Winter Market 2022

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Winter Market 2022

Post by Matope »


This season is strange; colder than it's ever been before pepperred through with warmth that is unseasonable, hot enough to melt any limited gathered snow and to make kin forget the season...

The winter market is happening again, and this year there are strange summer days that creep through the cold! The setting is a clearing in a dry spot of the swamps, wide and long, sheltered by some wide-sprawling branches. Here there are many fallen stumps and logs that kin can use to set up shop --

And this is the core of the festival: kin selling wares, or running games, offering pebbles or taking them from the visitors who move through the clearing each day. It's a social event where kin might find some of the special fruit juices that some kin have been allowing to ferment in scooped out logs, or some of the creatively fired goodies that others have created with the aid of some salamander friends. It's a smorgasbord of activity, friends greeting friends, raucous laughter.

Come on in and explore! viewtopic.php?t=2844
word count: 183
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Free Raffle - Closes 11/27

Post by Matope »


For the length of our winter event, we're offering some VERY special grams for FREE!

For our winter event, the colorists have donated semi-customs to be given out, flaffle style, every Saturday to Sunday! There are 60 grams total, to be given out 20 at a time over the course of the 3 Free Raffles of this event.

We'll post in this thread, and the event thread, when we open up the flaffle, and lock down entries Sunday at midnight EST. Winners will be rolled the following Monday. You will be asked for some very important information: who you'll be giving it to.

Because -- this is very important -- you cannot keep any of these specific free raffle grams. You must send them out to friends, in the spirit of the holiday!

Each person can enter the weekend raffle only once.

Please be aware that Matope's grams will not be PMed out by staff. Instead, they will be posted in this thread with @ notifications. If you're concerned that your recipient has notifications turned off, you can keep an eye on the dropoffs and PM it to them yourself!

word count: 198
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[Scavenger] Ermine Hunt - Ends Dec 4th!

Post by Matope »


From the white out blizzard emerge some new familiars in the shape of Ermines! Ermines are friendly and cuddly with their chosen kin, but ruthless predators when left to their own in the wild, even considering their small size.

This contest is a Scavenger Hunt; in order to participate, you must make a post with the list of tasks. When you've completed a task, edit your post to bold the completed task and include a link to the completed task. Each task is worth one point; at the end of the event, each point will count as a raffle ticket toward the prizes.

The event will end on December 4th at 11:59PM EST viewtopic.php?t=2854
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Paid Raffles - Raffle 1 closes 12/4

Post by Matope »


In order to enter, please head to the shop and buy the Winter Market Raffle Ticket item. You can buy as many of this item as you would like; each ticket will count as an entry. You can also buy tickets and send them to other users.

Each person can only win once per raffle, and when you win, you will forfeit all raffle tickets purchased so far, but you're welcome to purchase more. If you're not rolled in a week, your tickets will carry over to the next raffle!

In this raffle, you can either keep your prize for yourself or send it to another user.

There will be three raffles over the course of this Winter Market.

word count: 125
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Free Raffle 2 - rolls on 12/12

Post by Matope »

Winners will be drawn 12/12 at some point in the afternoon.

There are 20 grams available this round. viewtopic.php?p=92403#p92403
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[Social] Code Naming Dreams - SIGNUPS CLOSE 10PM DEC 8th

Post by Matope »


- Part one (signups) will run through 10pm on December 8th;
- Part two (writing) will run through 10pm on December 13th;
- Part three (guessing) will run through 10pm on December 15th!

In order to participate, you need to simply have to sign up using the form in the thread: viewtopic.php?t=2901

In the evening on the 8th, you'll be sent a group of five words from the list in the thread. You'll then be asked to write up a naming dream that contains those five elements but not those five exact words, and post it in this thread.

Once everyone has submitted their dreams, or in the evening on the 13th if not everyone has submitted by then, you'll be invited to start guessing -- trying to figure out which other users were given the same list of five words as you to create their dreams!

There is no minimum length for dreams.
Each dream and each guess will get one ticket toward the prizes above.
Boxes/bags won in this contest can either be kept or given away.
word count: 182
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Raffles - Final Raffle Starts 12/19!

Post by Matope »


The second paid raffle will be rolling on 12/18, and the final free raffle will start 12/19!

For the length of our winter event, we're offering some VERY special grams for FREE!

For our winter event, the colorists have donated semi-customs to be given out, flaffle style, every Saturday to Sunday! There are 60 grams total, to be given out 20 at a time over the course of the 3 Free Raffles of this event.

