[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Lutz »

The Winter Market was everything Echoed Chorus had dreamed it would be and more. Sure, things were a little strange with the light coming and going, as well as the strange, shimmering spots that made him forget what had happened within them, but other than those little hiccups it had been a wonderful time. He'd played countless games, tried his hoof at different puzzles, art contests, and other festivities that he just couldn't say no to. The event was slowly winding down and he'd watched as other kin began to pack up their booths for the year, bidding one another a happy Winter Market as they did so.

There was really only one thing left to do and that was to check out the tree that seemed to be the heart of the festivities. It had a strange glow to it and an odd feeling permeated the area, but it wasn't foreboding or scary. Instead it drew Echo in, luring him with its beauty.

"Wow...is this here every year?" he asked Look who was there at his side. Though Echo had broken off to have some fun on his own - and to give the larger buck a bit of a break from his over-excitement - he'd always returned to his friend's side. Months ago Look had first told Echo about the Winter Market and he'd made a point to stick near the kimeti so he could be shown around.

"It's beautiful," Echo added with a dreamy sigh, the pink light reflecting in his own pink eyes.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

The kimeti buck had been looking forward to winter market that year; he was older now, more sure of himself. He'd be able to explore it as he pleased. Mostly though, he was looking forward to seeing what his new friend thought of it.

When look had run into Echoed all those months ago he hadn't been sure if the acha would still be around once the colder months hit. No, he couldn't return to the desert anymore, but Look had worried the wonder of his explorations would fade the excitable little buck would wander off to make a new start for himself. Instead they'd gotten closer, done some exploring together, and now here they were.

Look grinned at the wonder he could see on Echo's face. "The tree is different, but the market itself is here every year." Again, it seemed there was strange magics ahoof, but that hadn't taken away from the splendor of the event or the season.

"What do you think, now that you've seen it all?"
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

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Echo was lost in the beauty of the tree for a bit, the light keeping him locked on it as it pulsed and shone. Look's voice broke through his slightly distracted state and he gave his head a shake to clear his mind of the lovely fog it had been sitting in.

"Oh, it's wonderful! Better than I could have ever imagined!" Echo said with a dreamy sigh. "The tree is so pretty, but the booths were so fun! Everyone is so talented and creative and giving, I can't believe the things they were giving away!" All the handmade crafts, the snacks, the trinkets, the pets! Echo had found himself being followed by a lost wolf at some point during the festivities and now he had two familiars to tread by his side. Lyric was surprisingly welcoming to the new comer which had been a relief, given how long he'd taken to warm up to Look.

"Thank you for showing it all to me," he added with a fond smile. "I think I would have gotten a bit lost or stuck on one booth for too long without you. And I never would have found this tree!" He leaned in to bump his head affectionately under Look's, mindful not to knock his horns against Look's chin.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

The bigger buck dipped his head as Exho thanked him, shaking it slightly before looking up with a smile. "I should be thanking you for allowing me to show you. It's been..." He hesitated, nerves making the words stick in his throat.

"Well, it's been really nice getting to spend time with you. Here and before." It came out a little rushed, and Look dropped his gaze quickly, focus flicking down to the ground before lifting to the tree again.

The buck had always liked other kin, he liked hearing stories and spending time with others, but Echo's company was different. Most kin, they could slip in and out of Look's life and it'd be nice while they were around but once they were gone that was it. A nice memory, but not something he thought back on with any strong feelings. Echoed was different. When the small acha was away Look found himself missing his company.

It was new, and it was nice, but it was also a bit frightening at the same time.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Lutz »

Echo knew what it was like to show someone around a new place or introduce them to a new experience and how it felt to get that second hand joy and delight from the other kin. It was almost like getting to enjoy it for the first time all over again. He was glad Look was enjoying it just as much as Echo was and that he wasn't bored or disinterested in showing the Acha the ins and outs of the market.

"Aw, you're so sweet," he cooed. "I was definitely lucky to run into you, you've been a fantastic guide for the market and an even better friend!" Echo knew he could be a lot, but every now and then he found a friend who truly didn't care about his exuberance, his tenancy to sing, his constant need to chatter and be on the move, and his touchy-feely ways. He'd explored some of the Swamp on his own the past few months but he seemed to always circle back to Look and the larger buck always seemed to be happy to have his company. That alone made Echo want to seek out the kimeti, but Look's personality kept him coming back to visit. Where Echo was energetic and loud, Look was calm and quiet. When Echo got a bit overwhelmed by new things or experiences, Look was there to be a solid force that he could rely on to bring him down.

They were different but they got along so well it was almost a bit scary.

"We should make it a tradition," Echo offered, leaning against the larger buck as they both gazed at the tree. "Every year we should make sure to come here together, go to the booths, get some food, have a good time." He perked up a bit, an idea suddenly hitting him.

"Oh! What if I showed you some new things?" he asked, looking up at Look with a grin. He knew his friend was more of a homebody than he was, but Echo had traveled quite a bit through the Obelisks now and had seen some really cool things that were well within the Ache's limits.

