username: Fasti
prize preferences: ft 1, ft 2, ft 3, ft 4, ft 5; orb 6, orb 8, orb 3, orb 4, orb 5, orb 1, orb 7, orb 2, orb 9, orb 10
weekly roll results: 6
6. Ladle time! Going to the pot, you quickly swipe for your prize, and you come out with a crane egg, don't think too hard about it. (+3 ticket)
4. Egg time! With a scoop of your ladle, you see one little egg bobbing around. A snack! (+1 ticket)
15. It's snack time again! When you lift the ladle, a medium sized egg sits in the groove - a songbird egg, but it's bigger than usual, like an owl egg. Do Owlcats have eggs . . . ? (+2 ticket)
ticket count: 3 (-1 plush)
Lo, Eggs Upon You!
username: Fasti
kin to plush: a Melon and this if you like to use it.
Plushie Number: first
wander wrote: