CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Matope's RP-heavy Fall/Halloween 2023 Event!
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by rexcorvus »

Kin Name: Sleepy Time
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: (glob of sticky sap, oozing slime, spiderweb with sac of eggs, vines of jasmine, driftwood, clay, berries for dye) palm leaves, glowing mushrooms, sparkly stones, red sand, pinecones
RP of Building Disguise:

In a little clearing Sleepy Time had made for himself, he spread slime onto the palm leaves using one hoof (wincing the entire time at the deeply unpleasant texture), then pasted them to his sides with the help of a chittering mongoose (who then bit him when he didn't share any of the berries). Once that was done, he stepped into the piles of glowing mushrooms, hooves already sticky with slime and sap, and then laid on his side, rolled in the spiderweb, then rolled into the red sand to coat himself. The final feature of this (less than well thought out) idea was using the vines of jasmine as sort of drapey bits over his head and shoulders while holding at least one of the pinecones in his teeth.

He was quite proud of himself, all things considered.
Dice rolls
[25, 6, 13, 8, 17] = 69
5d25:  [
] = 69
word count: 189
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by rexcorvus »

Kin Name: Death Take Me
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: (glob of sticky sap, oozing slime, spiderweb with sac of eggs, vines of jasmine, driftwood, clay, berries for dye) beetle shells, discarded, shed snakeskin, beetle shells, lucky chicken foot, two halves of a coconut shell
RP of Building Disguise:

Death had an abundance of beetle shells in shades of glittering, glimmering greenish gold, and after a few moment's contemplation he decided the best way to utilize them would be to roll in the sap and then lay down in the piles of shells. He did this twice, one for each side, and was relatively satisfied with the overall result. There was some more consideration while he eyed the snakeskin, but he decided to wind it around his neck, a songbird holding one end of the skin in its beak to assist. The chicken foot, which was perhaps the most useless of the things he had acquired, went atop Death's head, and the coconut shells he layered down his back, this time with the help of Haven, scrambling up to nudge them with his nose.

He looked, Death thought, mostly ridiculous - but it was passable.
Dice rolls
[15, 12, 15, 9, 7] = 58
5d25:  [
] = 58
word count: 204
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by rexcorvus »

Kin Name: Traitor's Heart
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: (glob of sticky sap, oozing slime, spiderweb with sac of eggs, vines of jasmine, driftwood, clay, berries for dye) red sand, red sand, pearls, sparkly stones, coral
RP of Building Disguise:

The abundance of red sand was irritating, but at least it was the most useable of everything that Traitor had. He doused himself in it, spitting out mouthfuls of it, then shaped the clay as best he could with his hooves in order to create some kind of lumpy, half deformed creature as a sort of decoy. This he decorated with the pearls and sparkling stones, since they were the least useful (how could one sneak up on anything when they were shimmering so brightly they would scare off anything merely by existing) and the coral was snapped in Traitor's teeth and crunched into dust before he spat it back out and onto the ground. He coated his hooves with it, then sat down, both abruptly tired of this game and tired of pretending.
Dice rolls
[8, 8, 18, 13, 10] = 57
5d25:  [
] = 57
word count: 184
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Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?t=863

CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by LOLLI qAq »

Kin Name: Totem
Preference List: Purple, Pink, Teal, Cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled:
Four-leaf Clover
Red sand
Ball of hair
Shiny rocks from the volcano
Variegated banana leaves

RP of Building Disguise:
Totem gathered as many items as she could sus out and physically carry. Taking them back to the collection of things they'd all been given she started to happily hum a little song as she got to work. She had no idea what she'd grabbed, having to guess based solely on taste and feel, but she'd done this before at last year's winter market and had successfully turned a lion into a badger. She felt pretty dang confident she could recreate the magic, so to speak.

What felt like sand was mixed with clay and spread all over her body. Really that meant she rolled side-to-side in it while on her back, but that squished it around and onto her body just fine. Following that she rubbed her head and face in it. Her back and shoulders were heavy with the mix, the goop dripped over where her eyes should have been, and she felt satisfied it was fully concealing her identity. Totem grinned. Nothing would be able to tell it was her with a completely different color coat!

Next came the ball of ... grass? Thin twine? It had to be one of those- It was so coarse and tangled. It would make an excellent bit of hair either way. She smushed her clay-thick head down into the ball and shook her head to adjust. It slipped a little, but that was okay. It still felt like it was in the area where hair was supposed to be. She couldn't be sure, but Totem had faith in herself and what she knew of leaning against her mother's neck.

