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Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ [event in the works]
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:30 pm
by purplerosesbeauty
exciting things are on their way! stay tuned for the flowerlock friends recruitment fair ♥

Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:50 pm
by purplerosesbeauty
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:27 pm
by Scaramouche Fandango
let's get pretty!
kin name and cert // Any Moment Now

proposed role // Product maker/tester
why? // Lucky enough to be blessed with a thick pelt, Any Moment Now has seen the ravages of sunburn on surface-dwelling zikwa. She specializes in oils, lotions, and creams to help keep even hairless hides in good shape. She experiments a lot with hair masks and honey-based aloe concoctions to soothe and tone.
other // She'll be looking for a robust network of honey traders, and has a keen interest in water-retaining desert plants. Anybody who can bring her aloe or other succulents will be her bff forever.
member's list info // any moment now is fighting a war against sunburn and hair damage. tireless and creative with her concoctions, she's deeply concerned with the health of your hair. she can be a bit firm with her advice, but she knows her hair treatments!
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:17 am
by Blinded By Silence
let's get pretty!
kin name and cert // Two Steps Back

proposed role // Stylist
why? // Two Steps Back grew up in a large family with lots and lots of hair. She grew up wishing she had inherited her mother's gifts, making due with playing with her sibling's voluptuous tails and luscious manes, living vicariously through them. While her experience has really only been with her family, she has grown surprisingly skilled at "making due with what she's got."
other // Stepback loves her family, but she had always felt... simple, compared to them. This insecurity in herself is something that she wishes to overcome.
member's list info // Simplicity at its best, Two Steps Back wants everyone to feel beautiful! She excels with short hair and really knows how to make even the simplest of kin shine. <3
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:34 pm
by subducting
ideas, ideas!
username // subducting
entering for // buck 2
kin name // Surprise
role // product maker/tester
personality // Surprise is a very lighthearted, lightfooted acha who has an extraordinarily good attitude for someone who frequently trots nose first into a heap of trouble. It isn't that he's unintelligent- quite the opposite really, he has a very quick brain and he's focussed more so on investigating than self preservation, likely to the consternation of his tribemates. Analytical and curious, he's so focussed on hunting down the best treatment or ingredient that he employs a "lick first, ask questions later" attitude, which frequently leads to him getting a bit of a... yeah.
etc //swamp's answer to a salarian
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:58 pm
by Pandora Talie
let's get pretty!
kin name and cert // Tiptoe Through Tulips

proposed role // stylist
why? // Long-hair is his specialty, especially cleaning and straightening. Tiptoe Through Tulips is quite adept at taming the most wild of hair.
other // Tiptoe is a giant gossip. He absolutely loves sharing a juicy story, the more scandalous the better. He is often seen cozied-up, whispering to another kin. When he’s not, he can be a bit loud, “REALLY?! They did what?!”
member's list info // Tiptoe Through Tulips is a master of long-manes. Secondly, he is quite social and believes that he is great at kin-relations.
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 7:01 pm
by subducting
let's get pretty!
kin name and cert // Sets in the Darkness

