And this year you have three color choices available: pale (white/pink), dark (black/red), or vibrant (many colors)!
Each accessory costs 50 pebbles, and you can only have one per kin. There is no maximum, however, on how many kin you can purchase them for. The only restriction is that you can only order three per post, and you must wait for your current order to be filled before posting again!
If you're interested in buying an accessory for your kin, please simply post in this thread using the form below, making sure that you have 50 pebbles in your account per accessory you are purchasing:
Code: Select all
[size=240][color=red][b]ACCESSORY PLEASE![/b][/color][/size]
[b]Kin Uncert:[/b] [img]official uncert link here[/img]
[b]Color:[/b] pale, dark, or vibrant?