!!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

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!!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Matope »

Certing and Database Listings

This thread is for users to get their new kin certed, to obtain cert corrections, and to request database listing corrections. Please refer to the correct posts and forms for more information.

Please do not use any photobucket or similar site links in this thread. Please use the link as given to you by your colorist or by the certists, in the case of cert or database corrections.

A breeding form with multiple kin counts as one request, but several kin, or a breeding and a kin, a kin and a pet, etc, should each be posted in their own post.

Certing Information
  • All new Kimeti, Kiokote, Acha, Totoma, or Zikwa, or any kind of Pet/Familiar, regardless of how they were obtained, should be posted here for name approval and certing.
  • Names must be approved before the pet can be certed. If your name is borderline, a RP manager will PM you to write a naming dream. If your name is not approved, you will be contacted by PM to submit a new cert request.
  • Please don't edit any posts in this thread after an RP manager has looked over it (approved or rejected). If you made an error or wish to change something, PM 'Matope Arrivals' with a note that you need it corrected or repost with your correction.
  • Cert corrections requests are also made in this thread using the cert corrections form.
  • All certing and cert correction requests are completed in the order of their submission.
Database Listing Information
  • The kin database found at kindex is updated after certs are dropped off. If your kin is not listed on the kindex please be patient. If you see kin who were dropped off after your kin show up on the kindex, then please notify us using this thread.
  • If the database listing matches the information on your cert, but there is an error, then the error originated on the cert and you will need to post for a cert correction, not a database listing correction.
  • Please make sure to provide all relevant links and information in order for your correction to be made in a timely fashion.
  • Please also be advised that Adblocker has a habit of blocking some of our images. If you suspect that an image link on the kindex is broken, please first double check that it is not Adblocker by finding the uncert url and whitelisting it.
Last edited by Matope on Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 420
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Matope »

Certing Kin with Naming Dreams
For kin with naming stories, see the next post.

Individual Kin form:

This form is intended for individual kin that were purchased, won, or gifted.
Please do not use this form to cert kin who are part of a breeding no matter how they were obtained.

Code: Select all

[color=green][b]Colorist's Username:[/b]
[b]Method of obtainment:[/b]
[b]Kin's Name:[/b]
[b]Owner Username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Zikwa Gender:[/b] [i]Choose your Zikwa's gender, delete if this is not for a zikwa![/i][/color]
Breeding Form:

All offspring from a breeding should be posted at once.
We will not cert individual Kin from breedings!

Code: Select all

[color=darkred][b]BREEDING INFO;[/b] [i]Post this only once.[/i]
[b]Colorist's Username:[/b]
[b]Mother's Name:[/b] [url=please link to cert]mother's name[/url]
[b]Father's Name:[/b] [url=please link to cert]father's name[/url]
[b]Generations of Parents:[/b] order doesn't matter.

[b]FOR SAME SEX PAIRINGS ONLY:[/b] Do not delete this section.
[b]Transformation Flower or Blessing from a Subverted kin?[/b] Yes* / No; a Transformation Flower is required to cert any same sex, edited breeding. A same sex, edited breeding can no longer be certed as generation 1 kin. *If Yes, list user with item in their inventory or link to the RP blessing.[/color]

[color=darkred][b]OFFSPRING INFO;[/b] [i]Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order.[/i]
[b]Kin's name: [/b] 
[b]Owner username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Zikwa Gender:[/b] [i]Choose your Zikwa's gender, delete if this is not for a zikwa![/i][/color]
Totoma Dream-Naming Form for Totoma Certed before 09/04/2021:

Code: Select all

[color=purple][b]Colorist's Username:[/b]
[b]Totoma's Name:[/b]
[b]Owner Username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Totoma's Generation:[/b]
[b]Totoma's Parents:[/b] Mother'sname x father'sname
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Link to current cert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]I confirm that my Totoma was certed before 09/04/2021:[/b] Yes or No[/color]
Pet/Familiar Form:

This form is intended for anything that is not Kin!

Code: Select all

[color=darkblue][b]Pet Name:[/b]
[b]Colorist Username:[/b] 
[b]Kin Owner:[/b] Leave blank if there is none.
[b]Owner Username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url][/color]
Add-On Edit Update Form:

This form is to be used when submitting kin that have had a new add-on edit applied to them.

Code: Select all

[color=teal][b]New Colorist's Username:[/b] Add-on colorist's username.
[b]Link to original cert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Link to new uncert:[/b] [url=][/url][/color]
Cert Correction Form:

This form is intended for corrections to already certed pets - whether that be correcting a spelling error, a sticker error, or changing the owner.

Please only post this form for your own kin.
If there is an error on a kin owned by someone else,
PM them and tell them, and let them ask for correction.

