[BLESS] (Another) Fool's Errand [Foolish/Peep]

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[BLESS] (Another) Fool's Errand [Foolish/Peep]

Post by Ruriska »

The Mother Club was very much the same as he remembered. The same hustle and bustle, the joyous energy and warmth. Only the seasons had changed, with the days having farewelled the winter. A time of new life, of blooming, of finding new companionship.

And yes, Foolish had been doing just that.

Which was really rather foolish of him.

But being a father hadn’t been too much of a burden. Certainly he hadn’t exactly been there. Not all the time. But he hadn’t just abandoned them either and his children at least knew him, they’d had a few chats. They were companionable. As far as he was concerned, he had done the best he could for them.

A few hours of his time every week or so was far more than he’d been expecting to give.

He was even, dare he say it, proud of them.

And since he was repeating the process, albeit with a very different sort of doe, he figured it was only fair he didn't play favourites. They also deserved a blessing.

So here he was.

And Peep too, was very much as he remembered.

“Welcome back,” she greeted him warmly.

They had only met once but clearly she had a mind like a fly trap and her manner was familiar, welcoming into the fold as if he belonged. He wasn’t foolish enough to believe it (even if she did) but it certainly felt nice.

“Join me,” she beckoned.

“Oof,” he grunted as he settled down beside her in the long grass.

They relaxed in companionable silence for a moment, simply watching the day go by. Peep broke the silence first, with a thoughtful, “your son was very charming.”

“Oh yeah?” He chuckled. “Not a bad kid, eh? I guess your blessing helped out.” Of all his children, he probably had the most in common with Flippant. Though if anyone was to ask his favourite, he couldn’t help to admit having a soft spot for Rambler.

Peep laughed. “Maybe.” Her head tilted with thought. “I’m not sure if the MotherFather truly gives the blessing or if it’s simply the idea of one that makes the difference.”

“You’re one of her chosen... I don’t think you’re supposed to be questioning her powers.”

Peep’s smile was wry. “We aren’t chosen for unquestioning obedience.”

Foolish gave a snort. “I guess not.”

Another lapse followed, another gentle silence. This time he broke it, with a beleaguered sigh - “I can’t believe I’m a grandfather now and soon to be a father again.”

She laughed. “For someone who was so unsure, you’re certainly building quite a large family.”

“It’s not really a family.” He stretched a leg out, adjusting his position. “It’s not like,” he motioned towards everything around them, “this.”

Her expression softened. “You still care enough to be here.”

“Maybe I just like your company?”

“Oh yes, that must be it.”

“So, how about it?” He asked. “Another blessing, for old time’s sake?”

“For the old times and the new,” she said, leaning over to touch his cheek gently with her nose. “Another blessing for health and happiness, may they be granted the treasure of friendship and love and live without worry.”
word count: 553
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