"Especially where I'm from. I can show you the oasis' out there, they're so pretty and fun to swim in! Only if you'd want to, of course. I know Obelisk travel isn't for everyone." If Look didn't want to then Echo could just bring his travels to his friend with little trinkets or bits of plants from the new area.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

Look went very still when he felt Echo leaning against him, and he glanced sidelong down at the smaller buck, watching the acha as he watched the tree. He face felt warm under the cover of dark fur, and there was a flutter in his stomach like wings that was still very new, and only seemed to happen when Echoed was around.

"I would like that very much," he answered solemnly, voice soft. Afraid, now, that if he moved or spoke too loudly he'd dislodge the other buck from where he leaned.

Brows arched at the sudden offer, though he was temporarily distracted by the smile that had been turned up his way. When he did register what Echoed was saying he looked thoughtful, but it only took a short moment for him to nod. "Yes, I would like to see where you used to call home." From all the stories he'd been told, the desert sounded more than a little magical.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

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The dual agreement had Echo's hooves prancing lightly in place, unable to contain his excitement. Now that the Swamp was his home he felt like he'd always be pulled back to where Look liked to stay, perhaps leaving for a few weeks to explore but always circling back. The other buck was such a solid, reliable presence in Echo's chaotic lifestyle that it was impossible to not come back to that security and certainty. But, just in case they ended up apart for longer than Echo ever planned, they'd always meet back up at the Market together.

And he'd agreed to come travel with him! That was unbelievably exciting to Echo. He'd never traveled with someone before, it was always traveling to someone. Well, excluding Lyric and Cadence, of course. They were always by his side when he was on the move.

"Woo!" he said with a laugh, his hind end giving an excited wiggle as he pranced in place. "Ahhhh I can't wait to show you!" Look had been kind enough to show him so much since Echo had crossed his path - the most wonderful had been this Market, of course - and he was ecstatic to return the favor. "We'll have to make sure we're there for sundown, the sky is so pretty! The Swamp is nice but there's so many trees that it's hard to see the sky. Oh, and there's so many stars..."

He gave a happy sigh before resuming his gentle lean against the taller buck, nuzzling his cheek against his neck. "Today's a good day. A great wrap-up to a fun market and plans to look forward to." There really was nothing better than that!
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

"That sounds very lovely," he started to say, but trailed off as Echoed nuzzled against his throat. It had him swallowing, breath catching softly, and after a moment of internal struggle he dipped his head to nose softly against one of the Acha's ears, returning that affection.

It felt to him like his pulse was loud as thunder, beating so loudly and so hard that there was no way the little acha couldn't hear or feel it. "Today is a very good day," he agreed softly, feeling warmth spread through his chest.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Lutz »

The returned nuzzle made Echo smile a bit wider. He'd always been a touchy-feely Acha and some of his friends didn't appreciate that, which was fine. But for the kin he hung around that did return his nuzzles and bumps? It always made him feel even more welcomed and wanted. Look always seemed to get a bit thrown off by Echo's touches, but more often than not they were returned and sometimes the other buck even initiated them! It was fantastic.

The softer tone and the subtle rapid heart rate Echo could feel while nuzzling Look's neck made him glance up at the other buck, a curious look on his face.

"You feeling all right, Look? You seem a little..." He trailed off, squinting up at his friend a bit. What did it come off as? Nervousness? Anxiety? Happiness? Look was always so steady and even in his emotions, it was hard to pick something that wasn't 'calm' or 'happy'.

"Well...different," Echo finally settled on with a soft laugh, though he didn't glance away from his friend. "Are the vibes from the tree making you feel off?" As pretty as it was, Echo could feel the odd pull from the tree as if being lured in by its beauty. There were a few shimmering spaces near the trunk that Echo had found scattered throughout the Swamp and he knew that if they stepped into one, they'd have an experience that they'd barely remember. This place was definitely charged with some strange energy and as pretty as it was, perhaps it was best if they moved on.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

Oh no, he hadn't thought he was being that obvious. Had it been his pulse? Had it truly been that loud? Look seemed startled, a wash of rosy color, barely noticable, spreading under the darker fur of his snout.

"I, um..." He looked up at the tree at its mention, very tempted to take that easy out. Of course it was the tree's magic making him feel funny! Nothing to worry, or think heavily on, here!

But he couldn't. He looked down at Echoed, so exuberant and bright, and he sighed softly. "It's not the tree. It's...well." dark ears flicked back, his tail moving in an agitated twitch. "We've been friends for a while now, and I...I'm very happy that you wandered into my life, back when you did." If his pulse had been loud beforez it felt deafening now. "And I find, when you're away, I'm just...waiting, for you to come back. I, um. It feels bigger than friendship, for me," he rumbled through, voice softening as he trailed off.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

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Echo waited, hopeful that it was just the tree and Look wasn't starting to feel ill. Echo was many things but a healer wasn't one of them. But if he was coming down with something there were plenty of kin in the area that they could probably ask for help from, and if that didn't work-

He had to stop his thought process to focus on his friend when Look began to speak, confirming that it wasn't the tree. Echo's usually cheerful expression fell just a bit, his ears drooping with worry. So he was sick! Oh no! He glanced around to see if anyone else was nearby, but they were completely alone. As Look continued to speak, however, the words he said didn't match up with Echo's imagined illness. The smaller buck looked back up at his friend, listening intently with wide eyes.

