Sharpwing (Cert) (Kindex)
Reacts before fully thinking it through and often finds herself in trouble for mouthing off or acting recklessly, but she's fast and smart and she knows it.
Under the bravado she's more of a scared little kid than she will ever admit and just wants to belong.
You Can Choose to Be Free (Cert) (Kindex)
Fierce dragon daughter.
Killer for hire with standards and morals. She will never harm the young or the disenfranchised.
Torture of the Sublime (Cert) (Kindex)
Maybe, in the deep annals of his history, he was beautiful. Whole. He certainly carries himself as though that's always been the case.
It doesn't take much to crack the stately facade. To his core he is rotten and termite infested, and he always has been.
Heath Cliff (Cert) (Kindex)
"Pray, don’t imagine that he conceals depths of benevolence and affection beneath a stern exterior! He’s not a rough diamond---a pearl-containing oyster of a rustic: he’s a fierce, pitiless, wolfish man . . . and he’d crush you like a sparrow’s egg."
Not 100% what I'm going to do with him, but the quote above from Brontë's Wuthering Heights definitely parallels who thisHeathcliff Heath Cliff is.