!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Every way you can imagine to get your hands on some Matope official artwork, as well as dropoffs.
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by rexcorvus »

Welcome to the Colorist Choice Breeding thread!
This is the place for you to post pairs and mixer kin for a chance to be picked by available colorists throughout the month!

Anything picked up in this thread will be free! No pebbles required.

You may enter up to 5 pairs and 2 mixer kin in your post.
  • For every edited pair you enter please enter one unedited pair, with a max of 2 edited pairs.
  • Mixer kin might be completed as edited or unedited, colorist's choice.
  • Throwbacks can be up to 2 parents/grandparents/great grandparents/etc per breed kin.
Colorists may choose your breeding(s) or kin at will, but at least one edited and one unedited breeding will be rolled and colored when the thread is closed. No changes are made once the artwork is complete.

The only breeding cooldown is that each kin should only have one breeding in progress/uncerted at any given time. Once a kin's offspring are certed and adults, they will be eligible to breed again.

If you're selected, or rolled at the end of the month, a colorist will PM you here, on the forums. Timeliness is valued, so please make sure you check back frequently. If for some reason you are unable to respond within 2 months time from the date of claim or roll, your request will unfortunately be forfeit for that claim, but you are free to try again in the future!

If you have been rolled but have not heard from a colorist after a month from rolling, please contact @Beejoux and we'll sort it out!

UPDATE - 03/07/2024 - The use of any kind of AI images for reference/inspiration is not allowed. Please make sure that your reference images are from a reliable source and can be easily attributed to an actual artist/photographer/etc.

Update - 6/2/22 - Regarding outstanding CC claims. If you were claimed at some point, responded to the pm notice for approval, and have waited more than a month to recive your breeding, kin, or pet the shop encourages you check your colorist's WL (if they have one accessible), reach out to check in with them, and if after that point you get no answer back please reach out to either Beejoux or Blue so we can look into the matter.

Update - 6/2/21 - This month we'll be removing players from the CC lists that have won in the previously rolled thread of the same month in order to spread the CC winners out and get as many people prizes as possible! The rolling order will be Breedings, Semis, and then Pets.
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by rexcorvus »

Please use the following forms to post a request in this thread!

  • Please ensure you post 1 unedited pair for every edited pair you post!
  • Please only post a pair as with the edited form (as edited or CC) if one or both of the kin in the pair (is/are) edited.
  • Please feel free to post kin with edits as an unedited pair, with the understanding their potential breeding would be unedited.
  • Please use the official cert and database URLs throughout your form!
  • Please be sure to remember that same sex pairs will be canon only if a transformation flower is present in posting user's inventory at the time of certing, otherwise they are considered mock.
Unedited Pair Form

Code: Select all

[uneditedbreeding=your username,your partner's username][b]Your Kin:[/b] [url=http://your kin's matope-swamp.com/ol URL][img]http://your kin's CERT url[/img][/url] 
[b]Other person's Kin:[/b] [url=http://the other kin's matope-swamp.com/ol URL][img]http://the other kin's CERT url[/img][/url]
[b]Growing or Adult Only?[/b] Choose either or CC
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b] Please link if so - the RP must be completed at the point of posting.
[b]Legendary blessing?[/b] Please link or state your intent if so.
[b]Extra Baby Token?[/b] Yes/No; please make sure you have the Token - Breeding (Extra Baby) item in your inventory if claiming this extra.
[b]Throwback info:[/b] If so, please link (from matope-swamp.com/ol) up to 4 ancestors of these kin for potential throwback edits / markings / colors, on one line without line breaks. Please remember you may only choose 1-2 max throwbacks from each involved kin's lineage.
[b]Additional notes:[/b][/uneditedbreeding]
Edited Pair Form (remember, you must post one unedited pair per edited!)

Code: Select all

[editedbreeding=your username,your partner's username][b]Your Kin:[/b] [url=http://your kin's matope-swamp.com/ol URL][img]http://your kin's CERT url[/img][/url] 
[b]Other person's Kin:[/b] [url=http://the other kin's matope-swamp.com/ol URL][img]http://the other kin's CERT url[/img][/url]
[b]Growing or Adult Only?[/b] Choose either or CC
[b]Edited:[/b] Edited or CC - remember to post an accompanying unedited pair!
[b]RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?[/b] Please link if so - the RP must be completed at the point of posting.
[b]Legendary blessing? Please link.[/b] Please link or state your intent if so.
[b]Extra Baby Token?[/b] Yes/No; please make sure you have the Token - Breeding (Extra Baby) item in your inventory if claiming this extra.
[b]Throwback info:[/b] If so, please link (from matope-swamp.com/ol) up to 4 ancestors of these kin for potential throwback edits / markings / colors, on one line without line breaks. Please remember you may only choose 1-2 max throwbacks from each involved kin's lineage.
[b]If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory?[/b]
[b]Additional notes:[/b][/editedbreeding]
Mixer Kin Form (max 2 in your post)

