[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Brother Shark x Swarm) [fin]

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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Brother Shark x Swarm) [fin]

Post by Nashawryn »

The Sea is My Love had done it again. She and Brother Shark were going to have a clutch soon. First, she needed to find a blessing. Last time they hadn't gotten a blessing but this time her mother, Sea of Tears, would not stop talking about it. So, here she was, searching the swamp for a blessing. She had no idea how she'd get one, as that hadn't exactly been explained to her, but she knew it involved finding one of the kin that the Motherfather had granted extra abilities to. The swamp was a bit chilly this time of year, but The Sea didn't mind, since it was warmer than the pond that her mother was having kin fish out of for the winter market. Silly really. Letting her pets eat all the stores of food she'd stocked up, right before winter... But at least she was able to get help again. The Sea shifted through the trees, nimble in step and focused wholly on finding her blessing.
Last edited by Nashawryn on Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:12 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 175
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x ?)

Post by Ruriska »

It had been a strange winter so far, the weather changing so rapidly between hot and cold days that the local wasps were struggling to hibernate. Because of this, Swarm was extra cranky. She was in no mood to be playing as the MotherFather’s errand girl and had refused to budge from where Brother and Sister were trying to sleep through the winter.

So it seemed the MotherFather would send them to her instead. As the doe passed by a particularly large tree, a buzzing started, Swarm as a wasp, clinging to the branch above, her wings making the droning sound as she slowly took to the air, a very big, very annoyed looking insect.
Nashawryn[/quote wrote:
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Swarm)

Post by Nashawryn »

The Sea is My Love was walking through the swamp when she was startled by the sudden buzzing noise. She looked around but didn't spot anything on the ground so she looked up. There. A very large, very irritated-looking giant wasp. Weren't the wasps supposed to be sleeping this time of year? My Love backed away slowly. She did not want to make the giant wasp angrier by approaching it. She only wanted to find a kin that could grant her the MotherFather's blessing, then return to Brother Shark.
ruriska wrote:
word count: 95
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Swarm)

Post by Beejoux »

Brother Shark would find her, instead. The weather was troubling, and he didn't like the idea of The Sea is My Love getting caught up in a sudden cold snap on her own. Whatever they were to each other, he cared about her, and he definitely cared about the babies she was carrying now. "Sea Love?"

His ears flicked at the sound of angry buzzing, laying flat as he looked up to spot the giant wasp. Sharp teeth were bared defensively, the big buck moving forward to place himself between the doe and the angry insect in the tree.
ruriska wrote:hi, dropping in too!
nashawryn wrote:
word count: 108
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Brother Shark x Swarm)

Post by Ruriska »

When the buck arrived, the buzzing intensified. Her abdomen curled around, responding to his bared teeth with a warning of her own. But moments later there was a shift and where the wasp had been, a mare now stood, her glowing gaze approving. The desire to protect was something she understood well.

“Stand down,” she said curtly. “I mean her no harm.”
nashawryn wrote:
= Beejoux
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Brother Shark x Swarm)

Post by Nashawryn »

The Sea blinked in confusion for a few moments, staring at the mare where the wasp had been. She lowered her head politely in deference. "Thank you. Sometimes he can't help himself." She nudged at his shoulder with her own, looking up at him out of the corner of her eye for a moment. "I wasn't expecting you to come looking for me.. Did you miss me, Shark?" She teased.

She looked back at the mare. "I... We, are looking for a blessing for our young. Would you be able to help us?" The Sea had heard stories of kin who could look like other things, but this was her first encounter with one of them. It was awe-inspiring, to say the least. She waited patiently for the mare to speak, standing side by side with Brother Shark.
ruriska wrote:
beejoux wrote:
word count: 145
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Brother Shark x Swarm)

Post by Beejoux »

It took the buck a moment to calm, features smoothing, after the wasp had changed into slender looking doe in matching colors. His posture relaxed, and when Sea bumped him he didn't move to stand between them again, but his ears stayed folded, cautious. To the pink doe's question he smiled, chuckled as he looked down at her. "The weather is unpredictable and could turn on a dime, I didn't want to chance you getting stuck in a sudden storm out here alone." He said nothing to comment about him, she wasn't wrong.

And she didn't need his help to speak with the mare, asking for blessing for their coming babies. He stayed quiet, silently supportive and watchful. If this kin wasn't interested in giving a blessing hey didn't need to bother her further, they could keep looking.
ruriska wrote:
nashawryn wrote:
word count: 149
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[B] The Second Chance (The Sea is My Love x Brother Shark x Swarm)

Post by Ruriska »

It wasn’t often that a pair went searching for a blessing together. Usually it was one or the other, or she was the one sent to find them, often before they even knew they were pregnant.

She preferred this. A lot less buzzing about and no need for explanations. The doe was polite and the buck was quiet and watchful. They stood before her and she considered them worthy of the swamp’s blessing.

“Yes,” she said, straight to the point. Other legendaries might ask what they desired, what gifts they wished for their children to receive. Swarm was not like the others. “They will be strong of body and mind,” her glowing gaze settled on the buck, “loyal,” then returned to the doe, “and kind. The rest is up to you.”

It was done.

Whether the offspring would really receive any of those benefits, she didn’t know. But the MotherFather was watching over them now and if anyone could ensure they did, it was her.
Beejoux wrote:
nashawryn wrote:
word count: 172
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