We'll post in this thread, and the event thread, when we open up the flaffle, and lock down entries Sunday at midnight EST. Winners will be rolled the following Monday. You will be asked for some very important information: who you'll be giving it to.

Because -- this is very important -- you cannot keep any of these specific free raffle grams. You must send them out to friends, in the spirit of the holiday!

Each person can enter the weekend raffle only once.

Please be aware that Matope's grams will not be PMed out by staff. Instead, they will be posted in this thread with @ notifications. If you're concerned that your recipient has notifications turned off, you can keep an eye on the dropoffs and PM it to them yourself!

Weekend raffle thread here: viewtopic.php?t=2849
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A Storm Blows In Poetry Contest - Through Dec 20!

Post by Matope »


A storm blows in, leaving frost dripping off of every tree...

This is a poetry contest that will run until through December 20th! In order to participate, you need to come up with a Matope Appropriate poem in any format, of any length; the only restriction is that the subject of your poem must be ice, frost, rime, snow, icicles, or any other form of frozen water.

Each entry will get one ticket toward the prizes above, with extra tickets for entries we really love.
Boxes/bags won in this contest can either be kept or given away.

word count: 102
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Kin Ornaments - Through Dec 23

Post by Matope »


Hang a little something from every bough!

This is an art contest that will run until through December 23rd! In order to participate, you need to take one of the fabulous Kin Ornament Templates (art originally by Kaluna Skunk, with ornament hangers by blue!) below and do some art magic on it. You can color up these kin ornaments to look like kin you own or kin you imagine or anything else. Please only color them like someone else's kin if you have permission from them to do so!

You can color these in an art program or you can print them out and fill them in with traditional media. Just please do not use any AI art tools to create your ornaments. The point is to see your hand in the doing! For a good shot at bonus tickets, hang them on your tree or around your house and take a picture to post!

Each ornament is a flat transparent png with links below to layered PSDs with separated lineart & fill!

Each entry will get one ticket toward the prizes above, with extra tickets for entries we really love.
Boxes/bags won in this contest can either be kept or given away.
You can enter this event up to five times!

Read more and enter here: viewtopic.php?t=2910
word count: 222
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[Xmas Raffle] Past, Present & Future (24 hour raffle!)

Post by Matope »


This is a simple celebratory raffle open for 24 hours from the time of this post, asking you to show your appreciation for those around you!

To participate, you simply use the form below, quoting one old or close friend, one new friend/acquaintance, and one person you’d like to know better!

Each person who enters will get one ticket, and each person quoted will also get one ticket!
Boxes/bags won in this contest can either be kept or given away.
You can enter this event just the once.

word count: 95
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[Story] Warmth in Winter - through Dec 30!

Post by Matope »


This is a story contest that will run until through December 30th! In order to participate, you need to come up with a Matope Appropriate story of at least 250 words that tells something about the origin of fire in the world of Matope. This story can serve as the storytelling req for your Legendary ascension requirements!

word count: 61
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[Puzzle Hunt] Meeting in the Market - Ends Jan 2nd!

Post by Matope »


This prompt is a puzzle hunt that will run from December 28th through January 2nd!

You'll find a link to the first page of a puzzle hunt, along with a box into which you can enter your answer. When you complete the puzzle, you'll find an answer that will lead you to the next puzzle, and the next, until you find your way to the final image. Completing the task outlined there will gain you a ticket toward the prizes in the post above.

The first person to complete the puzzle will get three tickets total.
Everyone else on the first page will get two tickets total.
I'm also giving my 3 puzzle testers a bonus ticket for helping out.

word count: 127
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[NYE Raffle] Dice go BOOM! (24 hour raffle!)

Post by Matope »


This is a simple celebratory raffle open for 24 hours from the time of this post, with an explosive dice element!

To participate, start by rolling 5d100. Then edit your post to say either "higher" or "lower" for each roll, to state if you think my rolls tomorrow will be... Higher or lower. I'll grant points and tickets based on how many correct answers you get!

Boxes/bags won in this contest can either be kept or given away.
You can enter this event just the once.

Winners will be rolled around the time of this post on new years day! viewtopic.php?t=2932
word count: 106
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[BONUS] Booth Runner Raffle - through Jan 4!

Post by Matope »


Thank you for making this market great!

We appreciate you ALL running booths to make this market happen, and in response, we're giving out some prizes!
However, to win them we ARE going to mine you for information..........

To enter, please just fill out the form in the thread with some information about the booth you ran this year! Each entry will get one ticket.
If you ran a tribe booth, you can enter a second time for a second ticket.

Read more and enter by EOD Jan 4 here:

word count: 95
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