Code: Select all

[color=indigo][b]Link to cert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Description of error:[/b][/color]
Last edited by Matope on Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 599
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Matope »

Certing Kin with Naming Stories

Time has passed and cross-breeding has proliferated in the swamp. As such, the strict rule of kin names -- naming dreams for Kimeti, Kiokote, Acha, and Zikwa, but not for Totoma -- has degraded, and some newborn Totoma have begun to have naming dreams, instead. On the flip side of the coin, some of the other species have awoken from their larval or eggy slumber to realize they have had no dream, and have no idea who they are or what they should be called. These kin will have to take a page out of the Totoma book: they'll have to earn their names, being gifted by those around them as they come of age.

This special post is just for those kin who did not have a naming dream, and instead have a naming story! Instead of using the above forms, please use those below. Also, please read the following notes:
  • All growing kin will be certed as merely their species name (Kimeti, Kiokote, Acha, Totoma, or Zikwa) until they reach adulthood.
  • Any non-growing kin should be named at certing, unless you have specific RP intentions for them without a name. If you have an adult kin certed without a name, you must RP the naming.
  • Story names should never be purple or flowery, they should be as simple as possible, and the connection between the act that gave them their name and their name should be very clear. For example, Sneaks-About is a better name than In The Shadows, which is better than Phantom Footfalls, which is better than Clandestine. They have much less leeway/poetry than naming dream-based names.
If that's clear, use the following forms:

Individual Naming Story form:

This form is intended for individual kin who have a Naming Story that were purchased or won.

Code: Select all

[color=green][b]Colorist's Username:[/b]
[b]Method of obtainment:[/b]
[b]Kin's Name:[/b]
[b]Owner Username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Name Origin:[/b] Write out 1-2 paragraphs on how they got their name, or link to an RP in which it happens![/color]
Breeding Form:

All offspring from a breeding should be posted at once.
We will not cert individual kin from breedings!

Code: Select all

[color=darkred][b]BREEDING INFO;[/b] [i]Post this only once.[/i]
[b]Colorist's Username:[/b]
[b]Mother's Name:[/b] [url=please link to cert]mother's name[/url]
[b]Father's Name:[/b] [url=please link to cert]father's name[/url]
[b]Generations of Parents:[/b] order doesn't matter.[/color]

[color=darkred][b]OFFSPRING INFO;[/b] [i]Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order.[/i]
[b]Kin's name: [/b] all kin will be certed as merely their species name (Kimeti, Kiokote, Acha, Totoma, or Zikwa) until they receive their names IC, at which point you use the next form to update!
[b]Owner username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Name Origin:[/b] Write out 1-2 paragraphs on how they got their name, or link to an RP in which it happens![/color]
Kin Naming Form:

This form is intended for nameless Kin once they have reached adulthood / received their names.

Code: Select all

[color=chocolate][b]Colorist's Username:[/b]
[b]Kin's Name:[/b]
[b]Owner Username:[/b] Make sure this is the Matope forum username.
[b]Kin's Generation:[/b] 
[b]Kin's Parents:[/b] Mother'sname x father'sname
[b]Link to uncert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Link to current cert:[/b] [url=][/url]
[b]Name Origin:[/b] Write out 1-2 paragraphs on how they got their name, or link to an RP in which it happens! Reminder that Story Names acquired as adults must have their naming RPed out![/color]
Last edited by Matope on Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 664
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Matope »

Database Correction

Please only use this form if your cert has already been dropped off and your kin's listing exists on the database. Also, before you request a database listing correction, please make sure that the error did not originate on the cert. If it did, please post for a cert correction; the database listing will automatically be corrected after the cert has been corrected. Please recognize that this process can take time since the database is updated manually so please don't post for a database correction unless kin that were certed after your cert correction was posted have been added to the database. Also, please provide all relevant links to make sure your listing gets updated as quickly as possible.

Code: Select all

[color=darkviolet][b]Cert Link:[/b] [url=link cert here][/url]
[b]Kindex Link:[/b] [url=link database listing here][/url]
[b]Description of Error:[/b] what's wrong? please make sure to provide an uncert link if the image is broken. additionally, please make sure to check if the image is simply not displaying due adblocker before reporting an image error.[/color]
Last edited by Matope on Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 189
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Matope »

Chibi Plush Certs


In order to claim a Chibi Plush, you must first have a Token - Chibi Plush item in your shop inventory. For the purpose of this event, every member can claim one free Chibi Plush token by filling out the form below and posting in this thread.

Once you have a token in hand, you must also complete a quest in the form of a series of tasks.
  1. Have official kin art certed and listed under your name on the Owner's List
  2. Have a Naming Dream written for the kin in question.
  3. Complete the Prompt Below:
    Favorite Childhood Object
    When your kin was young, they had one particular trinket that caused them great joy -- either one day, or over a period of long time. What was this object? Why was it special? How did they come across it?

    This prompt must be done by the same kin you are claiming the Chibi Plush of.

    You can complete this prompt by either writing a solo or PRP with another player with a minimum of 250 words in the Roleplaying Subforum. If you hit 500 words, this can count as a Legendary Requirement for the kin in question.