Code: Select all

[mixerkin=your username][b]Your Kin:[/b]  [url=http://your kin's matope-swamp.com/ol URL][img]http://your kin's CERT url[/img][/url]
[b]Throwbacks:[/b] If so, please link (from matope-swamp.com/ol) up to 2 ancestors of your kin for potential throwback edits / markings / colors, on one line without line breaks.
[b]Personality Blurb:[/b] 3-5 word description of your kin.
[b]Their Type:[/b] Be aware that for mixer kin, anything goes - but we might take their "type" into consideration.[/mixerkin]
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by rexcorvus »

List of CC’d and Rolled Pairings for August 2024
Each month, we'll post the list of people CCed or rolled from the previous month!

Appeal x Vashtya
Aria Starstone x Vashtya
Pandora Talie x Ruriska
anemosagkelos x Dovaxy
Arashi x wander
rexcorvus x phoe
Kiwi Squirt Bottle x doomsayer
word count: 51
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by Lutz »

Edited Breeding for Lutz x Beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get!
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: N/A
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? N/A
Additional notes: Patreon Crossover Edition

Edited Breeding for Lutz x LOLLI qAq
Your Kin:Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? No
Legendary blessing? Please link. No
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: N/A
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? N/A
Additional notes: Just in time for spoopy season

Unedited Breeding for Lutz x Kalahari
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? No
Legendary blessing? No
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: Jubilation Give it Back
Additional notes: N/A

Unedited Breeding for Lutz x Tiarana
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? No
Legendary blessing? No
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: By Any Means Necessary
Additional notes: N/A

Unedited Breeding for Lutz x Vashtya
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adults
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? No
Legendary blessing? No
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes: N/A

Mixer Kin for Lutz
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: N/A
Personality Blurb: Quiet, thoughtful, benevolent
Their Type: Like-minded kin.

Mixer Kin for Lutz
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: Witch Hunt From Dawn
Personality Blurb: Nervous, shy, worrier
Their Type: A brave, strong kin who can make him feel safe.

word count: 313
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by SkylerKarashi »

Edited Breeding for SkylerKarashi x Lirilei
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? /
Legendary blessing? Can get!
Extra Baby Token? Yes!
Throwback info:
Found Myself,
Black Jade Serpent
Additional notes: Birth Month

Edited Breeding for SkylerKarashi x Fasti
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? Adult pls
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? /
Legendary blessing? /
Extra Baby Token? Yes!
Throwback info:
Watch What Happens, Firewing
Additional notes: Birth Month!

Unedited Breeding for SkylerKarashi x Kickflipping Cow
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult/CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Can Get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: Suns Sweet Embrace Heros Folly
Additional notes: Birth Month!

Unedited Breeding for SkylerKarashi x SkylerKarashi
Your Kin:
Other person's Kin:
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Can Get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info:
Shock and Awe Swift Wings
Additional notes: Birth Month!

Unedited Breeding for SkylerKarashi x Lirilei
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? none
Legendary blessing? Can get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: Come Undone, Beautiful Thought
Additional notes: Birth Month!

Mixer Kin for SkylerKarashi
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: Need You Always Panther
Personality Blurb: Headstrong, Quiet
Their Type: N/A

Mixer Kin for SkylerKarashi
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: N/A
Personality Blurb: Soft & Accepting
Their Type: N/A

word count: 258
Rolling Kin <3 Image
Rolling Pets <3 Image
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Tara de Draiocht
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Edited Breeding for Tara de Draiocht x Tara de Draiocht
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? Please link. Have to get again!;
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: n
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for Tara de Draiocht x Dizzy_Kat
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n
Legendary blessing? Please link. n
Extra Baby Token? Yes, Dizzy will put in!
Throwback info: n
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for Tara de Draiocht x Beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n.
Legendary blessing? n
Extra Baby Token? n
Throwback info: y, Smoke Eater
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for Tara de Draiocht x Astoria
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?
Legendary blessing? n
Extra Baby Token? N
Throwback info: y;
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for Tara de Draiocht x Starrydance
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n
Legendary blessing? n
Extra Baby Token? N
Throwback info: n
Additional notes:

word count: 220
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by lilacfishie »

Unedited Breeding for lilacfishie x Prolixity
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? N/A
Extra Baby Token? No
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes: <3

Unedited Breeding for lilacfishie x Pandora Talie
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? I can get one!
Extra Baby Token? Yes (Pandora Talie has one!)
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes: <3

Unedited Breeding for lilacfishie x Gl!tch~
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? None
Legendary blessing? I can get one!
Extra Baby Token? Yes! (Gl!tch~ has one)
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes: A runback on the spooky boys!