Totem sniffed at the pile of other supplies and knew immediately what to do with the banana leaves. She laid them out carefully, then turning her head gently, pressed the stem of a leaf into the clay just above her right ear. She grabbed another leaf and did the exact same thing on the left side. She was so pleased with herself! "There's no way the motes will know it's me with these big floppy bunny ears," she thought to herself.

She hadn't heard them snap as she'd smushed them into each side of her head. She definitely hadn't felt them come apart under the weight of her hoof as she steadied herself upon standing back up fully. All this up and down, up and down, was making her head spin.

Once she'd regained her balance Totem reached out with her good foot and felt around for the little clinking stones she'd managed to nab. She kicked them gently into place, and then bent back down again to smush the smooth rocks into a place close to where she figured eyes were supposed to be. She'd missed, naturally, and she could feel they were too far apart on her face. Grabbing two more the little acha that could tried again- Squish! Squish! This time hitting exactly where she'd meant.

Totem could tell by the heaviness on her cheeks that her new "eyes" were a little wider and larger than she'd meant, but that was okay! All the better to pretend to see with!

At last she came to the last item. She knew exactly what this one was as it was her favorite treat. The four-leaf clover! It would make the perfect nose to go with her new bunny disguise! Delicately picking up the stem with her teeth, the petals of the clover formed a perfect O-shaped mouth.

She was done!

Totem hopped about and giggled, delighted by her work, completely unaware that she'd made a perfect costume ... Of herself.
Dice rolls
[3, 6, 22, 11, 4] = 46
5d25:  [
] = 46
word count: 656
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Neons - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Kin Name: Spirit
Preference List: pink, purple, teal, cyan, jerboa.
Items Rolled: Beetle shells, Tuft of pink fur, Two halves of a coconut shell, Red sand, Glowing mushrooms
RP of Building Disguise: Spirit stared blankly at the items trying to come up with an idea... to catch these mote. He had heard of many things but these creatures he had not, so hopefully the trap he created worked well. First he gathered the coconut shells and put them in an open mouth position using the glob of sticky sap and slime to keep them together. Then he made a bed of sand inside one shell, followed by the tuff of pink fur to make a nice unassuming trap. Then using the clay he mashed the vines and clay together on top of the shell to keep it open until it was time to snap it shut. Grouping the glowing mushrooms and beetle shells together Spirit moved them further down to draw in the motes... maybe they liked shiny things too? He wrinkled his nose at the idea of touching the sac of eggs.. but maybe these creatures liked to eat them ? So he moved them to nestle them into the fur. Spirit got hungry waiting and sadly ate the berries...
Dice rolls
[15, 2, 7, 8, 6] = 38
5d25:  [
] = 38
word count: 214
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Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?t=1272


CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Beejoux »

Kin Name: Serpent of Paradise
Preference List: Pink, purple, cyan, teal
Items Rolled: seaweed, shiny rock from the volcano, pearls, red sand, petals
RP of Building Disguise:
Glob of sticky sap, Oozing slime, Spiderweb with sac of eggs, Vines of jasmine, Driftwood, Clay, Berries for dye
seaweed, shiny rock from the volcano, pearls, red sand, petals
"Create a disguise?" The doe echoed dubiously, looking from the dark zikwa down to the piles of miscellaneous building materials. If one could even refer to some of the items as such. It wouldn't be hard to compete obscure one's self, but to do it in a way that made you blend into the forest around you? Now that was the challenge, wasn't it.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she looked from one item to the next, thinking it over. "Okay." There was plenty there, sure she'd be able to cobble something together.

She took the driftwood and the seaweed, using the latter to tie the former together into a a rough dome like frame one could use to hide beneath. Next Merry took the jasmine vines, weaving them through the wood until the structure looked more or less like an overgrown roof. She dabbed a few of the leaves with the sap and sprinkled them with red sand and petals, trying to imitate flowers, using the pearls to decorate the centers. It was rough, and perhaps in the light of day it wouldn't fool anything, but here, in the dark? Just maybe.
Dice rolls
[24, 11, 11, 8, 20] = 74
5d25:  [
] = 74
word count: 262
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Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?t=1272


CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Beejoux »

