[B] Map To Your Stars

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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Starrydance »

After long awaiting, and many a star-nights reading, Mapping was ready at last. She had shyly watched the Markets, the Quests, the Parties, and Mixers but none had quite caught her eye - or made her heart flutter like the moths at the night glowings.

But, at last! A fair doe had been found, and now she followed her lucky stars out during the twilight to seek the sacred blessing.

Having gathered a rolled leaves offering of fresh fruit, a shiny rock, and a beautiful feather she followed her heart out into the night!
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Beejoux »

It was a beautiful night, and Serpent of Paradise had slipped away in the dark, traded hooves for wings, and had taken flight to soar over the treetops, revelling in the enchanting glow from the stars above. Dipping, diving twirling, she danced across the sky.

Until she felt a pull.

With a curious trill she followed it, swooping low through the trees until she found a slender doe with the night sky reflected on her hide. Merry fluttered around her, wanting to be sure she was where that nagging sense was coming from.
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Starrydance »

"Oh! Oh! Arent you pretty, little bird. Such colors." Map smiled brightly and then peeked around the branches and bushes.

"Im sure a little nibble for you wont bother them, surely this is a fine omen."

She placed the wrapped leaves down and nuzzled through, pulling out a slice of orange fruit. "Here, this matches your beautiful feathers. Please enjoy!"
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Beejoux »

The compliment was answered by a melodic chirrup, and the little bird fluttered in place, their head cocking curiously as the doe pulled out a slice of fruit to offer to her.

Merry paused, for only a second before fluttering in to claim it, but instead she circled once before landing on a clear little patch of ground. The bird disappeared, fading back into a more ghostly figure and where she'd been, fruit still held in her mouth, a colorful doe with those same fanning tail feathers.
starrydance wrote:
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Starrydance »

Map gasped and stared fore a few seconds, struck.

"You really ARE pretty!" Then she smiled brilliantly happy, "Oh! Happy day! I was looking for a sign, and what better of a sign can there be than you?"

Nosing the rest of the treats towards her hooves, Map danced slightly in place, as happy as can be.

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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Beejoux »

"I felt your call," the doe answered with a sly little smile, that long tail flicking sedately behind her. She glanced down at the fruit being offered to her, scaled brows arching curious. "I'm not going to say no to a snack, but you really didn't have to." Merry had never once expected an offering from any of the bucks or mares she'd blessed, and she didn't intend to start now.

Did others? That was a curious thought. Her head tilted as she considered, trying to recall if shed crossed paths with others that had needed to offer or be offered to.


She couldn't remember. Instead she dipped her head down to take a bite out of a juicy looking piece of fruit, humming her appreciation.
starrydance wrote:
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Starrydance »

"You can FEEL us?" she stared, amazed and smiled. "I thought, if I was going to ask for a favor, surely it would be nice to at least bring some nice snacks!"

Map stood thoughtfully, moving hoof to hoof a bit shyly but then blurted.

"It is nice to meet you, Ive waited a long time, til the stars were right. Til the time was now. To have children, and I wanted to make sure it was the right time? Do you think so?"
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Beejoux »

Merry chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, we can feel you. Well, I guess I can't speak for everyone touched by the Motherfather, but I know I can, and the ones I've met can as well." Was it all of them? That was a good question.

Her gaze dipped to the offered fruit again. "It is nice, very thoughtful, but I'd offer my blessing either way. It costs me nothing to offer this help, but if you would like, we could share this bounty?" The fruit did look good, after all.

Brow arched as the doe continued on, speaking of waiting, of the time being right, and after a moment the paler doe's smile softened. "I do. If you want these babies, then the time is very right."
starrydance wrote:
word count: 131
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[B] Map To Your Stars

Post by Starrydance »

"I am beyond grateful! Then yes, let us share this bounty to celebrate the bounty to come!"

Beejoux wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 8:24 am
word count: 26
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