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Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:38 pm
by peanutbutter

Week one is open for play and has these two stunning sisters up for grabs!

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:40 pm
by Astoria
Username: AstoriaFallen
Preferences: Rose, Periwinkle
Tickets: 6
1. You manage to get it into one of the lower holes - one ticket!
3. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
6. You throw the ball and it sails perfectly into the top hole - three tickets!
RP: Wilderness and Streams was excited, and this booth was one in particular he found delightful. Trying to aim a ball into a variety of holes. Throwing the first one, it lands in one of the lower holes, and much to his delight, earning him one ticket. Throwing a second it lands in one of the middle holes and therefore granted him two more. Tossing the third and final ball it lands perfectly into the top hole! Three more tickets!!

Username: AstoriaFallen
Flower: Persimmon
Entry: Just bury him in natures beauty, he loves it all.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:47 pm
by Beejoux
Username: Beejoux
Preferences: rose, periwinkle
Tickets: 4

"It seems simple enough," the bright young woman responds with a sweet twist of full lips. She took the balls that were provided for her and gave the holes she was aiming for a measuring stare, gauging how hard and how far she was going to have to try to throw.

The first bounced one off the edge of a hole before wobbling its way down through it, not a cleanest of shots, but it'd count, nonetheless! Confidence gently bolstered, she lifted an arm to lob the second ball at one of the holes. It'd bounce again, but this time it'd sink into the hole below the one she's been aiming for. "It still works," she murmured to herself, not at all disappointed with her luck.

Now the third shot was a beauty; a perfect arch that saw the ball disappear down the middle hole without so much as brushing the edges. The young lady gave a delighted little squeak at her success.

5. You throw the ball and it gets into one of the lower holes - one ticket!
1. You manage to get it into one of the lower holes - one ticket!
3. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!

Username: Beejoux
Kin: Worlds Within Worlds
Flower: Crocus - Cheerfulness, Abuse not, Gladness
Entry: A waveringly cheerful and bright, Worlds radiates a curious joy for the world around her that's obvious and infectious.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:48 pm
by Ruriska
Username: Ruriska
Preferences: Rose, Periwinkle
Tickets: 3
RP: Illu had originally only come here to get coffee but the hustle and bustle from next door, plus the lovely flowers, peeked her interest. She couldn't resist getting in line and giving the flower toss a go. She wasn't amazing but she didn't miss any, so she stepped away proud of herself and then ducked next door to get herself a celebratory cappuccino.

Username: Ruriska
Kin: Hoodwink
Flower: Thornapple - I dreamed of thee, Deceitful charms
Entry: It's in the name, really. He's a charming fellow, as long as he's getting what he wants. But when he's done, the teeth come out.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:23 pm
by Dizzy_Kat
Username: Dizzy_Kat
Preferences: Periwinkle, Rose
Tickets: 6
RP: He'd made the briefest mistakes in looking around after he retrieved his drink from the counter. He'd been looking for a way out of the throng but before he knew it he'd been directed towards the game and had a ball in his hand. His first toss was too soft but it was enough to stir his need for precision. He set his drink back down and aimed, throwing his second ball. Better, but not good enough. His third toss was perfect though and the moment it slipped into the highest scoring hole his interest in the game waned. It was too easy now.
1. You manage to get it into one of the lower holes - one ticket!
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
6. You throw the ball and it sails perfectly into the top hole - three tickets!

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:27 pm
by Astraea
Username: Astraea
Preferences: Rose, Periwinkle
Tickets: +6
RP: Waves Under The Moon had a mission; a mission that had been appointed to him by In Harmony. The doe would be incredably busy this year and didn't have the time to do the usual rounds, seeking out new companions to add to her family. This will be easy he thought.
But no, it would not be easy. Booth after booth had remarkable prizes! Animals he'd never seen before, oh so many of them. If Harmony were here, she would be over the moon, trying to enter every booth to her own exhaustion. This year it was his turn.

Username: Astraea
Kin: Waves Under The Moon
Flower: MOTHERWORT - Secret Love
Entry: She'll never accept his heart, but he leaves these flowers for her sometimes, hoping she may change her mind. She won't though, and that's ok. Being around her is enough to keep his heart full.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:18 pm
by elvy
Username: elvy
Preferences: Rose, Periwinkle
Tickets: 2 tickets
2. You throw the ball, and completely and utterly miss.
2. You throw the ball, and completely and utterly miss.
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
RP: Bring Me the Horizon was excited to try another game. To take this more seriously, she shook her pink hair and then tied it up into a quick bun. She took a deep breath, tossed the ball, and ... wow. Just completely struck out there. Ok, two more chances. Previously she tried an over hand, this time she'll try underhand. And, wow, again, just missed. For the last one, she sighed and half heartily tossed it and. Really? Right in the middle? Well at least she got herself some tickets.

Username: elvy
Kin: Bring me the horizon
Flower: Laurel
Entry: She's in it to win it.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:35 pm
by Tiarana
Username: Tiarana
Preferences: Rose, periwinkle
Tickets: 4

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 5:05 pm
by Arashi
[ 6 6 5 ] = 17
6. You throw the ball and it sails perfectly into the top hole - three tickets!
6. You throw the ball and it sails perfectly into the top hole - three tickets!
5. You throw the ball and it gets into one of the lower holes - one ticket!
Username: Arashi
Preferences: Periwinkle, Rose
Tickets: 7!
RP: Poppy tipped her head to the side, tucking soft blonde hair behind her ear as she sized up the holes. She was here to have fun, and fun she would have. She squished the ball a little in her hand and lobbed it. It flew in the most graceful arc a ball could possibly fly in and plopped itself right into the top hole! Dazzled green eyes glinted in delight and she beamed, tossing the next and duplicated her first throw.

