OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by SerinaNight »

Kin Name: Enchantress
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, bone cat, cheetah, lynx, lion
RP Link or Story: Prompt 3

Enchantress, exhilarated over her experiences, continued her dance across the stone, bumping into kin with wild abandon. It wasn't until she encountered a group who seemed to be doing the same that she stopped her dance, joining them in hammering at the stone with their hooves, spinning around and throwing herself with full strength until she found herself gasping and dizzy, stumbling around with almost no idea of where she was.

She stepped out of her mech with gasp, clutching her head before stumbling forward and simply crouching on the ground until the ringing went away. "I told you-" An exasperated voice echoed in her head, "I'm FINE. Totally fine~" she stood up, meaning to lean on the mech but missing and falling onto her side. "See? Totally fine." The other woman sighed and rolled her eyes, coming over the drag the clearly concussed pilot to her feet. "One of these days I'm just going to leave you here to suffer the consequences of your own actions." To woman said, placing a warm hand on her skull and muttering a few words the wisped like mist from her lips, resulting in a warm yet oddly cooling sensation as the magic danced itself through her head, mending what needed mending. With a quite thanks the pilot stood up, looking over her nearly completed magi-tech.

"It's not that bad~ look, it's almost done! Just gotta work out why the magic-fuel intermix keeps blowing up and we're all good! I think it's a ratio thing?" Another eyeroll and the woman raised a hand as she headed back downstairs, "Dinner's in an hour, so try not to blow yourself up again before then, I'll be busy so you'll just have to suffer whatever damage you do to yourself until I'm done, and it'll be... Quite. A. While." The pilot nodded with a grin and a laugh before turning back to her machine. "Alright, let's see what's got you all hot and bothered..." she mumbled to herself while pulling open the back panel and digging into the mixture system. A scooter swooshed over head, throwing bursts of air around it as the wind magic kicked it into high gear, they'd clearly just boosted from the intensity. Looking up she found herself staring out over the city just in time for the bell to begin it's chiming, though muted behind the dragon currently curled around the tower itself, you could still hear it echoing around the city.

She pondered whether it would be possible to rig it up with mechanics instead of magic, but she knew the city Lord would never other then the court mages to touch it. It was a gift from the King after all. With another sigh she looked down at the market, pondering whether of fuel she'd gotten on the cheap had been properly purified before pulled out the chamber and started adjusting the settings. First, she'd have to start manually testing it. Turn off everything except lights and see how much magic she needed to pump in before it light them up. She'd get some idea of what might have gone wrong, and if it turned out the fuel was bad she'd be able to wring some choice components out of that scummy geezer for her troubles. With an almost evil laugh she started her work, watching the flickering bulbs as she slowly adjusted the flow of magic.

The doe blinked a few times, though the motion did little beyond help her focus, as she felt the smooth sensation of the stone beneath her body. A grin moving over her face she bounced a bit as the odd images and unknown smells drifted through her mind, with a beaming look she bounced back to her feet, to tired to really speak but not tired enough to stop dancing across the stone. After all, who know what other strange and unusual vision might dance across her sightless eyes before this long night was through.
word count: 711
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by Scaramouche Fandango »

Kin Name: Strange Creature
Preference List: Lion, Cheetah, Lynx
RP Link or Story: (Prompt: Patience)
word count: 19
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Kin Name: I Know Who I Am
Preference List: Lion, Lynx, Cheetah
RP Link or Story:
(Prompt: Cunning)
word count: 22
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Midnight Melody
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story:
(Prompt: Knowledge)


Midnight Melody is a popular singer in Equestria, with many fans and a surprisingly shy and sweet personality. She sings to electronic beats and has collaborated with DJ-PON3 herself!
Last edited by subducting on Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:57 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 55
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Dark Moon Rising
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story:
(Prompt: Force)


As Darkmoon peered over the rock, she readied a spell, her horn glowing and shimmering in the darkness as she prepared to take on her foe…
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Goldenbranch
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story:
(Prompt: Knowledge)


Goldenbranch raised an eyebrow wordlessly as her littermate limped sheepishly into the medicine cat den. Despite Mirebranch’s cautious nature, the tom managed to get into an inordinate amount of trouble. She sniffed his paw and quickly assessed that it was, luckily, only bruised. She purred in mingled relief and amusement and went to fetch some goldenrod.
Last edited by subducting on Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 81
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by peanutbutter »

Kin Name: Venomous Daughter
Preference List: lion, lynx, cheetah
RP Link or Story: (Prompt 3 – Force)
Somer is humming. It’s a pleasant sound, a gentle tune focused on nothing as she swirls together the reagents in the bottle, watching the color shift in the light. The poison itself is nothing special, nothing of her own make or design, but it’s always been a relatively pretty one and she’s never been displeased when she’s been called upon to make it. Money is money – it’s a bonus that she gets to look at something nice while she makes it.