What Look said was not what he'd been expecting. At all. Bigger than friendship? Did Look like him? Echo stood perfectly still for a moment as he replayed what had been said a few times just to confirm he wasn't imagining anything, and each time he repeated the statement his smile grew a little bigger.

"Look," he said, his voice just a bit teasing but overflowing with delight. "Do you like me?" The emphasis on the word hopefully conveyed that this wasn't a friendship sort of like, that it was more, just as the larger buck had said. Echo barely gave him time to answer before he was wiggling and prancing in place again, clearly very pleased.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

Look's nerves hot a whole lot worse in those long moments where Echo had gone still, seemingly thinking, and it took a lot for the bigger buck to keep from taking back what he'd said. He could have explained it away, he thought, blamed the tree after all, turned it into something else.

But then Echoed was questioning him, and Look went stiff, stammering. "I... I, well. Yes." Hadn't that been obvious? He'd worried he was being too obvious, but apparently he needn't have worried at all.

Ears flicking back, Look glanced over at the tree, gathering himself again, and then back down at Echoed as he began to wiggle in excitement. Was that a good sign? He hoped so.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

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Oh, Echo was sure his heart was going to burst with delight. Look seemed like he was a bit stressed about the whole thing so, to hopefully make him feel better, Echo leaned in again to press against the taller male, nuzzling into his neck once again. The grin hadn't left his face yet and it wasn't going anywhere soon and while his hooves had settled their happy dance, his tail was flicking back and forth with uncontained delight.

"That's so sweet, Look," he said, his voice wobbling a bit with emotion. He'd never had anyone say something as heart wrenchingly wonderful as what Look had just said and it took everything Echo had not to just blurt out that he liked him too. It was very possible that he did, but Echo wanted to make sure that what he felt for his friend wasn't that intense friend-crush he tended to get on those that tolerated him. Look deserved more than that.

"I like you a lot too, Look," he said as he pulled back, his over the top energy settling a bit to try to be serious. "You're seriously my favorite friend to visit, you've taught me so much and shown me so many amazing things! You're always so patient with me, I know I can be a lot. And you're kind, and thoughtful, and so sweet. And...if you give me a little time, I can try to figure out if I want to be more than friends with you." There was hope in his voice, that Look would wait for him to try to figure it out. Echo wasn't known for being serious or thinking about things for more than a few minutes, but this was important.

"Will you?" he asked again, reaching out with one leg to gently hook his hoof around Look's ankle. Just because he needed time to figure out his own emotions didn't mean he didn't want to leave the other buck alone. He hoped his touch conveyed that.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

Post by Beejoux »

Look was indeed a bit stressed over the whole thing. More than a bit, if he were honest. His ears had saddled back, and his posture was stiff. Then Echo was leaning up against him, and a little of that nervous tense eased. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

The response that followed had the buck feeling just a little dizzy by the end of it. A confirmation of shared affection, butba request to be patient, so archi could be sure of his feelings. Look This Way swallowed, his throat feeling a little tight all of a sudden. That Echo wasn't sure felt a bit like a kick in the gut, and his insides squirmed uncomfortably.

But he nodded, lips pulling in a small smile. Not exactly happy, but willing. At least to an extent. "I can try. I don't know...how long," he answered honestly, knowing full well this wasn't something he could remain in limbo about forever. It would eat at him, day after day. He knew it.
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[PRP] A Trip to the Tree

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Look's uncertainty about waiting made something in Echo's chest twist painfully and he shook his head quickly.

"No, not long! I promise," he said, butting his head lightly against the taller buck's neck. "I wouldn't do that to you. I just want to make sure, you know? Not say 'me too!' just to say it." Echo was a pretty impulsive acha, going on adventures and stepping off the worn down paths frequently, but for matters like this? When one of his dear friends could be hurt by something he did? No way. He'd make sure he did this right.

"Thanks for telling me," he added, his usually bubbly tone more subdued, a fond smile on his face as he gazed up at Look. "Making my first winter market extra special." Would they be able to count the winter market as being their anniversary even if Echo didn't give Look an answer before it was officially over? He thought so, since Look confessed during it. Oh, wouldn't that be romantic? A big celebration around the time of year when they got together!

Echo shook his head slightly, not wanting to get too far ahead of himself. He had some serious thinking to do, but there was still some fun to be had at the market. Maybe the could wrap up their booth-browsing and he could start doing some soul searching tonight.

"Want to head back to the festivities?" he asked, leaning against his friend a bit more. "I think it's time for a snack."
Beejoux wrote:Think we can wrap this one with your next post~
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