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Joined: Wed May 08, 2019 9:12 pm


Post by Matope »


For each of the days in the month of October, we're offering up a KINtober Prompt - a spooky starter idea!

In order to complete each of these prompts, you'll need to, in character as one of your kin, either write 200 words on the topic, or do a drawing that fulfills the description in some way. Each fulfilled prompt will count as .5 RP credits for each Kin drawn in your piece. If you complete the full 500 words writing or lined and colored / lined and shaded art requirements, then you'll get full RP credits for your work.

Note: If you choose to draw, you *can* create a Matope-related piece that does not contain a kin. However, you cannot claim RP points for these pieces.

Each prompt completed and posted in this thread will also qualify you for one ticket toward a raffle at the end of the month toward the fabulous prizes above, including two familiar tokens (one small, one large), two semi-custom Furbodies (of any shape/type, oddbody or regular!) and the new LAMPREY ODD FURBODIES*.

*If Lamprey Odd Furbodies give you nightmares, feel free to leave them out of your pref lists, and you'll be awarded pebbles in their place. Semi-customs can be either standard furbodies or the odd furbody shape of your choice (lamprey, long, or octo).

Lamprey Odd Furbody's spoilered for teeth.
Lamprey Odd Furbody's
word count: 248
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