[S] Rising up from the Ashes (Kindle)

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Tara de Draiocht
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[S] Rising up from the Ashes (Kindle)

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Something was not right.
She felt it deep down in her bones.

Change was in the air and she knew it was coming as she had to fight for it. This being a journey only she could take with no help from another kin.

There were whispers on the wind about finding a crystal that could help lost-feeling kin like herself. Hoping for success, she continued to make her way down the path and toward the area that had been indicated by a dazed individual... Now that she was thinking about it, maybe that hadn't been the best idea to take advice from a ... loopy older kin. Oh well, too late to quit now. Either way it was a win-win; an adventure which she had wanted and the striking possibly of something new.

Kindle felt like she needed to be warmer as her body was much to cold. Her outward appearance did not match her inner fire. Just those thoughts alone made her pick up her steps, each one getting lighter at the decision made. This was the right choice and she could feel it. When she reached an open air a pulse began causing a vibration in her body. Normally she would be scared at this occurrence but oddly enough it was welcoming... Jerking to a stop she had noted a tidy and orderly path... it called to her and so she went. It wasn't long until she had come to a dead end with a very old tree trunk that had been split open. In the center of that tree lay a crystal... it was so beautiful that words could not describe. Nothing like she had ever seen before. Unbeknownst to her, Kindle's body was glowing a pale light just like the crystal before all went black.

Flickering lights danced around her as her spirit floated in the void.
A humming comforting sound like a lullaby sparked her body like wildfire.
Was this the MotherFather's way of renewal? How odd that she was conscious for this or was she?
It felt like forever and yet-

With bursts of flames Kindle jerked awake panting and rose from the ashes. In a haze, Kindle tried to focus. How much time had passed? Where was she? Why did her body feel so warm, like it was on fire? One would think feeling such way would be disconcerting but to her it was like a cozy hug.
word count: 411
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