Kin Name: Brother Shark
Preference List: Pink, purple, cyan, teal
Items Rolled: four-leaf clover, coral, starfish, sparkly stones ,petals
RP of Building Disguise:
Glob of sticky sap, Oozing slime, Spiderweb with sac of eggs, Vines of jasmine, Driftwood, Clay, Berries for dye
four-leaf clover, coral, starfish, sparkly stones, petals
Glowing eyes regarded the crafty zikwa before flicking down to Fisheye to see what the doe thought of the task they were being given. First chasing, then stories, poems, battling, now this? He couldn't see the various methods weren't working, a glance around the clearing at all the various glowing lanterns of motes was proof enough these strange tactics worked. Brother Shark was just still unsure how this was all helping over all.

In the end that didn't really matter too much. As much as he wanted to understand it, the how was less important than the fact that it would indeed work. And he hoped it worked.

Brother Shark looked over his materials with a critical eye, trying to picture them thrown together in a way that would come together in a disguise of sorts. This wasn't really his strong suit. He liked to think he had a lot of talents, but creativity wasn't among them. He remembered back to when he'd had to tell stories to the younger members of the tribe, how much of a struggle that was. This wasn't going to be any easier than that.

A lot of what he had to work with looked like things that had been collected off the beaches of the Cres, so he thought he'd lean in that direction. The foals were building things along the coast all the time, he could do something like that.

Driftwood and sticky sap were pieced together in in a cone-like shape, and Brother Shark took the coral, stacking it all around the base of the frame, sparkly stones placed evenly spaced around that. Starfish were affixed to the sides of form, petals sprinkled over it all. And at the top, icking out of the space where all the wood connected, the four-leaf clover stood. It didn't looked inconspicuous, but it was big enough to duck into and not easily be seen.
Dice rolls
[3, 10, 21, 21, 20] = 75
5d25:  [
] = 75
word count: 385
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Kin Journal: viewtopic.php?t=1272


CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Beejoux »

Kin Name: Born Of Death
Preference List: Pink, purple, cyan, teal
Items Rolled: four-leaf clover, tuft of pink fur, clover, coral, bunch of carrots, glowing mushrooms
RP of Building Disguise:
Glob of sticky sap, Oozing slime, Spiderweb with sac of eggs, Vines of jasmine, Driftwood, Clay, Berries for dye
four-leaf, tuft of pink fur, clover, coral, bunch of carrots, glowing mushrooms
"Oh." Born of Death frowned, pale ears folding back against bright hair as they considered what was being asked of them. Building itself was quite the challenge for them, but to make something that could be considered a disguise? They weren't even sure where to start with something like that.

Haven whined gently at their ankles, and Born dipped their head to nose between the sanddog's soft ears. "We'll figure this out." They hoped Death was having better luck with his endeavors, Born didn't think they were being especially helpful, no matter how much they wanted to be.

With a bit of careful lipping Born was able to figure out most of what they had to work with, but even that didn't give them a plan for what to do with the items. "Hmm..." Well, they couldn't just do nothing.

When all was said and down Born was sure it wasn't much of a disguise. Or maybe it was. They weren't sure how visible they were hiding beneath the piled up materials, but if Haven's worried whining was anything to go by they'd managed to hide themself at least halfway decently. If the tossed together pile would work...well, that was another question all together.
Dice rolls
[3, 2, 10, 23, 6] = 44
5d25:  [
] = 44
word count: 282
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: Rainbow Shell
Preference List: purple, teal, pink, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: Set of Butterfly Wings with False Eyes, Four-Leaf Clover, Variegated Banana Leaves, Pearls, Crushed-Up Seashells
RP of Building Disguise:

Rainbow Shell looked with delight at all of the little tools and gewgaws she got to try and create with. She was, frankly, most excited about the opportunity for a craft project.

"Let's do a false head, on the rump! It's a classic of worms and caterpillars for good reason." Rainbow nudged her piece of prized driftwood this way and that, considering the right angle to work from. She used the thick stem of one banana leaf to split the glob of sap into two pieces and press them into the wood. Then she carefully glued the butterfly wings on each side of the wood to create the false eyes.

"Damn. I'd love to make this sparkle. Maybe...."

She pounded the clay and dye-berries together to make a colorful paste and pressed it all over the rest of the driftwood chunk. Then she rolled it in the crushed-up shells, "For texture!" and draped the remaining spiderweb over the top of it, "To break up the outlines!" The pearl and four-leaf clover were carefully placed on the tip of the driftwood head as a 'nose.'

