Echo accepted the little side hug, leaning into the other man with a thankful smile. It was nice having people around who didn't judge, and even better, having those who understood was a blessing Echo didn't take for granted.
When Look began to explain the system Echo set his mug aside as well and adopted a determined look on his face. Right! Time to focus! They could do this! There were stickers!
"Whoa! Hold on, they put stickers on the pieces?" he asked, his determined expression shifting to one of delight. That definitely helped! Reaching out for the tiny dowels, he grabbed the amount that corresponded to the number of holes in the slab.
"That makes this a whole lot easier. I think," he said with a little laugh. "I definitely know the alphabet. So let's see..." He took the slab and began to insert the small pegs, pushing them in lightly just so they'd stick.
"Slab B, nurse," he said, holding out a hand for the second piece once all the pegs were in place. He risked a glance up from the first slab to give Look a cheeky grin.
Beejoux wrote: