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* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:21 pm
by Aria Starstone
Username: Aria Starstone
Prompt response:
You were sent by those above you to kill the mighty dragon. But when you get there, you realize you don't want to.

She was working her way up the mountain, at the orders of the city council. She was not sure why she had been chosen... She was not the best warrior in the city, she was not even one of the knights. No, she was fairly average. Reliable, certainly, and always willing to help out, but not the best fighter. But she had been chosen, and she knew here duty, so here she was, trudging up the route to the pass where the dragon had been seen recently.

It seemed to take forever, and she was exhausted, carrying her sword and shield and wearing her armor, but finally she crested to the top of the pass... And she could see all the way to the valley below, which also gave her an incredible view of the great Dragon flying in the sunlight below. His scales gleamed silver, green and gold in the sun, and he was so beautiful. She stopped and stared at him below... And realized he was staring back, as he began to climb higher in the air. As he climbed, she realized something. The council had claimed he needed to be eliminated because he was attacking travelers and traders.

There was no sign of carnage, of damage, of even a single sign that the Dragon was responsible for those missing. She frowned, thinking, as she waited.

Finally he was above her, staring down, eyes intense as they stared at one another.

And with that, she knelt, setting her sword before her. She would never never fight him, for he had won her over, and her loyalty was now his.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:07 am
by Yuki
Username: Yuki
Prompt response: rollinnn

A teacher once taught you that you could be anything. So you chose to become something better. Something bigger. Something worse.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:08 am
by Yuki
Username: Yuki
Prompt response: rollinnn

A circus performer, a dancer, an actor; on stage, you are the master of your soul and you are sharing it with the world.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:09 am
by Yuki
Username: Yuki
Prompt response: rollinnn

You teach because you love it, because you want to share your knowledge of something you're passionate about. What is it?

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:38 am
by Fasti
Username: Fasti
Prompt response:
The smell of Thriving Mint's favorite tea recipe hit Swirl Feather's nose. Damn! That was not good! Thriving Mint hates it when someone was in her shelter while she was preparing her favorite tea.

3. You cannot see, but you can hear and you can smell and you know you are not where you should be.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:51 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Prompt response: You teach because you love it, because you want to share your knowledge of something you're passionate about. What is it?
Hole Dweller ponder the question being asked to her. "Well I suppose I would have to say I am passionate about storytelling as well as record keeping. It is good to pass on stories of youth or lessons learned to future generations in time of need or just general knowledge really."

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:52 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Prompt response:One of your childhood toys has come alive.
Dash Away looked in awe as her cuddle-doll came to life right before her eyes! Giggling in delight she watched as her friend bowed to her which Dash gladly returned this was followed by rounds of food! How delightful! Suddenly the scenery changed and she was back in her bed with no childhood doll in sight...

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:53 pm
by Tara de Draiocht
Username: Tara de Draiocht
Prompt response: You teach because you love it, because you want to share your knowledge of something you're passionate about. What is it?

Swift loves to teach the best running techniques! He is actually quite good at it through lots of trial and errors! He could run all day... well MOST of the day. Get those hooves moving!

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:54 pm
by lilacfishie
Username: lilacfishie
Prompt response:
One of your childhood toys has come alive.

(I've already done prompt 20, so I'm going to opt for prompt 17 instead!)

Ragged Breaths typed away on her keyboard, hunched over in her seat with terrible posture. The room was dim, the sun having set a few minutes ago, and she furiously continued to work on answering emails and developing her presentation. The shelves around here were either full of books, souvenirs, or small pieces of her childhood. The young woman was so focused on her work that the shuffling on the shelf above her went completely unnoticed.

More shuffling, and a coin slid off a shelf above and tumbled down onto her desk. Ragged Breaths froze, choking back a scream at the sudden interruption. When the assumed danger was debunked, her expression changed to one of confusion as she reached out for the coin. She turned it over in her hands before looking up at the shelf where it had been resting.

Above her head, now skittering about on the shelf's ledge, was her childhood furby. Her childhood furby. That had not seen batteries for at least fifteen years. It's ears wiggled, it's eyes looked around, and its beak opened to call out a few chirps and trills. For a few moments, she watched, frozen. In terror? In awe? Both? Possibly. It wasn't until the creature made eye contact with her that the spell broke. Ragged Breaths screeched and flung back, tipping her computer chair onto the hard floor. She scrambled to her feet, resuming her wide-eyed watch of the creature. It trilled and chirped again, and she quickly ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her, mind racing a constant question. What the fuck was going on???

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:10 pm
by lilacfishie
Username: lilacfishie
Prompt response:
You teach because you love it, because you want to share your knowledge of something you're passionate about. What is it?

(I've already done prompt 12, so I'm opting to do prompt 9 instead!)

Flop looked over the long tables filling the room past her desk and exhaled a shaky breath. Her workshop was going to start here in just a few minutes! How exciting! The young woman tried to contain her bubbling over excitement and anxiety as she continued to prepare the classroom. She opened her expandable file and took out the prepared printouts for her presentation, and placed them in front of each chair on the tables. Each sheet had a bold banner at the top that said, "Reptile Basics!"