Her tail flicks before coming to rest against her legs as she shifts to wrap the bottle up, first in paper, and then cloth, before she places it in the small wooden box. It’s a bit excessive, but she’d rather take the care to wrap it. Markets are busy, bodies are jostled, and her assistant is on the smaller side. It wouldn’t bode well for her name to be tarnished by something as simple as a broken bottle, even if it would be trite to remake.

Speaking of - “Yarara,” she calls, scribbling out a note on parchment. The Lalafell appears moments later, silent and efficient as always. She smiles and hands her the box and note, turning back to the room.

“The location to deliver that is on the note, the customer’s pick-up should be there. I noticed he had kept someone at that place the whole time – truly must have been desperate for that poison, I suppose.”

Somer’s voice is lighthearted, close to a giggle even, amusement evident and coloring her tone as she sweeps around the room, gathering items.

“That shelf over there has the basic hunter’s poisons, they should be ready to go on the market once you’re done with that. It’s been a while since I’ve restocked, so whatever price you deem fit is fine. I’ll be out for the next few days, but you know how to reach me. Thank you as always, Yarara.”

Her cloak draped around her shoulders and the hood over her head, Somer opens the door her workshop, Yarara’s farewell echoing as she leaves. Her bow is tucked neatly from view, her quiver with her dagger tucked inside sitting at the small of her back, and with it she looks like the average Miqo’te as she weaves through the marketplace next to where her workroom is located.

Ul’dah is hot, as usual, and the busy crowds of people don’t help that fact. Once again, Somer considers finding another workroom somewhere nice and temperate, but it’s an idle fancy – the markets here are the best, and so it’s where she will stay. Even if the heat is obnoxious.

Her ears flick as she walks, picking up on snippets before discarding them, nothing catching her interest. She’s not out to hunt for information or gossip regardless, so it’s not much of an issue, but she likes to keep an ear out from time to time. Better to be bored than to be caught unawares, although it’s been a long time since she’s had that problem. If something fails to be caught by her, then Yarara is usually the one to pick up on it, if not handle it entirely. It's why Somer loves her, and in turn pays her very, very well for her services.

Because with that handled, she has time for this.

“Amalki!” She yells, bounding across the lane to pounce upon her cousin. She picks up the pink haired Miqo’te and spins her, uncaring of the reactions of everyone around her. It’s been too long since she’s been able to see her baby cousin, she’s going to do whatever she wants.

If Amalki’s yell and blush is anything to go by, she’s embarrassed by the attention, but she doesn’t say anything when Somer puts her down. She simply leans into Somer’s side, clearly having missed Somer as much as she was missed. Somer grins and laces their hands together, giving a gentle squeeze before pulling her forward. They had planned this trip for some time now, and still had to go collect one more person before they could fully start.

“Let’s go!”
word count: 739
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Trace The Stars
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story:

(Prompt: Force)

The space dragon was a formidable size, and his domain in the night skies made it rare for him to encounter adventurers, and rarer still for them to stay to chat. But every once in a very long while one would stay and talk. They’d find a very friendly, if odd and lonely soul. He was always happy for the company.
word count: 88
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by subducting »

Kin Name: Capable
Preference List: water cat, forest cat, sky cat, lion, cheetah, lynx
RP Link or Story:
(Prompt: Cunning)

When her People left, it didn’t really dawn on her at first.

People left for a long time and the cold, sleek Plastic People gave her food, water, cleaned up her messes, even soothed her when she was anxious.

It soothed her when there was a big noise, and when she watched out the SmoothAir as lights traced upwards into the sky, again and again.

Eventually the food stopped coming. She waited patiently at the Smooth, then impatiently as the lights turned off, then howled in terror as even Plastic People stopped responding.

She whimpered miserably as she pushed her way through the broken Smooth- she didn’t know- and trotted away into the quiet.

She remembered her People holding her before they left the last time. Little People was crying, and she tried so hard to lick the tears away, but Little only managed a sniffle before going.

She looked up to the sky and whined. The lights were long gone, and never coming back.

