Fall 2023: Bring Back the Light

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Fall 2023: Bring Back the Light

Post by Matope »

Hello everyone and welcome to OCTOBER!! Today begins our Fall 2023 event -- Bring Back the Light!


This event features an IC storyline about a troublemaking kin, lots of glowing gen 1 kin and pets, writing, art, RP, and many more things!

As the event starts, we have an Art Event open until the 22nd of october:


And also a fun game for some brand new NUDIBRANCH familiars!


word count: 79
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WISDOM HELPER PROMPT: Story Contest - Tree Bucks - Through Oct 10th

Post by Matope »


A second contest has gone live in the event forum in the form of a STORY CONTEST:

“The motes are drawn to stories.” Undefeated tells the gathered kin. “We think that they are curious in some fashion. There are many guesses at what they might be. Some guess they are the fallen stars from the sky, others think that they are the lingering souls of our ancestors.”

She inclines her head at the others with a subtle little look.

“I think we’ll draw them in closer if you tell me a story about what you think that they are.”


This Story Contests asks you, as one of your kin, to spin a tail about what these motes might be, or maybe even about the greater origin of light in the swamp! Your story should be told from the PoV of one of your kin and a minimum of 250 words. This will count as their storytelling req toward Legendary Ascension!

Each entry in this RP will also grant you one Glow, a ticket toward the final Glow Raffle!
If you're only entering for Glow, and not for the prizes on offer, simply say so in your preference list.

This contest ends on October 10th at 11:59 PM EST.

It is possible to do this prompt in the ORP and post it over here if you are interested in some interaction while you do it!

Visit the thread for more information and to enter: viewtopic.php?t=3263
word count: 250
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FAMILY HELPER PROMPT: Poetry Contest - Neons - Through Oct 14th

Post by Matope »


“Family is important.” Kindly says, sitting by a glowing fire. “And that does not always mean blood. Sometimes the family are those we find ourselves with, our tribemates, even our familiars. It is a different thing for every individual.”

She looks them over thoughtfully.

“I would like you to tell me what family means to you.” She chuckles. “Don’t worry about the motes, they are always drawn into places where they feel safe, we can herd them into our little cage from here.”
This Poetry Contests asks you, as one of your kin, to write a poem that exemplifies the meaning of family! Your poem should be told from the PoV of one of your kin, with no minimum word count. . However, if the total of your RP reaches 250 words, thin will count as their storytelling req toward Legendary Ascension!

Please use the form in the thread to enter!

You can enter this contest up to three times and can use the same kin or different ones, but please put each entry in its own post.
If you hit word count, this can count as a Legendary Ascension requirement!

Each entry in this RP will also grant you one Glow, a ticket toward the final Glow Raffle!
If you're only entering for Glow, and not for the prizes on offer, simply say so in your preference list.

This contest ends on October 14th at 11:59 PM EST.

It is possible to do this prompt in the ORP and post it over here if you are interested in some interaction while you do it!

word count: 271
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COMBAT HELPER PROMPT: Dice Game - Candles - Through Oct 18th

Post by Matope »


“Wherever blood runs quick and eager, the motes seem to cluster in to watch. They are easy to herd into the cage while they do.” Tenacious nods at a small, cleared area.

“Show me what you can do when it comes to a fight! If you don't want to take on another kin, you can test your strength against my dummy; the louder it resonates, the stronger the strike!”
This Dice Game asks you, as one of your kin, to show off the strength of their blows! You can play either against another user, or as a solo. If the total of your RP reaches 500 words, thin will count as a req toward Legendary Ascension as either an RP or a Solo, depending on your choice.

In order to play, you'll start by heading to the Roleplaying Forum and making a new thread with [COMBAT HELPER] at the start of the thread title. Then you can choose either to play solo or to enter the challenge against another kin.

You can enter this contest up to three times and can use the same kin or different ones, but please put each entry in its own post.
If you hit word count, this can count as a Legendary Ascension requirement!
If you'd like, you can use the same thread for all three battles, as three separate bouts between kin -- but in that case, this RP can only count once per kin toward Ascension!

Each entry in this RP will also grant you one Glow, a ticket toward the final Glow Raffle!
If you're only entering for Glow, and not for the prizes on offer, simply say so in your preference list.

This contest ends on October 18th at 11:59 PM EST.

For full game details & to enter, head to the thread: viewtopic.php?t=3276
word count: 310
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 14th

Post by Matope »


Creator glares at kin who approach him. “What is it?” he demands, before softening as he realises that they are here to help collect the motes. “All right. I want you to help me make something unique, and maybe we can catch motes faster. What can you do with these supplies?”

This RP/Writing Contests asks you, as one of your kin, to come up with a fun disguise to help sneak up on the motes, so they don't see you coming! Creativity is encouraged here, of course.

Write a blurb of your character combining these ingredients together to make a clever disguise.
Explain how they use them and what they make; feel free to include visuals if you'd like!

You're welcome to use any of your kin to participate in this challenge. If you have no kin, use a quest/theoretical kin!
If the total of your RP reaches 500 words, thin will count as one req toward Legendary Ascension!

You can enter this contest up to three times and can use the same kin or different ones, but please put each entry in its own post.
If you hit word count, this can count as a Legendary Ascension requirement!

Each entry in this RP will also grant you one Glow, a ticket toward the final Glow Raffle!
If you're only entering for Glow, and not for the prizes on offer, simply say so in your preference list.

This contest ends on October 22nd at 11:59 PM EST.

It is possible to do this prompt in the ORP and post it over here if you are interested in some interaction while you do it!

Read the thread for more info and to enter: viewtopic.php?t=3311
word count: 293
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OTHER WORDS: AU Writing/Stories - Space Cats - Through Oct 31st!

Post by Matope »


This RP/Writing Contests is different than what we usually do at Matope. The kin who experience these prompts can see things beyond the swamp’s limitations. For instance, kin experiencing the “future” could appear as a human, an anthropomorphic creature or just themselves. There is NO limit on what they could witness here. These are essential alternate universe prompts. Absolute free reign. However, kin cannot remember any aspect of these prompts that is outside of what they could know in the swamp. No suddenly knowing what a coffee machine is and so on, this knowledge runs from their head like water through a sieve. They can remember their vision was “scary” or the shape of what happened in it but zero outside-setting knowledge.

To clarify, prompts can be "humanised" versions of kin, anthro versions of kin, or even quadrupedal "my little pony" style characters who interact with a more human like world through telepathy or something. You can interpret this however you like, we don't want to be restrictive!

There are a lot of prompts for this contest, so please check it out in the thread here: viewtopic.php?t=3341
word count: 194
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