[PRP] A Kindred Spirit

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[PRP] A Kindred Spirit

Post by Lutz »

Hang the Moon had been working her way through the Swamp, learning from individuals and tribes alike that opened her eyes to the wonders of the world in which she lived. With her new-found confidence and her drive to help others, Hang the Moon was taking every bit of information she'd gathered and was trying to put it into practice so she wouldn't forget what she'd learned.

After her stay with one of the tribes, Hang the Moon had repeated their knowledge every day as she walked and, at night, would practice the herb gathering and flower harvesting as well as the salve and tonic making that they had showed her. She carried a bag of seeds and, when she found the right conditions, would plant them in areas where they were scarce or non existent. If more kin could access the plants with the healing properties that she'd learned about, perhaps more could learn as well.

She found herself at the edge of a body of water one such night, digging soggy holes for the seeds of one of the flowers that only bloomed under the light of a full moon. Due to how infrequently it opened its petals it was difficult to spread on its own and thus needed her help. It was a very helpful plant, one that had many purposes. If Hang the Moon could have a little patch grow here then she could return in a few months time to gather up any seeds that had been produced to spread the wealth of the plant further.

She was committed to her task, digging her front hoof into the damp ground over and over to get to the proper depth before shaking a few seeds from a roughly made pouch that hung around her neck. She covered them up and moved down a few paces before repeating the process, making sure that the conditions were perfect: the wetter the ground the better, but too close to the edge of the water would spell disaster if the pond rose at all.
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[PRP] A Kindred Spirit

Post by Lirilei »

The night time was the best time for her, really. It'd quickly turned into her favorite time of the day because so much was different once the sun went down. Different bugs, and animals. Plants and flowers that came awake when everyone else was asleep. It was a fascinating time to be awake and observing.

Tonight was no different, she had been alternating between stargazing and carefully exploring this area of the swamp, mindful of the various sounds, or even lack of them to keep herself safe. So when she heard a new, different sound, there was a pause as she listened intently, before lowering herself some to hide behind some thankfully tall weeds, as she let her ears do the heavy lifting in the moment, picking out the location of the unusual noises.

Creeping forward through the weeds, she paused watching the dark shape digging near enough to the pond the ground was wet, but far enough off that...it wouldn't fall in? Is that what was going on? Time meant nothing as she stayed half hidden, glad for the coverage and the fact the sky wasn't as bright as it could have been. Easier to hide. To blend.

Until she suddenly sneezed a gnat flying up her nose, causing her to jump up as the sneezing got more violent. So much for stealth. Oops.

Lutz wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:53 pm
word count: 238
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[PRP] A Kindred Spirit

Post by Lutz »

Hang the Moon shook a few more seeds from the pouch into the ground as she finished her next hole, covering up her work with the damp soil she'd removed. She hummed softly to herself as she went, making sure to pace off the proper amount between each potential plant, when a rather violent series of sneezes startled her. She jerked her head up at the noise, eyes darting about to try to figure out the source of the sound.

Her heart calmed when she realized the noise was, in fact, a series of sneezes and not some strange monster coming out of the bushes to attack her. While Hang the Moon usually traveled with her two lioness companions, they were off hunting tonight for themselves and she was on her own. She'd come to rely less on them lately as her confidence had blossomed, letting them both go off to see to their needs rather than asking one to stay with her for company. For a moment she almost regretted letting them go, but it quickly became clear that she was in no danger.

"Are you all right?" she asked, moving towards the hapless doe who had suffered the sneeze attack. "That sounded rather painful." Sneezes could definitely hurt sometimes!
Lirilei wrote:
word count: 215
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[PRP] A Kindred Spirit

Post by Lirilei »

Listens was mortified that she'd lost the element of surprise, but the sneezes didn't want to stop. Not until she'd managed to expel the offending gnat from her nose, a shake of her head as she looked at the doe talking to her. The kiokote was a vision, the sky come to life, and she was stunned. So much so it took a moment to find her voice. "No. I mean yes. I'm okay...and no it didn't really hurt. More annoying...a little bug flew up my nose while I uhm...well was watching you. Trying to figure out what you were. Hard to tell with how dark it is right now."

She sounded so sheepish as she admitted to watching the other doe, but she didn't admit to how long she'd been trying to puzzle out what the strange noises and strange shape was. "I'm sorry I startled you from what you were doing..."

Lutz wrote:
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[PRP] A Kindred Spirit

Post by Lutz »

Hang the Moon chewed on her cheek slightly as the other doe continued to sneeze, finally settling down after what seemed like ages. She took a small step forward as the other doe shook her head, but then had to contain her laughter as she explained what had brought on the attack.

"O-oh! That's always annoying," she said with a little laugh. "Bugs just don't know what is an acceptable place to land and what isn't." She tilted her head slightly, surveying the kimeti with a warm gaze. Though she knew to be wary of strangers she didn't think this doe had been watching her out of malice.

"It's all right. I'm glad you're not hurt," she admitted, moving a little closer so it was clear to the other female what she was. Just a lone kio enjoying the evening and getting some light work done.

"I'm Hang the Moon," she added, hopeful that if she offered her name she'd get one in return. "I was just doing some planting. There's some flowers that only bloom under the moon that are quite helpful in healing tonics. I was just trying to propagate some in places I've never seen them before so more kin can benefit from them."
Lirilei wrote:
word count: 221
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