[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by Starrydance »


Seeking Starlight was on a new mission, this bright day. Finally, the beautiful, lovely, wonderful, magical Cosmicdew had said yes to his advances! Now he must find the perfect gift. The most wonderful thing to bring her.

The most delicious, the most fragrant, the most... MOST... he can possibly find.

He wandered down tiny paths and hopped along little cliffs, seeking curiously. A bright fruit? No. A shiny fish! No... some feathers... hmmm... he gathered a few and kept looking.
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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by peanutbutter »

It was a gloriously nice day out, perfect for flying, and with no tasks to attend to and a free day to spend, Dusk was taking full advantage of it. Already he had spent quite some time in the air, simply enjoying the breeze, but as he spotted a pond he decided it was time for a small break. Heading towards the ground, it was only a small matter of minutes before he stood in the pond and was taking a nice long drink.

It was indeed a perfect day so far.
Starrydance wrote:
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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by Starrydance »

Approaching a lovely pond, Seeking rooted around at the edge of the water for a shiny shell. Shells can be found at a pond, right? Right!

Spying a lovely bird, he pondered their feathers but then shook his head. He certainly couldnt catch a crane on the wing! Pouncing into some reeds, he looked further for hidden treasures.

peanutbutter wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:48 pmBoop
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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by peanutbutter »

Dusk blinked at the visitor to the pond, cocking a curious head tilt at the kimeti approaching. While he hadn't felt it before, he could certainly feel the draw of a new parent pulling him towards the buck. It was an unexpected surprise, but not entirely unwelcome, and Dusk started to wade his way out from the middle of the pond to the edges. It was only when he was on dry ground that he shifted from bird to stag, his gaze on the other buck the whole time.

"Hello," He offered, because it was only polite to do so after turning into a kin from a creature.
Starrydance wrote:
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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by Starrydance »

"My... Oh! er... Hello?" Starlight squinted at the buck, not quite believing what he thought he just saw.

"I did not meant to ........ disturb you? I was searching for a gift! For Cosmic!"

peanutbutter wrote:
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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by peanutbutter »

"You didn't disturb me anymore than I disturbed you," Dusk replied back mildly, which was a rather roundabout way to describe the feeling but he was in an amused mood. Still, the rest of the buck's statement piqued his attention.

"A gift for Cosmic?" Dusk inquired, hoping the statement would prod some sort of explanation.
Starrydance wrote:
word count: 59
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[B] Seeking Starlight Seeks a Blessing

Post by Starrydance »

"Oh yes! A gift! Cosmic is the prettiest, the sweetest, the kindest, the most lovely!" his eyes glaze and he spaces out for a long moment, sighing longingly.

"I have asked her for seasons and season, and finally! She has found ME! WORTHY! So I must find her a gift as wonderous as she is!" he pranced in place, overjoyed at his success.

peanutbutter wrote:
word count: 65
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