She presented her hard work to the Creator Buck. "And then you loop around the vines to keep it on your back!"
Dice rolls
[4, 4, 1, 3, 18] = 30
5d25:  [
] = 30
Last edited by Zuki on Sun Oct 22, 2023 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 250
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: The Heart Shines With Light
Preference List: purple, teal, pink, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: Birds nest, Beetle Shells, Shiny Volcano Rocks, Variegated Banana Leaves, Two halves of a coconut Shell
RP of Building Disguise:

Heartshine furrowed his brow as he considered the puzzle in front of him. "Do motes even have...eyes? How do they sense the world. We'll need to know in order to make effective disguises. But I don't really have anything to change scent here...."

He shrugged, then scooped as much of the oozing slime as possible into half of the coconut husk. "Probably I can make someone look like...a walking bush, with all this? A brushpile...?"

He poured the slime over a kin who was volunteering to be disguised for mote-hunting, then draped over as many of the jasmine vines as possible. He shredded up the banana leaves for additional shape and body, then stuck the beetle shells and glittering obsidian all over, "To catch the light, I guess?" The bird's nest, he glued down with sap right behind the kin's shoulder.

"You smell like slime and jasmine, so....hopefully, this helps!"
Dice rolls
[16, 15, 11, 4, 7] = 53
5d25:  [
] = 53
Last edited by Zuki on Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 198
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Zuki »

Kin Name: Three Wolf Moon
Preference List: purple, teal, pink, cyan, jerboa
Items Rolled: Ball of hair, Bunch of carrots, Seaweed, Pearls, Intact Skeleton
RP of Building Disguise:

Three Wolf Moon seized the skeleton in his jaws and shook the bones apart. Ribs and vertebrae went bouncing and clattering away. He chased after them before his wolf could seize them and carry the bones away.

He stuck the pearls in the eye sockets because he liked the way they flashed with dim light. There was a hole in the back of the skull--he secured the carrots there as 'horns' and patched the hole up with clay. With the help of someone's familiar, the bones were re-articulated and attached together with spidersilk and stringy seaweed. The hair was globbed up on the skin of the beast skull with sap, and the whole thing was died bluish with berry juice.

"This looks INCREDIBLE!" Three Moon exclaimed. "Like some kind of skeletal sea-beast. C'mon, help me drape it over my back! I'm ready to get back out there and HUNT!"
Dice rolls
[24, 23, 22, 18, 22] = 109
5d25:  [
] = 109
Last edited by Zuki on Sun Oct 22, 2023 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 187
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Astoria »

Kin Name: touch of poison
Preference List:Jerboa
Items Rolled:Ball of hair, Crushed up seashells, Coral, Discarded, shed snakeskin, Shiny rocks from the volcano
RP of Building Disguise:
Glob of sticky sap, Oozing slime, Spiderweb with sac of eggs, Vines of jasmine, Driftwood, Clay, Berries for dye
Touch of poison looked at the array of items before her and then added to it a ball of hair, crushed up seashells, coral, snakeskin and some shiny rocks that were quite dark.

But what could she make with all of this? Sorting the items by function she decided to construct a trap and a minor disguise for herself. Covering herself in the clay she attached the snakeskin along her spine along with some of the vines of jasmine. Now she might look like something other than herself.

With the remainder of the items she tried to construct the driftwood into a tantalizing array of unique features that might appeal to the Motes. Once satisfied she looked over the oddly placed items and gave a satisfying nod. It looked like a little landscape of sorts, the driftwood decorated with the colorful coral, crushed shells, making it look appealing, at least to her. The sap was 'hidden' beneath the web and she realzied she had some of the berries to use. Dying some of the wood she smeared the rest upon some of body to give herself a mottled look. The shiny rocks were quite fetching and she set them along the outside in a backdrop like fashion. She didn't know if it would work, but it looked neat.
Dice rolls
[22, 5, 10, 12, 11] = 60
5d25:  [
] = 60
Last edited by Astoria on Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:53 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 271
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: Born Again
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan
Items Rolled: palm leaves, lucky chicken foot, intact skeleton, shiny volcano rocks, seaweed
RP of Building Disguise:

Born Again stares at all of the items and considers how best to combine them into a disguise. He's used disguises before for hunting and ambushing, and once when he played the role of the White Spirit during the winter market a few years back. This looks...workable.

