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Post by Matope »

This is where announcements will be made when ascensions are open!

What are ascensions?

Here is where you can find information on what ascensions are, the requirements, and more.
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Winter Ascensions 2021

Post by Matope »

Anyone who has completed their Legendary requirements by January 15th is invited to participate in this round of ascensions. Prompts will be sent to those selected by raffle no later than January 16th.

For more information on this round of ascensions, and to sign up be sure to check out this thread:
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Spring 2022 Ascensions

Post by Matope »

Anyone who has completed their Legendary requirements by March 28th is invited to participate in this round of ascensions. Prompts will be sent to those selected by raffle no later than March 29th.

For more information on this round of ascensions, and to sign up be sure to check out this thread: ... ic.php?t=2
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Summer 2023 Ascensions!

Post by Matope »

Anyone who has completed their Legendary requirements by July 10th is invited to try for this round of ascensions. Simply sign up using the form below, and six people will be rolled to be included in this round on July 11th. Signups are limited to one entry per user. At least 2 people picked will be first time legendary owners.

The first prompt will be sent in the week of July 11th to the selected entrants. Please note that ascensions can be selective, after the first prompt is set. Not all participants necessarily make it to the second round, let alone all the way to ascension. With this in mind, please be thoughtful in your responses, and understanding if you're not selected to move on.

Read more and enter here: viewtopic.php?t=3125
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