"Wow," She murmured with a smile and a tip of her head before tossing the last. It looked almost the same but something was just off with this one and it plopped into a lower hole. She beamed and lifted a closed hand to cover her smile. "Oh my gosh that was so much fun. I'll be sure to come play again."

Username: Arashi
Kin: Fragility
Flower: Snowdrop (Hope, Consolation)
Entry: Fragility is a soft and rather vulnerable kin...that being said, she carries her hope with her and that speaks to a quietly powerful resilience as her hope rarely dims.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:27 pm
by rexcorvus
Username: kuropeco
Preferences: rose, periwinkle
Tickets: 5
RP: n/a
3. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
1. You manage to get it into one of the lower holes - one ticket!
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!

Username: kuropeco
Kin: Fierce Warrior
Flower: BLACK BRYONT/LADY'S SEAL - Be My Support
Entry: Fierce gives this flower to Dusk Wave for Reasons(tm).

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:35 pm
by Owlsomniac
Username: owlsomniac
Preferences: rose, periwinkle
Tickets: 5

Username: owlsomniac
Kin: Grasping Vine
Flower: Dog Rose
Entry: Their past is one riddled with sorrow and pain, but as long as Grasping Vine has his companion he will always find pleasure in life.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:20 pm
by Lirilei
Username: Lirilei
Preferences: periwinkle, rose
Tickets: 6
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
3. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!

Username: Lirilei
Kin: Shallow Waters
Flower: Phlox
Entry: His soulmate and lifemate is Deeper Waters, and he knows they'll find each other life time after lifetime.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:41 pm
by Baneful
Username: Baneful
Preferences: Pass!
Tickets: 6

Will was here for the ball toss. He knew that in an intrinsic way, the way you knew things in a dream, and he didn't question it. However, that didn't mean he was in a hurry to take his turn; he sat on one side of the coffee shop for a while, nursing a cup of coffee. He was young, probably in his early twenties, with the slight discomfort to his posture of a man who didn't know who he was yet. He was dressed in a suit, but a plain one that looked like it had been based on the suit opinions of someone older than him.

When someone called out for more players for the game, he started out of his daydreams and nervously shuffled over, very English and out of place. He hadn't even really drank coffee much; it seemed like the done thing to do if you wanted to rub shoulders with like-minded people.

"Oh, er. Me. I can throw." he said, raising a hand to catch the staff's attention.

He wasn't very physical and fully expected the ball-throwing thing to fail. Still, he wanted to try regardless, and holding his head high, he gave it his best shot.

When the first ball went right into a middle hole, he hardly dared to believe his luck, genuinely expecting the ball to go right over the holes and into nothing. "Wow!" he said. "Beginner's luck, no doubt."

But the next two also went into middle holes, and he could hardly believe it.

"Maybe I'm in the wrong career." he joked but lingered too long before laughing awkwardly and ruining whatever comedic timing the joke might have had. Cringeing a little, he shuffled back. God, he was so bad at social interaction.


Will's favourite flower in the flower shop was the red passionflower. It symbolises quite intense religious themes: passion, sacrifice and forgiveness. It's essential to him thematically.

But in the world, he likes its strange, alien appearance, vibrant colours and long, strange petals.
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
3. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!
4. The ball lands in a middle hole - two tickets!

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:50 pm
by Toshiful
Username: Toshiful
Preferences: Periwinkle, Rose
Tickets: 3
Henry's taste in coffee was bad. Normally he stumbled his way between burnt, sludgy cups of the stuff as fuel for his projects. He took his coffee black, for efficiency more than anything else. He blinked in the daylight, feeling out of place dragged from his work and systems. He was enrolled in college, but he was doing badly. He had stopped attending the classes. He went to the tests, of course, but they were so dull that it was a fight to dredge up the interest to complete them. He had a low sort of dread that he would lose his place in the program soon.

It was bright outside. The fresh air was stifling. He wore flannel, which hid the stains from his work. He had ordered a complicated sounded roast, as a tentative treat, and gone so far as to add milk and sugar. The taste was surprisingly smooth, and sweet, almost like drinking cake. It came as a complete surprise. Was coffee supposed to be like this? It was...entirely, entirely different. Everything Henry cooked ended up burnt. He'd get distracted in the middle. Maybe if he could make some kind of machine that would manage it all.

There was a game going on, Henry noticed suddenly. It was a simple fair game, but he'd always had a soft spot for old carnivals and arcades.

There was a handsome man next to him in a well-cut suit. His accent sounded English.

"I'll like to try too," Henry decided all at once.

The other man sunk three well-placed shots into the middle. Henry's luck was worse, but not catastrophic. Every shot went into the same lower hole.

"Your job doesn't require precision?" Henry asked. He thought the joking was a little funny. "Or it doesn't involve holes?"

Username: Toshiful
Kin: Your Story Ends
Flower: ROSE (RED) - Love, I love you, Respect, Beauty
Entry: He believes emotion has real effects and impact, and is a physical force, like light or water. Love is the most important. It's a popular and simple flower, but it's the beginning. It all comes back to love, in the end. Love is important, and beautiful, and worthwhile, and ruinous.

Timorous' Flower Ball Throw ❀ ✿ ❀ OPEN

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:35 pm
by AMItotic
Username: AMItotic
Preferences: Periwinkle, Rose
Tickets: 1 + 3 + 1 = 5 tickets
RP: n/a

Username: AMItotic
Kin: Liar's Spring
Flower: Daffodils
Entry: Daffodils often bloom in early spring, before the weather has truly turned, and their fate is typically to freeze as the weather wobbles between winter and spring. Liar's Spring's dream was about this delicate time, when the world is starting to thaw but isn't quite yet committed to shaking off winter.