[PRP] In Your Light (Flickering Lights/What the Light Gave Me)

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[PRP] In Your Light (Flickering Lights/What the Light Gave Me)

Post by Illusei »

What the Light Gave Me had no reason to hurry. Hungry as he was, he knew he could forage along his way. The sun was shining so brightly orange in the sky and the breeze so refreshing that it had to be savored. He felt that every day, rain or shine, but he loved these moments of light most.

He was following a trail of plump elderberries under shaded trees when he saw it. In a clearing ahead, there was a beautiful expanse of flowers growing on the swampy land - marigolds and alligatorlilies, irises and rosemallows. He had never seen so many flowers before, and it took his very breath. It seemed as if a beam of light illuminated them. He stood there, admiring the view before him. Then he slowly moved towards the clearing and the light.

So focused he was on the flowers - and so intent on noticing every detail - that he missed the stranger entirely.
SerinaNight wrote:
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[PRP] In Your Light (Flickering Lights/What the Light Gave Me)

Post by SerinaNight »


Flickering Lights was seated directly in the center of the clearing, the swirl of colors filling his vision as he took in the scents and sounds of the flowers rustling in the light breeze. The swash of overlapping colors, shifting in the breeze, was allowing the buck to experience a veritable rainbow all at once, something rather rare for the nearly blind Zikwa. Humming softly to himself as he ducked his head closer to the flowers, slowly moving away and then back again, watching the spots shift and change, growing and shrinking as he did so. Bright was circling the buck, her movements along the ground causing the flowers to move against the wind as she slithered along the ground. They'd been here long enough his snake companion had felt comfortable enough to leave his side, at least for a moment, perhaps to hunt down a mouse or simply to stretch her legs... so to speak. The buck chuckled lightly at the expression.

While he himself wouldn't have seen the new arrival even if his sightless eyes had stared right at him, Bright also didn't pick up on the quiet footsteps of the other buck as he approached the clearing either. The fact she was hidden in the grass instead of around his shoulders make Flickering Lights an even harder target to see, as his small Zikwa stature left him almost buried in the flowers instead of giving him a more eye-catching visual, as Bright's shining scales, in this light would have sparkled and caught the eye quite quickly. Perhaps it was the atmosphere, but it wasn't until the other buck had fully entered the clearing that Bright even sensed something amiss, and just as quickly as she noticed she nearly flew to her buck's side, sending the flowers around her swinging in all directions.

In a flash the snake was wrapped around Flickering Light's head, hissing in all directions as she attempted to assess what it was she sensed approach, leaving the buck's little vision suddenly very dark. A confused chuckle and a comforting, and welcoming, coo to Bright escaped his lips before he tilted his head a few times, ears flicking in a few directions before he spoke out into the space around them, perhaps to no one.

"Hello." A soft yet slightly ponderous voice slide past his fangs, and he opened his mouth to say more before tilting his head again, awaiting a response that might not come.
Illusei wrote:
word count: 422
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Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?p=127594#p127594

[PRP] In Your Light (Flickering Lights/What the Light Gave Me)

Post by Illusei »

What the Light Gave Me's eyes widened, startled by the sudden movement of something emerging from the flowers in front of him. Looking up, he saw a dark figure among a flurry of flowers. How beautiful, he thought despite his surprise.

"Hello," the figure said. He seemed to be staring quite a bit past What the Light Gave Me, and What the Light Gave Me realized that perhaps he could not fully see him. The two of them stood in silence for a moment, as What the Light Gave Me regained his composure and observed the stranger. In the light of the clearing, the other kin shone iridescent. A snake was wrapped around him, looking less than inviting, but he himself did not seem hostile. He did not look like any kin What the Light Gave Me had ever seen, certainly not a Kimeti like himself.

If What the Light Gave Me had to say so, he would say the other kin was quite handsome. But it was not in his nature to be so bold.

He stamped his feet lightly so that the other kin could sense where he was. He spoke, "Hello, I didn't mean to scare you or your friend. I was merely appreciating the beauty of the flowers, as it seems you were as well."

Hesitating, he continued, "Perhaps we can enjoy it together. Do you visit here often?" He felt embarrassed as soon as the words left his mouth. It sounded like a line, though he was sincere in his question.
SerinaNight wrote:
word count: 260
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