proposed role // stylist
why? // Sets in the Darkness loves to feel beautiful and even more loves to make others feel the same. He's confident and charismatic, sometimes to the point of being a little overbearing, but it comes from a good place. He'll spend his time not only making someone look gorgeous but also showering them in heartfelt affection and love, and encouraging them to feel the same towards themselves. He has a very delicate touch with his mouth and takes a lot of care to find out what a particular kin needs and wants before he gets to work. He calls it "meticulous". Others may call it "would you please just get on with it, by the motherfather..."
other // He's friendly with Two Steps Back and is constantly trying to help her feel more self confident and special- he can't believe she thinks she's plain.
member's list info // Sets in the Darkness is a charismatic, confident and caring acha who just wants the world and everyone in it to feel as beautiful as he sees it.
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:55 pm
by Pandora Talie
ideas, ideas!
username // PandoraTalie
entering for // buck 1
kin name // Pollenbright
role // Animal Trainer - Pollenbright became an animal trainer because he learned early on that most animals thrive around him. They really do! Even the more challenging of familiars warm up to him with time and patience and possibly a bit of food. Pollenbright can often be found perfecting his techniques, training the most dexterous animals to style hair. He shows them various weaves, using grass to practice with, and reminding them: gentle touch. Lastly, he guides them to gather useful items for the craftskin. Pollenbright discovered that with the combination of certain foods and vocal sounds, training progressed much more successfully.
personality // Pollenbright is upbeat and energetic even though he might feel tired inside at times; he always puts his best ‘hoof’ forward. He is confident in what he teaches and it shows in the animals that he has worked with. Hard work pays off. He has unending patience and cares for everyone, not only the familiars. He’s a good problem solver; if something doesn’t work out the first time, he has another solution ready to try. Any compliment makes him sputter and blush, where he is around the familiars more than he is with other kin, he has awkward moments when socializing.
etc // Plot idea~ Teachable Moment: He’s not one to give up on a familiar that is struggling with his teachings, but sometimes a familiar is not right for the job. That doesn’t mean they can’t be useful to the tribe. (ex. Calming a youngster that is nervous about getting their 1st haircut by distracting them.)
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 7:56 pm
by Araucana
ideas, ideas!
username // Araucana
entering for // Buck 1
kin name // Pose
role // Animal Trainer. Pose is a master orchestrator, conductor and teacher. He has a way of being both firm and affectionate at the same time that goes over well with both the many insect familiars at disposal and his fellow tribemates when instructing. Maybe you'd think that giant moths, wasps & spiders not the most suitable or comforting animals to work with hair and decorating but well, Pose would just like you to know that you're wrong and you should feel bad. Also sit down, shut up, we'll be doing your hair now darling.
personality // He is gorgeous and girl, does he know it! Pose is sassy, blunt and can be cutting when the mood strikes him but ultimately he's a sweetheart and very dedicated to making others feel as glamourous and comfortable in their own skin as he feels. Also he hecking loves bugs and he will fight you about it.
etc // Look basically what I'm saying is that the energy that Todrick Hall's Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels has? That is embodied in this kin concept. xDD
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:59 pm
by SilverShieldwolf
ideas, ideas!
username // SilverShieldwolf
entering for // Buck 2
kin name // Best Kept
role // Animal Trainer, Best Kept thought he couldn't help much in the tribe. That was until he lifted one of the critters up with his antlers so they could work on the taller kin from the sides instead of on the backs or heads. This worked out perfectly and so he trains the newly friended companions to trust him first with them just being up there, holding on or leaning, all the way to intricate works of mane styles.
personality // Best Kept was self-conscious about how he looked. All the manes and tails that needed work and he had nothing. He is slowly coming out of his shell, as he can now help the tribe better. Just don't get made at the companions if something isn't the way you like it, Best Kept loves them no matter what or who they travel with the most.
etc // Shows his tough side when a 'big deal' kin speaks down to the familiars helping with the hair style. He may be 'shy' but don't let that fool you!
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:06 pm
by SilverShieldwolf
let's get pretty!
kin name and cert // Wild Wind Talks 
proposed role // Product maker/tester
why? // Her mane gets a lot of leaves and what not in it as she runs, so best way to help find ways to keep it still looking good while racing through the swamp.
other // Testing gone wrong: Possibly having it dye her mane for a long time, or instead of removing the tangles that happen the product just keeps tangling it even more.
member's list info // No matter what happens, Wind keeps her head up and doesn't get upset when it feels like more damage was done.
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:21 pm
by Blinded By Silence
ideas, ideas!
username // Blinded By Silence
entering for // Buck One
kin name // Seeking Perfection
role // Craftskin
personality // A perfectionist for whom everything must be just so, that is how some kin would describe him. The words obsessive and feverous have attached themselves to him, following him around and buzzing in his head. But it is no matter. Who cares if his accessories take moons to create? Perfection comes with a cost, you know, and it is not his problem if you cannot afford it.
etc // TL;DR : OCD craftsman whose accessories are well worth the wait!
ideas, ideas!
username // Blinded By Silence
entering for // Buck Two
kin name // Bejeweled
role // Craftskin
personality // To some, he is a hoarder, a pack rat. Keeper of trash. A hopeless romantic who sees the beauty in everything. They aren't wrong, either. One look into Bejewled's nest would make any kin wonder how anyone could sleep in such a clutter of fibers, feathers, stones and MotherFather knows what else. But to his eyes, all he sees is potential. This scrap here held together by this or that could be the one thing a kin needs to help them shine!
etc // TL;DR : Bubbly hoarder makes accessories out of recycled materials <3
i joined in!
username // Blinded By Silence
pref list // Kio Buck, Foxbun, Jeroba, Flying Squirrel
entry // Two Steps Back
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 8:54 am
by Scaramouche Fandango
ideas, ideas!
username // Scaramouche Fandango
entering for // buck 1
kin name // Nectarine
role // Untrained
personality // Enthusiastic and hardworking, Nectarine loves the idea of hair… he’s just not quite sure where he fits in yet. He’s a jack of all trades, but a master of none, and can often be found watching the stylists as they work. He delights in making himself useful. If there’s a task to be done, he will do it. He cleans up after the haircuts, he feeds the familiars, he gathers the spidersilk, he offers snacks to waiting guests. He’s happy to let the product makers test their wares on his own mane and to let trainee stylists work their budding magic on him. He knows that there’s plenty of unglamorous work that needs to happen behind the scenes of any good operation, and until he feels some spark of inspiration to take him further… well, he’s quite content to be the one to do it.
etc // he might actually just stay untrained- he likes odd jobs and having something new and different to do every day. Also, it's a running joke in the tribe about whether or not his mane is naturally green. It's been dyed, oiled, and generally treated a lot, and he claims he can't remember what color it was originally.
ideas, ideas!
username // Scaramouche Fandango
entering for // buck 2
kin name // Watershine
role // stylist
personality // Don’t let the flashy colors fool you. Watershine is actually a calm, gentle buck who loves working with kids and nervous kin. Letting someone that close to your head is something that’s strangely intimate, and getting groomed by a stranger can be intimidating. He’s a sweet boy who just wants you to feel happy with the way you look, and he’s not going to push you into anything uncomfortable. He tends to hide little pieces of preserved fruit around his workstation to distract wiggly kids and reward the patient ones.
etc // (size]
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:14 am
by purplerosesbeauty
first dice game, for the lion ✿ //
this will be a simple 48-hour(ish) dice game. simply roll 1d100 in this thread and the person with the highest number by 3/8 @ 12pm EST will be the winner. if there are multiple people with the highest number, they'll be asked to roll a tiebreaker.
have fun you guys!
Re: flowerlock friends // ✿ recruitment fair!
Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:55 am
by Arashi
Thank you for this opportunity!