Edited Breeding for lilacfishie x cashmeresky
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? None
Legendary blessing? Please link. I can get one!
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from cashmeresky
Throwback info: Speak Not | Halo of the Sun
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? In cash's!
Additional notes: Be Afraid continues to woo pretty and/or threatening bucks

Edited Breeding for lilacfishie x cashmeresky
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult Only
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? None
Legendary blessing? Please link. I can get one!
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: None
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? Yes
Additional notes: He was lured in by her romantic song

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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by rexcorvus »

Edited Breeding for rexcorvus x Moonstone Dazzle
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult
Edited: edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? Please link. will get
Extra Baby Token? will get
Throwback info: n/a
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? will get
Additional notes: <3

Claimed by blue:
Edited Breeding for rexcorvus x Beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult
Edited: edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? Please link. will get
Extra Baby Token? will get
Throwback info: n/a
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? will get
Additional notes: <3

Unedited Breeding for rexcorvus x CelestialRequiem
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? will get
Throwback info: Yawning at Dawn
Additional notes: <3

Unedited Breeding for rexcorvus x Dizzy_Kat
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? will get
Throwback info: Smoke Eater & Wicked Heart
Additional notes: <3

Unedited Breeding for rexcorvus x LOLLI qAq
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? will get
Throwback info: Comet Chaser, Cosmic Love, Artful & Ode
Additional notes: <3

word count: 276
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by Ruriska »

Edited Breeding for Ruriska x Aria Starstone
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only!
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?n/a
Legendary blessing? Please link. I'll get one!
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from me!
Throwback info: Sleepy Hollow, Unbecoming, Malice
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? n/a
Additional notes: <3

Edited Breeding for Ruriska x Jun
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only!
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?n/a
Legendary blessing? Please link. I'll get one!
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from me!
Throwback info: Blackfrost, Fabled
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? n/a
Additional notes: <3

Unedited Breeding for Ruriska x Dizzy_Kat
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? He blesses himself!
Extra Baby Token? Yes!
Throwback info: Ever Fire, Above Heartache
Additional notes: Winter Market prep!!

Unedited Breeding for Ruriska x Kiwi Squirt Bottle
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? He blesses himself!
Extra Baby Token? Yes!
Throwback info: Kingfisher, Hissing Steam
Additional notes: Winter Market prep!!

Unedited Breeding for Ruriska x Fasti
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only!
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? n/a
Legendary blessing? Yes! We’ll get!
Extra Baby Token? Yes!
Throwback info: Watch Me, You’re Going To Have A Bad Time
Additional notes: Winter Market prep!!

Mixer Kin for Ruriska
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: n/a
Personality Blurb: Mysterious but kind
Their Type: Any!

Mixer Kin for Ruriska
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: n/a
Personality Blurb: Scared but courageous
Their Type: Any!

word count: 330
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by cashmeresky »

Unedited Breeding for cashmeresky x Astoria
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? N/A
Extra Baby Token? No
Throwback info: slapstick, single thought
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for cashmeresky x Beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. Nope
Extra Baby Token? Yes from cashmere
Throwback info: brother shark, sea of tears, last song
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? N/A
Additional notes:more ocean bbs

Unedited Breeding for your cashmeresky x LOLTERNATIVE
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? n/a
Extra Baby Token? no
Throwback info: sunny tumble
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for cashmeresky x rexcorvus
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. N/A
Extra Baby Token? Yes from cashmere
Throwback info: welcomes home red-maned bear
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory?n/a
Additional notes:great hair

Unedited Breeding for cashmeresky x Gl!tch~
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Yes from Gl!tch~
Extra Baby Token? Yes from Gl!tch~
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes:

word count: 278
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by Tiarana »

Unedited Breeding for Tiarana x lilacfishie
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? cc
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? nah
Legendary blessing? nah
Extra Baby Token? yep
Throwback info: Comet Chaser, Bottomless Pit, Life of the Party
Additional notes: :spooky:

Unedited Breeding for Tiarana x rexcorvus
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? cc
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? nah
Legendary blessing? nah
Extra Baby Token? yep
Throwback info: Burnt Out Star, Witch Hunt, I Was Here
Additional notes: :spooky:

Unedited Breeding for Tiarana x peanutbutter
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? cc
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? nah
Legendary blessing? nah
Extra Baby Token? yep
Throwback info: Small Song, Dust to Dust
Additional notes: :spooky:

