[ORP] Searching For Purpose

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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by doomsayer »

Since he was born, Smoldering Ember had known that he was meant to do something great--both to honor his parents and to live up to his naming dream. But he has spent too much time preparing himself physically to accomplish something he has not even identified yet. He expected that his road to greatness will just come to him--start without his knowing--and yet he feels as though he has only been wasting time. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to start on his path to greatness. So instead of seeking out something that is still beyond his knowledge, he will do what he can now.

He goes out into the swamp and beyond to lands unfamiliar, introducing himself to those kin and to those other things that live where they live.

"I am Smoldering Ember, and I am on a great quest! But every quest starts with the smallest of steps. If you have any request and I find myself able to assist you in its accomplishment, I am here to help."

He looks to the crowd of kin with confidence, but also trepidation. Will they come to him and accept his offer for help?
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by HuniPi »

The first time word about Smoldering Ember's so-called grand quest reached Flame Strike's ears, he didn't pay it much attention. He didn't know the younger buck that well, their dens weren't particularly close and despite their shared mother's attempts of introduction, there wasn't any connection between them.

So he'd let his half-brother go on this silly journey offering help, trying to be useful and whatnot. Flame Strike was sure it wouldn't amount to anything. But eventually Flame Strike heard that the other buck was still at it. He didn't understand why exactly. His curiosity got the better him.

When he sought out his half-brother, Flame Strike found the other buck offering his services to a crowd of kin. "Seriousy, Ember, if you just want to keep yourself busy, I know a couple of dens in need of mucking out."
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by doomsayer »

Though he was always open to forming relationships with his half-siblings as his mother wished all her children to become close, Smoldering Ember always found Flame Strike irksome.

The haughty older buck always looked at him with disdain, even at their very first meeting. Smoldering Ember had a difficult time keeping polite whenever they interacted, holding back some very choice words to describe his older half-brother's unfounded arrogance. He has always longed to show him up and take him down a notch.

The fact that Flame Strike is approaching him today with a task seemingly out of pity only fuels his desire to accomplish it so well that the latter will have no choice but to be impressed.

"I offer my services to anyone in need brother, no matter how tedious or trivial the task. If these dens do indeed need some cleaning and their residents require my assistance, I would be happy to help. And maybe you should make yourself useful and lend a hoof too, unless dirty work is too physically demanding for someone of your fragile sensibilities...
word count: 183
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by HuniPi »

Flame Strike should have been content to leave once he'd offer such a generous opportunity to his half-brother as the magnanimous, gracious older kin. Normally, he wouldn't have given the younger buck's verbal sniping a second thought. But that suggestion of frailty? Sure his younger brother managed to inherit their mother's hearty build, and sure he took after his other mother's frame, but unlike the other buck, the motherfather blessed Flame Strike with a fiery glow when he grew of age.

"I'd already be there to lead the way, I supposed I could stick around to help you out some more."
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by doomsayer »

Smoldering Ember followed his brother to the den of a kin who had some past issues with decluttering and letting go of items. All throughout the den was stuff piled high and overlapping; bundles of sticks, unprocessed hides, various qualities of stone, wet stacks of feather and fur and hair of different colors and sizes, animal bones of indiscernible type gnawed clean and pushed into the hard to reach places. The ground was squishy in places and some of the stacks were precariously balanced.

The kin who owned this den had recently had a realization in their life and was ready to let go of all of the things they've been holding on to. They were glad to have the help of someone else so that they weren't paralyzed with indecision in throwing things away.

Smoldering Ember was glad to be of help to someone who has actively decided to live a better life. With the dirt and the dampness and the stench of the den, however, he estimates that this chore would take the whole day.

He looks to Flame Strike whose nose is already wrinkling in disgust. "Well then, you insisted that you'd be leading the way on this, right Flame? It's best we get to it so we can be done by sundown. Oh, and try not to lose your lunch!" Ember chuckles as he enters the den to get down to work.
word count: 240
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by HuniPi »

Flame Strike only agreed to mention this den to his half brother because of how filthy it's become. The black and red kimeti didn't particularly care about the kin who owned it. But now he couldn't let it be known that he flit off to leave the heavy lifting to Ember because Flame wasn't strong enough.

True, Flame Strike was more known for his speed and fleetness. He always took point whenever they went hunting but his job was to find, disorient, harangue their quarry, and distract it from the bigger, brawnier ones who would inevitably bring it down.

Grimacing, the older buck took a deep breath of the clean air outside the den before braving in ahead. It's all a matter of getting into the right frame of mind for this. Despite holding his breath, the stench of rot and refuse assaulted his senses.

"Oh my eyes," he muttered, feeling them water from the filth. He desperately blinked his eyes clear, it wouldn't do to show weakness, especially not in front of Smoldering Ember. "The worst of the piles is over here." he rapidly choked out, trying to breathe through his mouth rather than his nose.

Whatever this pile used to be, it had putrefied into an oozing, unrecognizable mass. "We're going to have to get a scoop of sorts. I don't think we should be touching anything directly."
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by doomsayer »

Staring at the pile of ooze that Flame Strike was referring to, Smoldering Ember couldn't help but be a little impressed that his older half-brother hasn't turned and left by now.

"Good point. I'll go get us some big pieces of bark so we scrape that off."

Ember found some wide and thick bark pieces that wouldn't immediately fall apart so that they could keep using them to shovel out the more questionable filth that lay in the midst of the junk.


It was a hard day's work and the sun was just about to set when they finished. Their hides were splattered with dirt and ick as they could not completely avoid getting the filth on themselves if they really wanted to get the place clean. There were some moments where Ember himself had to hold back from vomiting all over.

Smoldering Ember reported back to the owner of the den who thanked both brothers profusely. In turn, Ember wished the owner a neat and clean new lease on life.

Ember then looked to his brother, equally as filth-covered as he was, "I didn't think you'd make it to the end there Flame. I guess you inherited some of mother's tenacity after all. We did a good job. We used our time and effort to help change that kin's life. You should be proud of what we accomplished today. And I should thank you for giving me the opportunity."
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by HuniPi »

Flame Strike worked quickly and efficiently, if only because he wanted to get this over and done with as soon as possible. The sooner they finished, the sooner he could leave and never come back. There was no warm fuzzy feelings of a job well done, nor any satisfaction in helping his younger half-brother. He was too focused on wanting out and to get clean, so when the den-owner went on for far too long with expressing their thanks, Flame Strike was a lot more brusque than normal.

"Yeah, sure, we'll leave you to it." He said to the other kin, practically running away lest they get roped into another chore.

Had Flame Strike been in a better mood, he would have taken Ember's gratitude and pep talk with more grace and might even have lorded it over the younger buck. But Flame felt as foul as he smelled, and instead took the sincerity as condescension. He forced a smile that obviously did not reach his eyes but managed to keep his tone light, "This time you get the family rate. The next time, you'll owe me for my information and labor."

He began walking away, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go take a bath for the next week. Smell you later."
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by doomsayer »

"Well, I do know of a great place to wash off!" he exclaims as Flame Strike starts walking away, hoping that saying it loud would be enough to stop Flame from leaving.

"It's got cool water. A running current that'll help wash out the gunk. Mangrove roots to scrub up against and even some sap-rich ginger lilies nearby to lather up with. That is, if you can deign to have me in your presence any longer."

It was a gesture of good will but also an opportunity to maybe get Flame Strike to actually like him. Smoldering Ember remembers when Heart and Home introduced them to each other for the first time. She was eager for them to be friends and he feels like he didn't try hard enough the first time around. Maybe this time, things can be different.
word count: 144
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by HuniPi »

The older buck paused, seriously considering the offer. It sounded like a very nice place to get himself cleaned but Flame Strike had spent too much time with his half-brother already. The reminder that no matter how fast or cunning Flame was, he didn't have the endurance or the ability to bulk up like his brother. There was still some lingering resentment in him that he'd never reach his ideal physique, and Smoldering Ember was that constant reminder.

"It's fine, I'm particular about my wash spots." Not a complete lie, but he did appreciate the offer. Just a little. Just enough that he could say "But thanks, maybe some other time," and mean it.
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[ORP] Searching For Purpose

Post by doomsayer »

After helping clean out another kin's den and improving their living conditions with the help of his half-brother, Smoldering Ember looks forward to another day in the swamp. Another sunrise brings another opportunity to help out. But maybe he won't be so intense as last time to make a sweeping declaration atop a hill. Today he'll make a more personal approach and maybe go from neighbor to neighbor to ask them if they could use an extra set of hooves.

"Hi there neighbor. If don't know me yet, I'm Smoldering Ember. Just going around asking if anyone could use some help. Just want to let you know that if it's in my abilities to help out, I'm free and willing!"
word count: 128
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