When Capable came to, she blinked and shook her head, chest hollow with grief that didn’t belong to her, in the frantic sort of way that the urgency of dreamed panic fades- heartbreak at a loss she didn’t even remember. All she retained was a feeling of being left behind, and a longing that was bone deep.
word count: 250
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: Agave (Called Sweetjuice in the story)
Preference List: water cat, sky cat, cheetah, lion, lynx, forest cat, bone cat
RP Link or Story:

"It crawled like an enormous caveworm, up and over the farthest walls of the highest cavern, the one that reaches over the great emptiness. In the time of my mother's mother's mother, it glowed blindingly bright, brighter than any fire, and it burned with a smokeless heat so great that it gave warmth to every corner of the Emptiness. They said it was called....the sun."

Sweetjuice sighed longingly. It was all well and good to hear tales of The Lost Sun, but what good were they? The Cold Above was vast, barren, and covered in dust. Its empty vistas were a wasteland only good for collecting ice. Life was lived in the caverns, carefully tending their gardens of glowing mushrooms and carefully-managed stocks of olm and meal-grubs.

What worried Sweetjuice was how the cold seemed to be spreading. Each year, kin who lived higher up in the caverns descended further to avoid the chill from Above that had penetrated. It was said the deepest caverns were the warmest--but many kin who ventured down to the greatest depths did not return. Those that did spoke of bad air and choking miasmas. The deeps were no place for the refugee kin tribes to move to.

Blinding Flash thought that there must be places where the heat of the deep earth was closer to the surface. The visionary was away on an expedition with other Deep-blood kindred, to find such a place. There probably wouldn't be enough room for everyone, but maybe it could reduce the crowding in the habitable caves.

Sweetjuice shivvered. Hopefully they wouldn't have to abandon this cave system to the freezing darkness in his lifetime.
word count: 314
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by Astraea »

Kin Name: In Harmony
Preference List: lion, cheetah
RP Link or Story: Prompt 2 – Patience

She clutched the bi-colored ball in her hand tightly, her teeth gritted in absolute fury.

"THAT WAS MY POKEMON!" the girl shrieked. Her voice reverberated in the air, causing other pokemon in the tall grasses to scatter, afraid. Her face was cherry red, tears about to spill down her cheeks. An eevee. A shiny eevee. She'd finally found one after months of searching and that..that..MAN took it from her. "I saw it first! How dare you!!!" Her voice broke and the tears rained down. Harmony squatted down and began to cry, wiping tears and snot from her face. She was so mad. So so so so mad.

The young man near her had been shocked at first when the other trainer had screamed at him. He wasn't trying to take anyone's pokemon, he just saw some rustling tall grass and threw his pokeball. He'd had no idea. Seeing the girl began to sob, he felt guilty. Sure, he'd caught the creature fair and square but he'd clearly, accidentally, really ruined this girl's day. He pulled his beanie down over his eyes a bit and exhaled.

"Here." A pokeball was thrust into Harmony's face. Her visage was gross from the uncontrollable crying, but through the haze of tears, she saw the ball being offered to her. She looked up at the guy, who turned his head, not able to look her in her eyes.

"W..what? Are you making fun of me?" she sniffled, her rage starting to build again. The young man said nothing but continued to hold the pokeball out to her. She wiped her face with her sleeve again and reached out, hesitating for a moment before putting her hand on the ball and slowly taking it out of his hand.

She was still sniffling, she struggled to wipe her face. She finally looked at the young man through clearer eyes. He was tall with dark blue hair and lightly tanned skin. His face was also red, still refusing to look at her. Her own face began to glow red again, but this time of embarrassment. She had just had a tantrum like a toddler in front of some stranger and here he was offering her the thing she'd wanted and lost. He had no reason to do this.

"D..don't think this means I'm going to say sorry or owe you!!" She said shakily as she stood back up, dusting her backside off. She looked down at the ball in her hand and at the young man again. She considered, fleetingly, returning the pokemon to him. Instead, she gently put the pokeball into her bag. "But..I will take very good care of it.."

The young man then turned to look at her. He had honey gold eyes. Another blush crept across her face. She moved closer to him, and he began to recoil, but she managed to snatch his pokedex from his belt. He was confused and started to ask that she return his dex but stopped. She held her dex to his dex and after a long moment there was a small chime and the small light on the dex hinge blinked and turned green. Harmony chucked the pokedex back at the young man who caught it after a fumble.

"You..can come see it whenever you're not busy if you want." It was her turn to not be able look directly at him. "But you better message me first so I can ready myself not be pissed off as soon as I see your face!" She turned her back to him and swept her long, platinum hair back behind her shoulder and started to walk away. She was going take care of her new eevee.so.well he'd be ashamed he'd even thought to keep them!

