[META ORP] Called To The Caves

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by HuniPi »

[imgleft]https://www.matope-swamp.com/images/max ... uncert.png[/imgleft]Heart and Home had just gotten her den the way she wanted it when she received the call. She was painfully aware that she was particularly susceptible to the Ache. This knowledge made her initially consider refusing, potentially offering to watch over the things left behind in their stead to make up for the rejection.

But when it became more apparent that the end goal was to explore the far-flung regions of the swamp rather than to relocate, Heart and Home found herself with a longing she hadn't felt in some time. Going out to meet others, to open her heart to new kin and hopefully have them open theirs, it sounded quite lovely.

As long as they would be returning, the doe believed she would be fine. She instructed her mice to, well, not exactly guard the den. More like to keep themselves out of mischief while she was away. After she promised her pets that she would return as soon as the expedition was over, Heart and Home joined the others.
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Mima »

[imgright]http://www.matope-swamp.com/images/maxx ... uncert.png[/imgright]Halo regarded the other Zikwa that had followed her through the crowd with a playful, catlike curiosity. She tipped her head to the new arrival and their batty friend, suitably intrigued as her ears swiveled upright to hear better. It was hard to make eye contact with six eyes, but she did her best.

”Have you heard some sort of call as well,” she purred, genuinely interested, ”Or are you simply curious as to the goings-on?” Either way, here they were, off to follow the mare Motherfather knows where to find this obelisk.

Halo wondered how many kin had been called supernaturally here, and how many had heard through others. How many planned to make this whole journey, and how many planned to tap out before they even stepped foot outside the swamp? She was almost looking forward to the trek, no matter what it would take out of her. There was something soothing about the idea of going home once more.

@[LOLLI qAq]

[imgleft]http://www.matope-swamp.com/images/arau ... uncert.png[/imgleft]Caller was drawn to the expedition for a number of reasons.

First of all, a number of his children had expressed similar interest in this excursion. While he would admit he had not been the most… present in the lives of all of his offspring, he did want to support them in this very significant journey. It was like the kin equivalent to not showing up to your kids’ graduation. No matter how awful of a dad you were, you could at least make time for that.

And second of all… he was interested, too. He had come from the mountain’s obelisk not too long ago. He had seen the swamp’s obelisk too, many times. Now he could get the very unique opportunity to see a third one. The itching in the shards around his neck called him onwards.

He nodded his head to Sparkling Sunrise, the shards on his horns clinking together like little bones hung up in the wind. ”It’s good to see you made it,” he addressed his daughter with a smile. ”Do you feel prepared for the journey ahead?”

(Caller, for his part, was a little paranoid. Perhaps he had even over-prepared. Slung over his backplate was what seemed to be a hollowed out log full of a great number of things, like food and medical poultices and even pelts for his less-wooly progeny in case they got caught in the cold of the mountains. You could never be too careful, in his opinion.)

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by lilacfishie »

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Sparkling Sunrise was so wrapped up in listening intently to the conversations around her and following that little fairy dragon with her eyes that she didn't catch her father approaching. The shards on her chest and horns thrummed in surprise when his words reached her ears. Turning away from the spectacle around her, she faced the larger violet buck. She smiled and touched noses with him. "Father, I'm so glad you've come," she chimed. The young doe had hoped, deep down, that her father would feel the call and come along for this adventure. They'd bonded a lot during their first journey to the Obelisk in the Swamp where he explained their strange pull to it. It was a great comfort to her to see him amongst those gathered for this new Obelisk adventure, though given their nature, she wasn't very surprised he felt compelled to come.

"I feel like I've never been more ready for something in my life," Sparkling Sunrise declared, her eyes bright and shards thrumming with anticipation. Standing more beside him so they could both look out, she let her eyes travel to the direction they'd be departing. "What do you think it'll be like? The journey? The new Obelisk? The Zikwa in the caves?"


