Kin Name:

AU Name: Morgan Fisher
Talent: Contortionist
RP of Talent:
A lithe, young man in a fitted body suit padded onto the stage, wheeling a smaller stage in front of him. He reached the center and leaned down to lock the wheels of the smaller stage in place. Instead of simply standing back up, he put his hands on the ground, curled up into a hand stand, and waved at the crowd with his feet. Confidently, he walked himself over to the stage and then flipped up onto it. He faced the stage and slowly slid down into a full split before waving to the crowd with a smile.
Morgan swung his legs from the split back around to lay flat, then this legs curled up and his feet planted on either side of his head. Then, he lifted up to rest on his forearms and slowly spun himself around to show off the pose. Back to facing the stage, he rolled his legs over and swung his torso around to stand upright once again. From there, the young man bent and twisted into several shapes and poses to show to the crowd. When he was done becoming a pretzel, he stood straight up and held his hands up in triumph.