[My Name] [My Family] [[url=link]Uncert[/url]] [colorcode]
=Currently OPEN? to breedings=
[color=][i]"some fake deep quote or smth"[/i][/color][/align]
[indent]how busted is their attitude answer here[/indent]
Last edited by AstroFuturism on Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 96
Starlight Sand
[My Name] [My Family] Uncert [A466DF]
=Currently CLOSED to breedings= "The moon will never steer me wrong!"
A diminutive Acha with seemingly boundless energy, Starlight Sand is friendly to all she meets. She is clearly new to the swamp, constantly curious about what is around her and more than willing to pelt anyone with questions. When she doesn't know where to go, she places her faith in the sky above, and needless to say she's often got her eyes to the stars. She gets easily distracted and beguiled by the looks of others, by new happenings, by the smell of food...she's very easy to distract. Her greatest loyalty is to her two older sisters, but maybe she's a little too dependent on them...
[imgleft]https://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/imag ... ncer-1.gif[/imgleft] Moondancer is a luminous little jellyfish that Starlight Sand met soon after she reached Matope. While it isn't so intelligent, Starlight Sand lavishes it with affection and loves to dance and sing with her amorphous and ethereal new friend.
Last edited by AstroFuturism on Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 181
Leave Three Roses
[My Name] [My Family] [Uncert] [559FA9]
=Currently CLOSED to breedings= "Life, love, fate...where do they come from? What do they mean?"
Flippant and debonair, Leave Three Roses is a dramatic serial flirt who leaves confused hearts behind. His elegant poise and confident demeanor belies a philosophical nihilism and desire to hold others at a distance. Things like fighting, deep romance, or hunting seem bizarrely low on his priority list, in fact, when pressed he seems to possess an irascible aversion to what most would consider "living life". He appears and disappears from the lives of others without any apparent care, and while he leaves quite the impression, very few seem to leave an impression on him.
Last edited by AstroFuturism on Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 120
Cold Dawn
[My Name] [My Family] [Uncert] [#219FFF]
=Currently OPEN? to breedings= "Home is where you're poised to do the most good."
Cold Dawn is caring at heart, but calm and collected to the point of inadvertently distancing herself. She has a talent for medicine, and is reliable when things are going wrong. When there's not a crisis imminent, her tranquil demeanor and tacitness make her difficult to read. She tends to express affection through protection and unconditional help--if she cares about you, she'd probably help you hide a body with no questions, but good luck getting her to say "I love you".
Last edited by AstroFuturism on Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 108
Creeping Dusk
[My Name] [My Family] [Uncert] [#6A00A4]
=Currently OPEN to breedings= "I don't believe in a 'top of the world'. I'm going to keep getting better, until I'm dust. How about you? Can you keep up with me?"
Creeping Dusk is quiet-voiced, yet has a grace that demands attention. Of course, she adores when all eyes are on her, so that suits her just fine. She can come off as cold and vain at times, but beneath that thin layer of ice you'll quickly find a hardworking doe who is quick to jump into contests, especially of skill and creativity. She doesn't even care if she knows she'll lose--for her, inspiration, learning, and entertainment are worthy prizes and she always loses with elegance.
Crying Lightning
[My Name] [My Family] [Uncert] [#55A875]
=Currently OPEN to breedings= "Some kin are just going to stay mad. Why bother figuring it out when there's so many that don't, right?"
Crying Lightning is a kimeti of few thoughts, few grudges, and few cares. Some call him flippant, some call him lazy, the charitable call him relaxed. He would probably agree with 'relaxed', personally--he believes the Motherfather has a reason for everything, and is perfectly content to ride the current to where They want him to be. He does have one notable talent, which he's glad to put to use for anyone who needs it--a knack for finding things, whether accidentally or by tracking them down. He's kind to a fault, but tends to hold himself to extremely high standards in the event he finds something to fight for.
RP LogSpoiler
[ul]Slime God's "Blessing" [WC: 1756]: Crying Lightning finds himself face to face with the unknowable, and something in his heart has changed.[/ul]
[ul]Mark of Valor [WC: TBD][/ul]
Creeping Dusk || Sister
While the two have both mellowed in their own ways since they were foals, Lightning and Dusk competed fiercely for...pretty much everything as children. Food, bedding, their parents' attention...anything was worth fighting over. They never had this problem with any of their other siblings. It was just something about these two...Dusk tended to lord over Lightning initially, and frankly she was quite a bully. Maybe she thought she could boss him around moreso than the others, but she was wrong. The day he fought back was they day they became locked in a rivalry that still lingers, just a little bit.
Crash Landing || Brother
Call Home || Sister
Cracking Apart || Brother
Cold Dawn || Mother
Clean Cut || Father
Last edited by AstroFuturism on Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 308