[imgright]https://www.matope-swamp.com/images/blu ... uncert.png[/imgright]
Where the Old Ones Roam spent a good portion of his time after entering the clearing watching the others converse about many things. Some were speaking casually, some discussed how they endured the trials of the previous Obelisk, and some tried to imagine what this new journey might hold. He wished he had the answers for the last one. An Obelisk deep in the caverns the Zikwa called home? It should be interesting. Roam wasn't even sure his hulking form would fit down in those caves. Chuckling a little at the thought, his eyes continued scanning the crowd. A pale doe with many eyes on the other side caught his eye.

Slowly, and with great care not to step on any squirming cave worms or flitting fairy dragons, Where the Old Ones Roam made his way over. The Zikwa was standing by herself, clearly deep in though that led to many emotions. "What brings you along, so lost in thought?" he asked, his voice low and rumbling, like distant thunder.

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by phoe »

[imgright]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... hoenix.gif[/imgright]Longstride had not roamed anywhere of note since the very first expedition, to the first obelisk. In terms of his travels, that had not been very far at all, a mere romp through the swamp. He had soothed the Ache of the kin under his watch on their travels, but as no Ache had ever bound him to the swamp, he was free to go as he pleased. But some malaise had kept him from traveling, had kept him to the barren and harsh borders of the coast without much to do. Weeks had gone by like this before he'd found himself scratching the proverbial itch to wander around somewhere.

He'd taken a couple of jaunts to the edges of the plains, loping with ground-eating strides in his eaglehound shape, but he hardly broke a sweat doing so. He'd gone there and back again, stopping near the caves of the Borderwalkers tribe to annoy his friends and fellow legendaries who made their home there.

Until the dreams of the caves had seized him, and then his world had color once again. He'd made the journey to the caves at the foot of the crags as an eaglehound, tongue lolling out of its mouth and feathers rattling in the breeze; when that got tiresome, he took to the wing as a gryphon, riding the warm air that rose from the plains so that he hardly had to flap to keep aloft. Eventually he settled down on all four hooves at the edge of Real Big Fish's gathering, shaking out his blonde mane and feeling his skin prickle at the chill in the air.

Others would see a big, blonde stag, who appeared somewhat younger than the other kimeti legendary, appear and begin to wade into the crowd, a ghostly eaglehound moving purposefully at his heels. He immediately made his way towards Real Big Fish, keeping an eye out for any others that he recognized from the first expedition.

There was a strange smell on the air; something like tar, something fetid and acrid that burned his now-sensitive nose. Ever since assuming his eaglehound-shape, he'd been able to smell things more keenly. He intended to ask her about it.

@Scaramouche Fandango

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by rexcorvus »

Fierce knew only too well the dangers of shuppy holes, especially considering that he now - somehow - had two shuppies of his own (he was still trying to figure out why he had decided to make himself suffer in this manner, especially since neither of them got along with the other and were consistently trying to drown each other). He winced in sympathy and said, "If any of those holes were caused by Breakwater or Sandbiter...you have my apologies."

(It was probably an apology he needed to make to the entire Cres, but he'd think about that later.)

Something about Dusk's perpetual flustered nature in combination with the streak of red across his cheeks was more endearing than Fierce would have thought. But there was also a kindness there, something innately good that was reassuring to Fierce, who was too used to being on his own. He didn't quite know how to handle it.

"I'm sure Strength would be only too delighted to tell you just about all of her father's follies," he said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "She's quite...intense, sometimes. I hope she wouldn't be too daunting."

Really, he just didn't want Strength to scare off a tentative friend, if that was what Dusk could be called by now. But Fierce was sidetracked by footsteps and an approaching doe, his head dipping a little in greeting as she offered him her name, along with her granddaughter's.

"Fierce Warrior," he said, and then pointed his nose in the other buck's direction. "This is Dusk Wave. Presumably you're both here for the same reason we are?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by rexcorvus »

Along the Breeze was still eyeing the buck with a sort of wary curiosity, though it was likely coming across as a little hostile, her gaze unwavering. He was a strange sort of creature, his mannerisms a bit at odds with some of the others, but she supposed that was what had made her drawn to him in the first place. He was not simply standing about dully like many of the others.