Edited Breeding for Tiarana x beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? nope
Legendary blessing? Please link. nope
Extra Baby Token? yep
Throwback info: n/a
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? n/a
Additional notes: :spooky:

Edited Breeding for Tiarana x subducting
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult
Edited: edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? nope
Legendary blessing? Please link. nope
Extra Baby Token? yep
Throwback info: Poppycock
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? n/a
Additional notes: :spooky:

Mixer Kin for Tiarana
Your Kin: Image
Personality Blurb: a witch
Their Type: spooky

Mixer Kin for Tiarana
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: Sly Bones
Personality Blurb: sassy
Their Type: spooky

word count: 284
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by HuniPi »

Mixer Kin for HuniPi
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: Doom, Cucumber
Personality Blurb: Cold and stern
Their Type: Competent and obedient

Mixer Kin for HuniPi
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: Albatross, Ice Blink
Personality Blurb: Will be your friend for food
Their Type: Food? Food!

Unedited Breeding for HuniPi x Ruriska
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: No
Additional notes: Patternssssss

Unedited Breeding for HuniPi x Illusei
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: wayward son, steals kisses
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for HuniPi x Scaramouche Fandango
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? will get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes: sea babies

Edited Breeding for HuniPi x Maxx
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get!
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: No
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? N/A
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for HuniPi x doomsayer
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? Boy please
Legendary blessing? Please link. Will get!
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: Calling Bird, Blood Moon Lullaby, Desire, Rebirth
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? Yes
Additional notes:

Last edited by HuniPi on Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 300
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!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by CelestialRequiem »

Unedited Breeding for CelestialRequiem x Lutz
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing?
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from me
Throwback info: Overgrowth | Over the Hill
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for CelestialRequiem x Celestialrequiem
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Can get
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from me
Throwback info: N/A
Additional notes:

Claimed by blue:
Edited Breeding for CelestialRequiem x amitotic
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. No
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from Ami
Throwback info: N/A
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? Yes
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for CelestialRequiem x Fasti
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? No
Legendary blessing? Please link. No
Extra Baby Token? Yes, from me
Throwback info: Pigeon
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? N/A
Additional notes:

word count: 218
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Pebbles: 2,423.64 Pebbles
Posts: 3231
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:40 pm
Avatar Art Credit: Wander
Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?t=1272

Kin Count

Kin Species



!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by Beejoux »

Edited Breeding for Beejoux x Moonstone dazzle
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult only.
Edited: Edited.
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Legendary blessing? No
Throwback info:  Pretty is as Pretty Does Quest Through the Night
Additional notes: Been trying for years for these babes.

Edited Breeding for beejoux x lolli qaq
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? Please link. can get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info: Love yourself
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory?
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for beejoux x muffinsbaby
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? naw
Extra Baby Token? sure
Throwback info: Where Rivers Are Found, Light Pulse
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for Beejoux x kiwi squirt bottle
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? N/A
Extra Baby Token? yes, my account
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for beejoux x prolixity
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? Adult
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? N/A
Legendary blessing? naw
Extra Baby Token? sure
Throwback info: Drowned in Moonlight, Moonlight Walk, Beetle Wing, Lagoon at Dusk
Additional notes:

Mixer Kin for beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Throwbacks: Lost Echo, Burdened Heart
Personality Blurb:
Their Type:

Mixer Kin for beejoux
Your Kin: Image
Personality Blurb:
Their Type:

word count: 280
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Pebbles: 1,822.60 Pebbles
Posts: 1287
Joined: Mon May 27, 2019 3:38 pm



!! SEPTEMBER !! Colorist Choice Breedings

Post by subducting »

Unedited Breeding for subducting x astoriafallen
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult only
Legendary blessing? Nah
Extra Baby Token? No
Throwback info:
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for subducting x ruriska
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult only
Legendary blessing? Nah
Extra Baby Token? No
Throwback info:
Additional notes:

Unedited Breeding for subducting x nashawryn
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? CC
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby?
Legendary blessing? Can get
Extra Baby Token? Yes
Throwback info:
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for subducting x LOLLI qAq
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult only
Edited: Edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? nah
Legendary blessing? Please link. I can get
Extra Baby Token? I have
Throwback info:
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? N/A
Additional notes:

Edited Breeding for subducting x starrydance
Your Kin: Image
Other person's Kin: Image
Growing or Adult Only? adult only
Edited: edited
RP logs? If yes, what gender for this baby? na
Legendary blessing? Please link. starry will get
Extra Baby Token? starry has
Throwback info: journey to the moon map to your stars remake the world dance of the undying
If this is an edited same-sex pair, do you have the required TF flower in your inventory? sub has
Additional notes:

word count: 239
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