[BRP] Meadow Lark x Guardian of Life

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[BRP] Meadow Lark x Guardian of Life

Post by Astoria »

Meadow Lark always knew she wanted to be a mother, though she never knew when that might be or how it would happen. Well, she obviously knew how it would happen, but as for the father, she never really had any idea of who it might be or should be. So when she had met Ashes of the Sun, she liked his colors and markings and thought, why not? Didn't really dawn on her that she should find someone willing to help out, but honestly she was fine if she had to raise them all on her own. After she had gotten to know him a little better she realized her mistake in choice of father but that was life. If she ever decided to have children again she'd know for next time. Walking along, the two owls upon her back, she wondered how this was going to go. Would she be fit enough to guide them into adult hood? Would she raise little terrors or would they grow up to be model citizens of the swamp? They weren't things she'd ever thought to think of before now, and yet, here she was. With all these boundless questions and never ending what ifs.
Lirelei wrote:
word count: 209
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[BRP] Meadow Lark x Guardian of Life

Post by Lirilei »

The moth was floating, meandering of its own accord enjoying the scenery as it were, the unhurried motions of wings moving. Until suddenly the moth was hovering in place and gliding downward closer to the ground giving way to a pale Mare who continued in the same direction the moth had been going. Seeing the doe with the owls on her back made Guardian realize why she'd shifted back to herself. Taking a moment to get used to being on land again she started towards the doe, drawn to her and realizing she was in need of her services.

AstoriaFallen wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 3:20 pmI'm so sorry this took so long. Where has the month gone???
word count: 121
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[BRP] Meadow Lark x Guardian of Life

Post by Astoria »

Lirilei wrote:I forgot..... I'm sorry
As she continued to walk along she failed to noticed a rather pale moth floating about. It didn't seem out of the ordinary by any means, though it seemed as though it was traveling with a purpose. Not until the ghostly looking mare was standing in her line of sight did she smile, giving a soft chuckle she spoke, "I believe you are who I was searching for, though I'm not sure it was you in particular..." If that made sense at all. She knew that the motherfather had many that walked along the lands that would bless others, it just so happened that this mare was who had approached her. The owls shifted upon her back slightly as they watched the mare. "My name is Meadow Lark, what may I call you by?"
word count: 143
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[BRP] Meadow Lark x Guardian of Life

Post by Lirilei »

Astoria wrote:It's all good!
The Mare stood there, the moth fluttering around now a smile gracing her face. "I'm Guardian of Life, but please call me Guardian...and I know what you mean have no worries. I felt your need, and here I am." Guardian looked to the owls, but made no move to come closer not wanting to upset them. "What is it I can help you with? What is it your heart desires from the MotherFather?"
word count: 81
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