In fact, he was currently being attacked by a raven. She waited until he was slightly less occupied by the screeching bird to answer his question.

"A similar reason," said Breeze, head tilting. "I enjoy learning new things. And I especially enjoy seeing what others see; what they do, why they choose the paths they take. Their reason for coming here is perhaps my reason for coming here."

She wanted to smile, all of a sudden, but didn't. Instead she said, "Presumably you have a plan for making the swamp better already."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Gl!tch~ »

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How Quaint spotted a zikwa off in the distance with appealing leg markings and bright eyr markings...or were they multiple eyes like her own? Curious, wanted to make a move, but another zikwa swooped in before she had a chance.

She snorted a little in annoyance before she could catch herself.

She wasn't indignified or anything, but it was rude. Taking her chance before she could make her way all those steps over...rude, indeed.

The pale zikwa might have wanted to go give a piece of her mind, but a voice caught her attention before could commit to anything.

Naturally, she turned her head. She did not jump a little at such a thunderous voice, no, and if anyone claimed that she did, they were liars.

And then she had to look up, craning her neck.

Was there some big shadow next to her? Was this to be a large part of life, having to regularly address shapes where it was impossible to tell anything about them?

She bowed her head, if only to save face. She wasn't going to keep looking for eyes or markings that she couldn't make out. That would not do.

"It honors me that you have such a question, stranger. It is time for me to return to my people. The Motherfather is drawing me home, to show them what my many eyes have seen. Yourself...you are a not a zikwa." An outsider, no doubt. The legendary in charge seemed to be allowing anyone to come along. The Motherfather's will truly was beyond scrutiny. "What brings you to the caverns, if I may I ask?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by lilacfishie »

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Where the Old Ones Roam nearly apologized for startling the smaller kin, but after he noticed her holding herself in quite a high regard, he thought it best to pretend like he did not notice. He paused and watched her many eyes scan his form, looking for something. What that something was, he was unsure. The pale doe was certainly interesting. Bowing his large, bushy head in return, he listened intently to her.

"A return to your people? How interesting," Roam mused, "You must have seen much for the Motherfather to ask for you." He couldn't help but chuckle at her observations. "Indeed, I am no zikwa. I am a totoma of the Swamp," he rumbled. For a moment, he pondered her final question. "I heard Real Big Fish's call as she flew overhead. I figured a person of my stature would be helpful on a journey such as this," he noted, "provided the caverns are big enough for someone my size," he added with a low chuckle.

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Gl!tch~ »

It was nice to be recognized for her service, even if it was from one of the kin that were supposed to be the least connected to the Motherfather (and yet a legendary totoma paraded about... Wonders never ceased).

"The caverns are rather large," she agreed. "They have to be, as so many live down there. But there are some passages that may provide a challenge."

How Quaint considered further. "And it may be cramped. Getting around may not be comfortable, but as long as you are prepared for that, you will likely be fine."

The zikwa in the caverns were probably going to be quite excited to see so many kinds of kin. Kimeti, acha, kiokote, and even totoma! Knowing the ways of her kinfolk, they would care more for the outsiders' comfort than their own.

"You may want to be aware of how others may be doing around you. There are those who will go out of their way to give you space and so not have any for themselves. It is the way of things. Be mindful of that, for that will be the best way to find a happy medium."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by lilacfishie »

[imgleft]https://www.matope-swamp.com/images/blu ... uncert.png[/imgleft]
Where the Old Ones Roam listened to the doe intently as she explained a few facets of cavern life below. It seemed like a place of great community based on the few pieces of information he'd gathered so far. This adventure would surely be one to remember, hopefully positively for all parties. Roam looked forward to experiencing an environment that wasn't the Swamp.

