[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Lutz »

"Loooooook," Echo sang as he walked into the living room where he'd left the other man, two cups of coffee in his hands. He'd decided to help by letting Look read through the directions since he couldn't made head nor tail of them, putting his efforts into making them some coffee. The trip to the store to get the bookshelf they wanted had been harrowing enough, now they had to build the dang thing! Coffee was definitely needed.

"How's it going?" he asked, setting the two mugs down on the coffee table that they'd designated the space for 'small things', like the little dowels and tiny Allen wrench that had come with the bookcase so they didn't get lost. "Any better than ten minutes ago?"

By the look of the pile on the floor, probably not. But he had faith in Look, and himself! Caffeine was definitely what they needed to get the job done!
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Beejoux »

Look was sitting cross legged on the living room rug with the box laid out in front of them, open, and the pieces arranged over the cardboard in alphabetical order. He'd separated the screws and pins all out and was reading through the instructions when Echoed wandered back in with fresh coffee. "Oh, thanks." Coffee had sounded amazing when the other man had suggested it.

"Yeah, I think so," he answered as he picked his mug up and cradled it between both hands as he sipped it. "I got it all organized now, and that helped a lot." It might not have looked much better the way it was laid out, but it made sense to him, at least.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Lutz »

"Oh good," Echo said with a sigh, shifting to kneel beside Look. "Sorry I just took off to the kitchen, it was getting a little overwhelming!"

Taking a sip of his coffee, Echo glanced at the instruction book again with apprehension. The fact that it was all pictures was daunting, but he had faith in the two of them. It was just a bookshelf...it couldn't be that hard, right?

"Uh...so, any idea how to start?" he asked with a weak grin. "Maybe once we get part of it done the rest'll just sort of fall into place." At least he was being optimistic! Look seemed like he was feeling confident so that boded well, even if Echo wasn't feeling the same.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Beejoux »

Look leaned to curl an arm around Echoed's shoulder, giving him a small squeeze. "It's okay. Better to step away than get frustrated."

He set his mug on the coffee table and reached for the slab of particle board with an A sticker on it. "This one needs those wooden pegs stuck in the holes on the sides." He offered it over, smiling encouragingly. "Then we're gonna attach it to the B."

One step at a time. They'd manage it.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Lutz »

Echo accepted the little side hug, leaning into the other man with a thankful smile. It was nice having people around who didn't judge, and even better, having those who understood was a blessing Echo didn't take for granted.

When Look began to explain the system Echo set his mug aside as well and adopted a determined look on his face. Right! Time to focus! They could do this! There were stickers!

"Whoa! Hold on, they put stickers on the pieces?" he asked, his determined expression shifting to one of delight. That definitely helped! Reaching out for the tiny dowels, he grabbed the amount that corresponded to the number of holes in the slab.

"That makes this a whole lot easier. I think," he said with a little laugh. "I definitely know the alphabet. So let's see..." He took the slab and began to insert the small pegs, pushing them in lightly just so they'd stick.

"Slab B, nurse," he said, holding out a hand for the second piece once all the pegs were in place. He risked a glance up from the first slab to give Look a cheeky grin.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Beejoux »

He chuckled at that surprise. "Yeah, gotta mark the boards somehow."

Look watched as Echo started to put the pins in, then grabbed the C slab so he could do the same. It was the opposite of A, would attach the same to B, so they'd need both done before they could proceed. He finished up a moment after Echoed did, then laughed at the nickname.

"I'm the nurse?" His elbow poked against the smaller man's side playfully.

"Now look, we have to take both of these and then put them into B so they're symmetrical. Then we gotta put D on top. That'll be the main frame. Then we just have to add the shelves." He pointed as he talked, first at a piece that was roughly the same size as B, then to the smaller pieces that were the shelves.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Lutz »

"Of course you're the nurse!" Echo said with a laugh, rocking dramatically from the very gentle nudge. "You keep all the tools and important stuff organized. I just show up and take all the credit," he added, tossing Look a wink. He listened to the new instructions and nodded slightly, though the grin on his face was starting to slide off.

"This is starting to sound like math class," he groaned softly, holding out the A portion for Look to do what he needed to do with it. A into B into C? Or C and A into B? And then there was a D...and lots more from the looks of it.

"I guess it's better than numbers," he said with a little sigh, trying to stay positive so he wouldn't have to leave the room again to collect himself. He wiggled the A piece into the proper slots, giving a little whoop when it worked.

"There we go! First one, in!" he crowed before holding the connected piece still for Look to get his in.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Beejoux »

"Oh, you're going to take all the credit, huh?" Look scoffed lightly, grabbing up the piece they needed next so he could fit first one part into it's intended slots, then the other part. "It won't be bad."

When he was finished they had a rectangular framework laying the ground. He thumped the two side of the thing to make sure the pins were all set deep. "We need some of the screw things, and those big anchors," he pointed at the two piles on the coffee table, grabbing the screw driver.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Lutz »

Echo wasn't too sure how it happened - probably because Look was leading the charge, giving him little tasks to do like sticking the small pegs into the proper holes - but soon they had the shelf put together minus the actual shelves.

"Ooh, that's on the table," Echo said, rolling over to get to the coffee table. He reached it and grabbed the screws and the anchors before rolling back, a grin on his face as he righted himself and presented the items to Look.

"Heh. Guess I'm the nurse now," he said with a little chuckle. He much preferred being the one to grab the requested items than the one putting things together so it worked that they'd shifted roles.
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Beejoux »

"You're a great nurse," he teased, and leaned to give him a quick peck on the cheek before taking the offered items. "There's a another screwdriver on the table. I'll show you how to set these, and you can help me lock them in place, okay?"

He was confident, at this point, that they could get the rest of this done fairly painlessly. After another long drink of coffee Look settled in to show Echoed how to screw in the posts, fit them with the locks, and secure them in place. They could work on it together, and when they'd finished with that they could set the shelf pegs together and hammer the back board into place before standing the newly constructed shelf upright to admire their handy work.

"Not too bad, huh?"
lutz wrote:skipped us a head a little so we could wrap it up. =3
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[AU PRP] I'm Helping!

Post by Lutz »

Echo gave a determined nod as he was sent for another screwdriver, fueled by Look's optimism and the quick kiss. He was able to focus long enough to actually be of help, even if Look still did most of it. He was able to assist more than he thought he would at the start of this endeavor and, only after about a half hour of work when all was said and done, they had a bookshelf looking back at them!

"Not too bad at all!" he said, reaching out to give it a little shake to test its sturdiness, pressing down on the shelves to make sure they held some weight. When nothing seemed wrong he gave a little whoop and turned around to give the taller man a hug.

"We did it! And we didn't burn the place down!" he cheered, laughing as he spun them in a small circle now that the floor wasn't a mine field of pieces.
Beejoux wrote:Sounds good to me!
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