He'd see.

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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Deadly Nightshade
Preference List: Cheetah
RP Link or Story: Prompt 3 - Force | Solo

The alarm bells ringing on the walls all around the city felt like they were clanging right on Deadly Nightshade's brain. The yelling and screaming around her wasn't really helping either. The masses rushed past her, cluing her in to where the threat was. Over it all, she felt like she could hear chittering screeches and destruction. The sound of an explosion made her pick up her pace, unsheathing her sword. If things were really this bad, they were going to need all hands on deck. The town guard probably wouldn't care if a few Hunt Club members entered the mix to take down whatever crashed into the city.

After pushing through droves of townsfolk, Deadly Nightshade felt like she was close to the action. The crashing sounds were coming from just around the corner, and it didn't seem like the threat was any closer to being neutralized. The heat from a fire made her sweat in her leathers as she rounded the corner. She nearly got knocked over by a fleeing lamplighter as she stared, momentarily paused in shock.

The end of the block was chaos. The embers of a carriage, now doused in water, filled the road with smoke. A collapsed building's rubble mixed with large stones from the city's surrounding wall in a hectic pile of rubble strewn across the scene. Bodies were scattered across the road, broken and partially eroded away. Town guard members split between engaging the threat and mitigating the crowd around them. While most of the populace had run away in terror, there were still onlookers in harm's way with no means to defend themselves. In the center, huge and looming, was an Ankheg. It whirled around, acidic dribble sprinkling onto nearby town guard and burning little holes in their armor and weapons. Those that engaged the creature were met with its flailing arms, the chitinous material clattering against shield and plate as it fought off the humanoids around it.

With her moment of stunned shock shaken away, Deadly Nightshade gripped her sword tighter and ran further into the scene. She noticed a few other members of the Hunt Club also in the fray and was thankful to have a few familiar faces to depend upon. The giant insect monster had a few injuries already, so she decided to see what she could do about using those to her advantage. She slashed her sword down onto one of it's legs and widened the crack already in it. The monster screeched in pain and flailed back in her direction. Deadly Nightshade swung her sword back around to try and parry the blow, but the massive monster outmatched her. With a swipe of its claw, she was launched back and into the wall of a nearby building. She righted herself and tried to blink away the tunnel vision. Her neck throbbed and there was a sharp pain in her leg. Carefully, trying not to disturb her already injured neck, she ruffled around in the bag at her side in hopes there was something there. A familiar bottle shape met her fingertips and she furrowed her brow before pulling the object out.

"Don't die before dinner -AL" was on the little tag attached to the bottle. The sparkling red liquid inside was a miraculous sight. Deadly Nightshade managed a shaky smile before downing the potion. Its healing effects were already taking over before she pulled the bottle away from her lips. Feeling revitalized, she grabbed up her sword again to help finish off the monster.

[Words: 589]
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Sparkling Sunrise
Preference List: Cheetah
RP Link or Story: Prompt 4 - Cunning | Solo

"Alright, everybody buckle up," the pilot called over the intercom as they started their journey. While the distance was long, the powers of space travel now made it a mere few hours. Sparkling Sunrise clutched her tablet and took a seat. After buckling herself up, she checked a few things off on her tablet and sent a quick message to her superior back on the main ship. This was her first outing by herself, and her boss wanted to be kept in the loop every step of the way. By the time the message was sent off, she could feel the engine of the ship ramping up beneath her feet, vibrating the metal floor panels. She put her tablet back in her bag and grabbed onto the armrests of the chair. The ship lurched briefly and she watched the stars whizz by her. "Now entering Warp 5," she heard the pilot call.

Soon enough, they were approaching their destination. With the supernaturally fast space travel over, Sparkling Sunrise was able to get out of her seat and look out the window. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at the planet down below, shrouded mostly in thick clouds. "I looks like a dream," she murmured, mostly to herself. As they made their descent to get within range for a teleport, she furiously began making notes on her tablet and taking preliminary pictures of the planet now that they were closer.

"Alright, step onto the telepad and we will send you right down," the attendant directed, pointing towards the large, round platform in front of her control panel. A bit of nervousness fluttered in her chest. It was really happening! A few button presses were the only thing between her and this new adventure! Thoughts swirled around in her head as Sparkling Sunrise approached the platform, dazed. She took her place in one of the available spots and nodded to the few people scheduled to go with her. "Alright," the attendant said, looking down at the panel where she pressed some buttons, "Everything looks good. I'll be on comms, but unless something else comes up, expect me to beam you back up in six hours." As she set her watch with some reminders, the teleport whisked her away.

The first deep breath on this new planet would stick in her mind forever. There was so much to explore! The thick clouds up above provided some nice cover from this system's sun, but they also seemed to threaten rain. That is, if this weather system subscribed to the same patterns that other planets had. She tightened up her rubber boots just in case. The rest of the group gathered themselves and they set off to a nearby wooded area that had been scouted out beforehand.

Sparkling Sunrise could barely stop herself once they got within the trees. Every plant and flower was extraordinary, something she'd never seen before in all her studies. She quickly unclipped the holster at her hip and pulled out a scanner. After pairing it to her tablet, she held one in each hand and approached a purple and blue fern-like plant. Crouching down, she marveled at the strange S-shape to the leaves and held her scanner in front of it. The device beeped and clicked as it took in data and sent it to her tablet. She moved some of the results around in the developing report document and then held her tablet up in front of the plant. Several flashes later, her report was supplemented by dozens of pictures.

Everything was done in such quick succession that she almost didn't realize the subtle shift in the plant. Was it...more blue? The young technician squinted and looked closely. Surely, it was. Pulling out her scanner again, she turned the flashlight on it and held it up to the nearest "frond." As the concentrated light touched the frond for longer than a camera flash, the shade began to slowly turn. Sparkling Sunrise gasped and watched, unblinking, in shock as the frond's color spread from an indigo, to deep blue, to cornflower blue, to sky blue, and finally to white. The color change centered around the part of the frond closest to the flashlight and faded down to the rest of the plant. Sparkling Sunrise frantically took notes and audio recordings of the phenomenon before holding up her tablet to take photo and video of the ongoing change. She beamed with excitement as she called over another technician to gather some samples.

[Words: 753]
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st! NOW NOV 4th

Post by lilacfishie »

Kin Name: Late Visitor
Preference List: Cheetah
RP Link or Story: Prompt 5 - Darkness | Solo

Late Visitor reeled back from the bright light. The heart shaped stone was burned into his eyes for several moments as he held them shut, trying to readjust. Based on the reactions around him, the other kin present likely felt the same. How on earth did such an object exist in the Swamp? It was hard to say. There were many strange things happening amongst the foliage and humidity that he shouldn't really be surprised there was a giant shining bright rock beneath the earth. With a shake of his head, he felt ready to open his eyes once again.

All around him was darkness, a situation Late Visitor never found himself in. The radiant halo around his head and the soft glow of the candles on his horns never left him in such a situation before, but this time they could not get past the void around him. Vague shapes lurched and twisted around him, frantically moving. After more blinking, he could vaguely tell that they were kin, but only the fairest of outlines of them. Once his eyes adjusted to the surroundings, he looked closer at the kin and tried to find any he could reach out to, to see if they were suffering the same effects.

"Are you-" he started, before the shadow of the kin in front him started to shake and shudder. The outline stretched erratically in places before taking on a new form. It was...a giant eagle? The now-bird, once-kin shadow moved in a way Late Visitor could only identify as "unsettling." The jerking while stationary made him feel uneasy. Still, he took a step forward. Maybe his eyes were just playing tricks on him because of the bright light they were still recovering from. "Are you able to see what's going on? Everything is dark," he called out, taking another step forward.

When he stood right in front of the eagle shape, he just felt it.. He knew the thing in front of him was not a kin, but an image of something deep within them. It was almost like he could smell the aura coming off the shape. This was something this kin feared. It wasn't something that jumped out at once and startled them, but something that rewrote their entire being upon experiencing it. Late Visitor gasped and his ears pinned back. "What are you?" he shouted at the unsettling eagle shadow. It did not respond, and it did not moved. The shape itself continued to jerk and vibrate where it was. Late Visitor tried to dismiss the chill down his spine as he turned to try and communicate with another kin in the area.

It didn't matter who he tried to talk to in the gloom. The darkness warped the shadows of kin around him when he got too close. Each time, the aura he could smell off them felt like fear, trauma, darkness. His heart thundered as he closed his eyes again. He felt watched by all of these shapes, and also like they felt the same about him. They were seeing each other in a way that was not natural. He clamped his eyes tighter. It had to be over soon. The Helpers would find a solution soon. His light would guide him again soon...

[Words: 547]
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by rexcorvus »

Kin Name: Wildflower Eyes
Preference List: just glow ticket please~
RP Link or Story:
word count: 18