"I will surely keep that in mind. Thankfully I have a lot of practice being aware of the smaller kin around me. Thank you for your insight," he rumbled. After another moment of thought, a nervous chuckle left his snout. "How rude of me. What is your name, friend?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Corn »

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"Ah, no, not to the mountains," the stag said with a slow shake of his head. "I have, however, been on a previous expedition to the plains, where the Kiokote roam. Quite a long time ago, that was," he murmured to himself, remembering fragments of the strange dreams he had following that experience.

After a moment of meandering, his eyes refocused on her. "How was your experience out there? I've heard a few tales, but one can never hear too many first-hand accounts of these sorts of things. Truly, was the snow deep enough in places to cover a kin entirely?"

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Mima »

[imgleft]http://www.matope-swamp.com/images/arau ... uncert.png[/imgleft]Lightning Caller audibly 'hrrmm'ed at his daughter's question about the Obelisk in the caves and their inhabitants. "If it's anything like the Obelisk in the Swamp, it should sate our need to be around them just the same as the one in the mountains." That, at least, felt rather reassuring. The burning need to return to the obelisks inside of the shard-bound kin wouldn't be an issue. It was one of the bigger sources of his anxiety, so it was good to not have to worry so much about it.

As for her second question, he tipped his head. Very few Zikwa had made the climb up to the mountain during the journey, but there had been a handful of them- some even before the pack from the swamp. In his eyes, they were delicate-looking creatures, ill-suited for cold, but... So too were they his kin. And these ones would be from the foot of an Obelisk as well. "The zikwa there may not look exactly like us, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were similarly influenced by their own Obelisk... So in that way, I suppose we'll have a lot in common." He nodded rather sagely, though this advice was pretty limp as they went.

"And the journey may be difficult, but I trust completely that we are in good company. Our leader seems to have found her way to the mountains and back before, after all- and that's no easy task itself!" He had only made the journey one way, and even for him, at least that way had been mostly downhill. For Fish, it must have been quite the opposite! He had a lot of faith in their leader. Though perhaps it was understandable pride in being led not only by one of his own, but also one he recognized from the beginning of his own story at the Shattered Obelisk.

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

"Heh, aha, I mean... Unless?" Strange Creature smiled weakly, ears pinned to her head. "Sorry. I, uh. Tried to make a joke there. Not a chance on my life I'm dropping another eagle on anybody ever again. I mean, not if I can help it. Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm going to the caves, I just sort of. Um. Wanted to see who was going. I recognize a lot of kin here, but I'm still not sure."

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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Tiarana »

Murkcrow instantly felt guilty about his bad joke. Strange Creature had clearly been more affected by events on the mountain than he was. "Don't worry," he said, with a reassuring smile. "If there is anywhere that great eagles cannot fly, it is in the caves. I have a better feeling about this trip than the other."

@Scaramouche Fandango
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Re: [META ORP] Called To The Caves

Post by Nashawryn »

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Hidden Beauty smiled at Fierce and dipped her head in return. "Nice to meet you, Fierce Warrior and Dusk Wave. And oh yes! We're going to the caves as well. As soon as Blossoms heard I was traveling out of the swamp she insisted she come with me. " (This wasn't true. She'd asked her granddaughter repeatedly until Blossoms gave in and agreed to go with her. This wasn't the first time Hidden Beauty had pestered a grandchild to do something for her and likely would not be the last.) Hidden looked over to Dusk and dipped her head in greeting to him as well. "Have you been to one of the Obelisks before? I've dreamed of the first Obelisk but not the others. I'm not sure if I'd like to see more or not, as the dream I did have was quite unsettling."

[imgright]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... uncert.png[/imgright] Despair, standing behind her grandmother, shook her head a great deal at the lie her grandmother told the two kin they were facing. (She also hated being called Blossoms but her grandmother insisted on that for her shortened name instead of Despair.) "Hello. The name is Blossoms in Despair, but you can call me Despair." That was all she bothered to say to them. She wasn't much for talking, really. It didn't help that the large amount of kin surrounding them was making her unnerved.

@kuropeco @peanutbutter
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