After the guest desks were taken care of, Flop started to set up her displays and friends she brought for this workshop. Her computer had her presentation ready to go, an easel placed outside the door helped people find the correct room, and a post pinned up contained her name, contact information, and a few relevant things about her experience. She hoisted a few tubs onto the desk and kept a few behind for surprises. She couldn't wait to show those who signed up what she brought with her.

A glance at the clock told her she had five minutes. A little yelp of surprise kicked her into high gear as she finished up the last few touches. Flop wanted to be even more on brand than her reptile print shirt and reached into one of the tubs. A beautiful Brazilian Rainbow Boa slithered onto her arm as she pulled him from the tub. "I think they'd love to see you first, buddy," she said happily, allowing the snake to get comfortable draped on her arm and shoulder while she waited.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:30 pm
by lilacfishie
Username: lilacfishie
Prompt response:
A woodworker, a carpenter, a potter; you use your hands to create things and you are building yourself a home, whatever that means.

The first time he went, he felt awkward, in the wrong place. It was a huge leap for him to join something so social, but he couldn't just stay in his house every day forever. He liked painting, a painting club should be okay. The entire time, he felt like everyone was watching him, judging him. He kept to himself, focused on his work, and tried to relax.

The third time he went, the nice person beside him asked him his name, asked him about what he was painting. They struck up conversation, they laughed and relaxed. They agreed to sit together next time and help each other with their pieces. He tried not to let the panic show on his face when they said they'd introduce him to some of the other regulars.

The tenth time he went, he knew everyone by name, and they knew him. He wasn't so sure about where he stood, but he had gotten over most of the initial anxiety about being in a new space. It felt freeing being comfortable enough to chat, in the club meeting and even in their new group chat. They all helped one another grow and improve. Rides home were given when needed, party invites were passed out. Was this what having a friend group was like?

One year later, he walked through the doors like usual. Immediately, the others greeted him. A few even came up for hugs and handshakes. His heart was warm, his eyes were bright. Not of blood, but family all the same. No bedrooms or kitchens, but a home all the same.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:24 pm
by Astoria
Username: AstoriaFallen
Prompt response: As an assassin, you're used to being trained to get rid of your targets. But you also kind of want a vacation.

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:59 pm
by subducting
Username: subducting
Prompt response:


watch out little dwarf… oh wait, you can’t… it’s too dark!


* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:06 pm
by LOLLI qAq
Username: LOLLI qAq
Prompt response:
You cannot see, but you can hear and you can smell and you know you are not where you should be.

Gage came to and before any other senses could wake up enough for them to figure out what was happening they felt the hard, scratchy, car carpeting. The car bumped and lurched and it wasn't hard to figure out they were in the trunk ... Awesome. Super cool. They couldn't see anything, but they figured that had to do with the blindfold tied tightly over their eyes. Gage rolled their eyes under the cloth and scoffed.


Be better, they thought as they kicked out towards the corner of the tight space they were in. If they were lucky their would-be villain would be stupid enough to have pointed them towards trunk door and headlights, and judging by their driving they probably were.

The car pulled to a stop and Gage could smell wet rot and vaguely hear bird call. Like, a ton of it. It was chock-a-block with fine feathered friends out there. So, they'd stopped in a swamp. Gross! But if Gage was going to kill someone, or hopefully hold them for ransom, this is where they'd do it too.

Footsteps fell and the door opened. The trunk door opened and the blindfold was removed. Gage blinked against the sudden and blinding brightness until their eyes adjusted and they could look this mother-porker in the face.

"Oh," Gage said with dread as they realized who they were looking at, "oh shi-"[/color]

* ˚ ✦ Fierce Warrior's Trial of Terror (Ver. 3.0) ✦ ˚ * - Week 2!

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:24 pm
by subducting
Username: subducting
Prompt response:


She was just a humble fisher, and sure she had a harpoon but what good would that hope to do against dragon scales? She cursed the leaders who had sent her up here, cursed the rocks for bruising her fingers as she climbed. Cursed the hunger that lay in her belly, and in her chest. A hunger for violence and justice.

She reached the peak, and threw her harpoon aside, knowing it was a pointless prop. It clattered across the rock before the golden dragon, which sat, paws crossed daintily as it regarded her.

“Are you not here to fight me?” it rumbled, a laugh in its voice. It spoke without moving its mouth, and the fisher realised she was hearing its voice in her head. She shook her head, still panting from the climb.

“I should’ve stayed at the bottom and starved, instead of taking this job,” she breathed, shaking her head and holding her arms out, preparing to be consumed in fire.

The dragon stood and approached her, lowering its great golden head to her.

“You hunger,” it stated.

She nodded, jaw clenched. She hungered so much and felt so powerless. It was white hot rage, that would be her final feeling. Fury for the world for leading her here.

“This is not your end, hungry one,” the dragon breathed, and it blew sulphurous smoke into her face, before stepping past her to regard the scattered settlement on the plain far below.

It will be theirs they said, in one voice.