First he pulls the skeleton over himself. It's large enough to mostly cover his back, but not his head. He takes it off and separates the skull from the body, then tries again. This time he's able to fit the skull, with some careful maneuvering, on top of his head. Satisfied it fits, he takes it all off again and gets to work.

First, the sticky sap is used to stick the palm leaves over the ribs, face, and back of the bones, creating a surface to work on. Next, he uses some berries to paint patterns onto the leaves to break them up a little, like camouflage. It's dark so it's hard to tell how well he's doing, but he figures the less precise the markings the better off it probably is.

With the base done, Born Again waits for it to dry. In the meantime, he uses the jasmine vines to secure the seaweed to his legs, and the lucky chicken foot gets tied on top. He figures a little luck certainly can't hurt.

With the skeleton and leaves dried he pulls that on, including the skull mask. Finally he carefully sticks his antlers into the spider web and then sips his head into the shiny rocks. The rocks stick to the web, creating a sparkling eye-catcher that will surely attract the little motes, while he himself stays carefully disguised.

Born Again finds a likely bush to hide in, and peeks out while he waits.
Dice rolls
[25, 9, 14, 11, 24] = 83
5d25:  [
] = 83
Last edited by Owlsomniac on Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:37 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 334
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: High Times
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan
Items Rolled: lucky chicken foot, glowing mushrooms, red sand, pearls, birds nest
RP of Building Disguise:

High Times looks at the items before her in confusion, and scratches her head with her back foot. She really isn't sure how to make a disguise in the dark, or why it's even necessary when she could just hide under a bush, but well... the items do look interesting at least. Especially the mushrooms. She eats one out of curiosity, and her eyes widen when she opens her mouth and sees a faint glow coming from the her snout. "Oh my sthawmp!"

She looks around at the others, mouth open and tongue out. "Guths! My thongue ith gowing!" She laughs maniacally for a moment, her words almost unintelligible, and then looks at the rest of the items in glee.

"Awesome," she whispers.

First, she throws the sand and pearls into the oozing slime and rolls around in it. It sticks in gloopy splotches to her coat and afro, effectively changing her coat pattern and proving some... interesting texture. The bird nest goes in her hair, naturally. Her frogs need a place to hide, too.

The chicken foot she ties to a bit of vine and hangs from her neck like a talisman.

Finally, she uses some of the driftwood and sticky sap to stick bits of it to her coat so it sticks out all over like some kind of weird appendages. The mushrooms get sprinkled on top.

"I am become tree," she confirms. What kind of tree that is, exactly, none can say. But... it certainly is a disguise, if the aim was to look nothing like anything from their swampy realm.
Dice rolls
[9, 6, 8, 18, 16] = 57
5d25:  [
] = 57
Last edited by Owlsomniac on Sun Oct 22, 2023 2:07 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 296
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CRAFTING HELPER PROMPT: RP/Writing - Springhares - Through Oct 22nd

Post by Owlsomniac »

Kin Name: Adder
Preference List: purple, pink, teal, cyan
Items Rolled: birds nest, variegated banana leaves, crushed up seashells, moss, pinecones
RP of Building Disguise:

Adder smiles at the items she's been given. This should be a piece of cake. She hopes. Hopefully the motes aren't actually all that smart.

First, Adder uses some sticky sap to stick the birds nest to the top of her head, and some pinecones to her horns to make them look like little branches. Then she adds some of the moss over it for added camouflage.

Adder shreds some of the banana leaves into long strips, keeping them intact in the middle. She uses some jasmine vines to tie the ends of the leaves together so that it fits over her head, the long strips hanging over her face - but still allowing her to see.

She secures more banana leaves over her neck and back, and is very pleased that the variegated pattern matches so well with her own white coat and green markings. More moss goes over the top of her back, and she drapes a few jasmine vines for good measure. The smell is pleasant and should hide her own scent from her prey - the motes. If they even smell? She has no idea.

Finally, she mixes some of the crushed shells with the oozing green slime and slathers it into a long, wide, piece of driftwood. When it dries, it sort of looks like lichen over wood. This she simply wedges between two trees and then hunkers down behind it, creating a hide.

She waits.
Dice rolls
[16, 4, 5, 5, 19] = 49
5d25:  [
] = 49
Last edited by Owlsomniac on Sun Oct 22, 2023 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 270