And when she accepted his offer to go around the booths with him, there was pretty much a celebration happening in his head. She answered rather quickly and that was a good sign wasn't it? "Any where you wish, I will be there. Would we have to inform your parents first or?" He could already feel the tips of his ears heat up from the warm coziness he was feeling. Oh but, it wouldn't be rude to excuse themselves would it? Before he could say anything any further, Guardian of Souls seemed to pick up on direction the conversation and gave them leave!
He couldn't help but give the wiser doe a look of gratitude before bowing in respect, "A pleasure to have met you," though it was taking quite a bit of restraint on his end not to just run off with Sweet, instead gingerly walking away with maybe an extra bounce in his steps.
Beejoux wrote:Date? Date? Date!
Astoria wrote:Bless Guardian