Tribes Information

Groups of kin working on a similar goal.
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Tribes Information

Post by Matope »

What are Tribes? Tribes are groups of kin that work together toward a common goal, whatever that may be. Like-minded, they come together with a purpose, and rely on each other for support and to work toward that goal.

Anyone -- any kin, or any person -- can create a tribe. When creating it, we suggest you include the following:

Purpose: what is the goal of this tribe? what joins them together?
Requirements: what do kin have to do to join?
Founders: what kin founded it?
Members: who else is has joined this tribe?

The rest, of course, is up to you.
Last edited by Matope on Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 101
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