[B] no more ruins (Quake to Ruins & Guardian of Life)

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[B] no more ruins (Quake to Ruins & Guardian of Life)

Post by Lirilei »

Image Quake was normally a very keep to herself kind of doe. She was certain she was bad luck. Everything that could go wrong around her, seemed to do just that...so it made it hard for her to want to socialize with other kin. Nothing could go wrong if you didn't interact after all.

Then she met him and Storm Slicer helped to convince her that it wasn't her fault things continually went sideways. (Even if it really was her fault) but given he made her less self conscious about it...it was easier for her to accept when things happened that weren't as she had planned. After all she hadn't planned on meeting him and being smitten with him. Even if it was a short term thing. Something about him was captivating and made it easy for her to let go of her usual reticence and get to know the buck.

Now, she could only hope that she'd make a decent mother, and no bad luck would befall the life she found herself carrying. It would be her luck if something did happen. Quake found herself at the edge of the water staring down at it, lost in thought, when she felt something brush against her leg.

Looking down a pale marine iguana was seen peering up at her, and she smiled down at the usual colored animal. She felt a peace wash over her, and she breathed out a soft breath, only to gasp as she realized a tall mare stood over her now.

Image "What seems to be the trouble? I can sense your unease clearly."

Quake explained how she always made a mess of things, and how she was worried about the new life she carried, and felt herself simultaneously bristle, and relax at the gentle laughter.

"Don't worry, you'll find yourself amazingly careful around your young, no matter how accident prone you may be. May the MotherFather bless you with the courage to raise your young, no matter what may happen, and your children the ability to not dwell on the bad that happens and instead laugh off the stuff that is out of their control."

"Thank you." she felt better after that, more assured that she would be okay doing this.

She turned to look at the mare, finding only the disappearing tail of the marine iguana instead as it vanished into the water.

word count: 406
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