. "And yes, my parents are running the booth, so I've gotten to play many times." And eat many berries. So many berries.
astoria wrote:

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:59 pm
by Beejoux

Cried lifted her head from where it'd been resting on her twin's back, large ears trained on the sound of someone approaching the baskets of berries they had set aside for the shooters. Heavy footfalls, not familiar -- their father was resting off to the side of the clearing, keeping a watching eye on the family.

"Hello?" The question came with a tilt of her hear, hair falling over her face, but she paid it little mind. "Can I help you with something?" If someone was heading towards them, they must need help, or have a question, right? A sleepy little foxbun yawned from where it was curled over Cried's front legs, stretching luxuriantly before relaxing again.
baneful wrote:

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:14 am
by AMItotic
Username: AMItotic
# of Tickets: 2
Rp response: Hundred and One had heard rumors, of course. That another of Mother Wrath's brood had staked out a lovely little place in the swamp for themselves, made a little family. It felt difficult to believe--after all, Mother Wrath may have doted on her tiny, delicate creatures, but those of her blood were not actually permitted to be soft in the way that made friends, made family. And Mother Frog was delicate only in that she was lithe of limb--Hundred and One knew she could be just as dangerous under the surface, given the opportunity.

Still, it was interesting to watch them operate together, them with their soft hair and their delicate spines and that same tell-tale tail. Hundred and One swished his own serpentine tail, the need to be competitive and prove himself rising to the surface. He would show this brother and his little family precisely what he was worth (and that he was seasons ahead of his wretched twin, who looked stupid and stank, clearly.)

"I'll have a go~," he said, lining up at the station after he'd watched some other poor soul attempt the challenge. Get the berry to the paw prints. Take home a prize. Establish dominance once and for all--

The first berry swung wide, and Hundred and One hissed at it, tail lashing. That one shouldn't count!! The next two he didn't even bother lining up, just slapping them out between frustrated huffs. Only when he looked up did he realize that he'd actually hit something.

"Ha! That isn't so hard," he cheered, self-satisfied. "It's because of all of my apex hunting skills, you know."

3 - X - Better luck next time! No ticket.
2 - Small paw print - 1x ticket to the final pet raffle.
5 - Small paw print - 1x ticket to the final pet raffle.

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 4:35 pm
by Baneful

Rep paused mid-stride as someone spoke up, staring at Cried.

"Ahm jist getting sum mair berries fur mah game." he said, shrugging. "Got tae restock."

"Only place ah kin carry them is in my mouth."
Beejoux wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 9:59 pm

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 3:26 am
by HuniPi
Username: HuniPi
# of Tickets: 4x ticket to the final pet raffle.
Rp response: Magnificent in Shadow had managed to sneak away from his siblings to go to the Winter Market on his own. He did make sure to inform his mother of his intentions of going alone so she didn't worry of his disappearance. His father didn't have to know, and likely his father wouldn't be concerned for him anyway, that honor was reserved for his sister.

He shook his thoughts clear, he didn't need unnecessary things bogging him down and slowing things for him. After all, he was going to see the most wonderful, beautiful, perfect kin he's ever met. He'd heard that Sweet Hereafter's family had a booth and he was going to pay his respect to her parents. And maybe showcase his skill and talent to her.

He stayed back for a while, observing others and learning from their mistakes. He'd spotted Sweet Hereafter nearby, and of course she wouldn't be alone. Who wouldn't want to spend time with her? Unlike his father who would be incensed by the idea of other kin being in the presence of his paramour someone so wonderful, Shade had inherited his mother's patience.

Sweet looked like she was enjoying herself in her conversation and while a part of his chest ached in wishing he was the reason for her smile, he only wanted the kimeti to be happy. So he strode forward to the berries and collected his share before taking aim. He hoped he was within view of Sweet when he launched the berries and successfully struck his targets.

He beamed in delight at his own success before schooling his face to a calm, expectant demeanor before approaching Sweet and the other kimeti she was talking to. He wasn't going to barge in on their discussion of course, his sister had taught him (often painfully) why does set the flow of conversations. But he did give a silent gesture of greeting to them and their familiars.

Beejoux wrote:
astoria wrote:

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 7:53 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
# of Tickets: 5
Rp response: Hole Dweller wandered around when one booth caught her eyes. Berries! She remembered this one! It had been so much fun. Coming closer she looked around to see if there was anything new before she played! Dwell was in her glory! ... Getting messy wasn't so nice but if a berry landed in her mouth? A nice treat! Jumping into the fray she began to aim at her targets, landing on targets three times!

art by hannahbug

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 7:57 pm
by Astoria
"That's quite a lovely name and almost fitting in a sense." The last likely didn't make much sense but for Guardian of Souls name's meaning, Sweet Hereafter was almost a symbolic reference towards death. Guardian just found a sense of symmetry there. "I'm surprised there are any berries to play with." She was sure Friend of the Dead would eat so many if given the chance.

Friend of the Dead watched as Son seemed to grow smaller and smaller next to the kimeti. Friend stayed where they were as they didn't want to cause a ruckus on accident. Still, Friend very much wanted to get closer and investigate, but curbed the urge to do so.

Guardian noticed the darker buck approaching but he seemed to keep his distance. Giving a nod back she wasn't sure whether or not to speak to him or not.
Beejoux wrote:
HuniPi" wrote:

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:17 pm
by Beejoux
Oh, that tail looked familiar. Looked like hers, and her siblings' and her dad's! "Mom!" She called out, glancing around for Born of Death before spotting them talking to an acha on the other side of the clearing. They lifted their head curiously, ears turning. "Someone here has Gran Wrath's tail." Someone Sweet had never met or heard about before. Song sat up again, hopped out from between Sweet's legs to investigate the spiny zikwa.

It was then the familiar dark frame of Magnificent In Shadow caught the young doe's eye and drew her attention. Had to stealing glances in his direction as he approached one of the shooters and took aim. Drew a soft gasp from her when not one, nor two, but all three of his shots hit their marks with satisfying splats.

Guardian had hit the mark with her interpretation of Sweet's name, but between the interruption and the distraction the young doe hadn't quite caught all she'd been saying, and upon realizing that Sweet' ears lay back, head ducking gently in admonishment as she murmured an apology, but as Shadow wandered over to them Sweet's smile couldn't have been brighter.

"You're here." She wasn't sure when she'd see him again, but the young buck had certainly lingered in her mind, as he did whenever they parted ways. "I saw you hit the leaves," she admitted almost shyly, tail swaying in slow arcs.
astoria wrote:
hunipi wrote:
amitotic wrote:mention lol

───※ Death^Squared's Definitely-Not-Deadly Berry Range 2.0 ※───

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:30 pm
by Beejoux

At the sound of their daughter's voice Born's head lifted, ears turning to catch what the young doe had to say. Another kin there with the same tail as Wrath of the Mountain? Born assumed Sweet Hereafter was not referring to her father or any of her siblings, so whomever it was that'd come to pay their booth a visit, it wasn't someone Born of Death had met yet. Death had siblings, they knew that much, perhaps it was one of them?

Their attention remained split like that for long moments, until Haven gave a questioning whine. "Yes, go check it out, please," they answered the sanddog gently, one foot lifting to brush along his side as he hurried off towards the Zikwa in question, joining Song in their curiosity.

The sanddog in question had the same warm earth tones as Death Take Me, and when he reached the Zikwa he gave a curious bark to get his attention. Song, to the contrary, hung back, watching silently with her little nose wiggling.
amitotic wrote:
muffinsbaby[/quote wrote: