The Limitless Forest

Follow portals in the Legendary Trees to their strange AU Realms....
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The Limitless Forest

Post by Matope »

The Limitless Forest
In a place between realities, there is a forest. This forest goes on forever, and no one has ever claimed to find an end to it. As such, this forest is unlike any of the lands surrounding the matope swamp and adheres to its own rules, with stories of endlessly repeating loops of trees or landmarks that change position every time they are encountered.

The forest appears temperate but varies across its range, demonstrating almost every kind of forest biome imaginable the further you go. But the most wonderful thing about this forest isn’t its landscape but the most remarkable of the trees.

The Legendary Trees
There is a tree for every blessed kin in the world of matope swamp. It grows when they are blessed and throughout their lives. This tree cannot be destroyed through any means kin understand, and in each tree's trunk is a doorway.

The trees and the part of the forest they are found in are as unique and expressive as the legendary or subverted kin they are linked to, and their grove is accessible only to them and those they wish to invite.

Beyond the doorway in the tree is the heart, and every one is unique.

Heart’s Vision
Each legendary has its world within the forest and can invite other kin into it. It is their realm, a world beyond worlds, beyond the swamp. Anything is possible, including things they can dream about and things they cannot.

These worlds are fixed after their creation and changing them is rumoured to be almost impossible without the intervention of one of the most powerful creatures in their world, whoever gave them their blessing in the first place.

The heart’s visions are places where the world changes and kin find themselves and anyone with them as alternate selves on an alternate path.

But they remember everything when they return to their world once more.
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OOC: How to Participate

Post by Matope »

What does this mean?

All existing Legendary Kin, and all new Legendary Kin moving forward -- whether they're Ascended by the Motherfather or Subverted by the Other -- will sprout their own tree in the Limitless Forest, granting access to a unique Realm that they govern over. These Realms will function as AUs; any kin who is allowed access to a Legendary Realm will be reshaped to a form that makes sense within the confines of that world.

Legendaries can choose who is allowed access to their Realm. They may allow access to all, or only to those they have met personally. That is up to the individual. They might revoke access to those who behave inappropriately. They might grant special status to those that they love most, or that have proven themselves loyal companions.

Only Legendaries can create Realms within this area, but all kin are able to pass through these trees, to explore new worlds and settings. And, once they've returned to the Swamp, participation in these Realms remains in their memories, shaping their future and counting toward kin RP requirements....

How do I create my Realm?

If you are the proud owner of a Legendary Kin, you can stake out your tree leading to their personalized Realm by creating a new thread in this forum.

This thread should sum up what AU your kin has within their respective tree, along with how their tree looks (if you wish).

This is the thread where you will grant access to your legendary’s world and this tracking thread should contain the following -
  • Your Legendary’s name either in the title or clearly identifying the thread.
  • Description of what the heart’s vision (AU scenario) is like and how anyone visiting might expect to be altered by it. This is to help anyone visiting or coming to play in the space. There are no limits as to what these AUs can be. They could be modern coffee shops; they could be magic schools; they could be elaborate fantasy realms with dragon riders; kin could be transformed into housecats, or foals, or undersea creatures. Whatever makes sense for your Legendary kin, whatever world they might dream of, could exist here.
  • A post for access granted to the world. You do not have to rp out every invitation to the tree (though you can!) but you must clearly state the individuals who are free to post in the world itself, or that your Realm is open to all. A Legendary can revoke access to their heart’s vision if they wish.
  • For any rp threads set in the heart’s visions, please leave a link to these in the tree thread.
Can I change my heart's vision if I don't like it?

If, after trying out your vision you decide it doesn't suit you or your kin, it can be changed, however this will need to be done through petitioning your respective patron (either the Other or the Motherfather) as to why a change of heart is required. This can be done though a solo which will be accepted or declined or an rp.

This can only be done once every three months and will become less likely to be approved if it is too frequent.

I don't have a Legendary -- can I play?

If you don't have a Legendary kin -- or if you're looking to play with a kin that has not yet Ascended/Subverted -- then of course you are welcome to participate! Just make sure that you have either blanket or specific permission to enter a Legendary Realm, and get playing to your heart's content. RP in this area counts toward RP requirements, as your kin will remember these dreams and they will shape them.

When making an RP thread in this area, just make sure to include [REALM NAME] at the start of your subject, so that it's clear whose Realm you're visiting!

How do forms work in the Limitless forest?

Kin within Realms can appear as anything the heart's vision can dream up, anthro human, nebulous, transforming shapes; the limit is what can be dreamed. Within the forest itself kin appear in their typical forms as they traverse the area, with the exception of course of the Crossroads where the imposed shape description is part of that thread.
word count: 730
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