    Alternately, you can complete this prompt by drawing a piece of artwork of your kin interacting with their childhood object, with a minimum of lines & shading or lines & color. If you choose this option, you must also include short answers to the three questions above. Put your art and the answers in a thread in the Roleplaying Subforum.
  4. Post all of the above in this thread using the form below.
Once you have a token and have completed the MYO Chibi Plush Quest, you can download the template here to either create the artwork yourself, or hire someone else to make you artwork through the Marketplace or any other method you may seem fit. Then you will post the following form in this thread to have it certed:

Code: Select all

[color=brown][size=200][b]I'LL HAVE ONE PLUSH, PLEASE![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Username:[/b] your username
[b]Kin:[/b] [url=owner's list link][img]CERTURL[/img][/url]
[b]Naming Dream:[/b] [url=link to dream]Kin Name[/url]
[b]Favorite Childhood Object Prompt:[/b] [url=link to completed prompt]Prompt Completion[/url]
[b]Finished Art:[/b] [url=chibiplushlink]Chibi Plush Art[/url]
[b]Artist's Username:[/b] @THEIRUSERNAMEHERE
Last edited by Matope on Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 405
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by phoe »

Colorist's Username: theCorniest
Method of obtainment: RLC
Kin's Name: Calm Down
Owner Username: phoenix kiss
Link to uncert: Lyra doe

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by phoe on Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 26
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Prolixity »

Colorist's Username: theCorniest
Method of obtainment: Inspiration semi
Kin's Name: Distant Fire
Owner Username: Prolixity
Link to uncert: x
Zikwa Gender: Female

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by Prolixity on Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 28
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by anemosagkelos »

Colorist's Username: Corn
Method of obtainment: Inspiration Semi-Custom
Kin's Name: Colors Run Down
Owner Username: anemosagkelos
Link to uncert: delicate baby

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by anemosagkelos on Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 28
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Moxxiie »

Colorist's Username: Corn
Method of obtainment: New Tablet Stream semi-customs
Kin's Name: Celestial Awakening
Owner Username: Moxxiie
Link to uncert: here
Zikwa Gender: n/a

name approved --phoe
Last edited by Moxxiie on Tue Jun 04, 2019 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 31
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Starrydance »

BREEDING INFO; Post this only once.
Colorist's Username: and be blue
Mother's Name: Morning Haze
Father's Name: Take What is Offered
Generations of Parents: 17 & 13

OFFSPRING INFO; Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order.
Kin's name: Bruise Sweet
Owner username: the_great_book_wyrm
Link to uncert:Fluff Butt

OFFSPRING INFO; Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order.
Kin's name: Milk-Cream Clouds
Owner username: the_great_book_wyrm
Link to uncert:Bat Signal

OFFSPRING INFO; Post this for each offspring in the breeding in numerical order.
Kin's name: Power of Love
Owner username: Starrydance
Link to uncert:Angel Assassin

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by Starrydance on Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 119
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Revien »

Colorist's Username: Dovaxy
Method of obtainment: July Colorist Choice Thread
Kin's Name: Wasteland Scout
Owner Username: Revien
Link to uncert: Uncert

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by Revien on Tue Jun 04, 2019 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 27
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Izaeah »

Colorist's Username: Dovaxy
Method of obtainment: June Semi-CC
Kin's Name: Roaming Free
Owner Username: Izaeah
Link to uncert: {xxx}

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by Izaeah on Tue Jun 04, 2019 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 26
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by zeflamigo »

Colorist's Username: theCorniest
Mother's Name: Raining Roses
Father's Name: Howling Curses
Generations of Parents: 1 & 1

Kin's name: Handsome Kill
Owner username: Gl!tch~
Link to uncert: blonde babe

Kin's name: Beautiful Beast
Owner username: zeflamigo
Link to uncert: only son

Kin's name: Beastly Beauty
Owner username: Gl!tch~
Link to uncert: twin woof

Kin's name: Rosy Posy
Owner username: zeflamigo
Link to uncert: pretty pattern

name/s fine -phoe
Last edited by zeflamigo on Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 81
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Moxxiie »

Colorist's Username:Dovaxy
Method of obtainment:April Semi-custom thread
Kin's Name:Emerald Monarch
Owner Username:Moxxiie
Link to uncert:here
Zikwa Gender: n/a
PMed --phoe
Last edited by Moxxiie on Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 29
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Re: !!! Official Certing and Database Listings Thread !!!

Post by Moxxiie »

Link to cert:Amethyst Song
Link to uncert:Uncert
Description of error:The colorist is listed as kitty-spright, but lists corn in the URL

@Moxxiie fixed! please hard-refresh! - j
Last edited by Moxxiie on Thu Oct 24, 2019 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 31
Not interested in Matope anymore. If you have pairs with me, unless you have asked specifically, I don't care to have them entered anymore.
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