[BRP] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

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Tara de Draiocht
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[BRP] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

With a twitch of her nose and a stomp of her hooves, Bunny Rabbit continued on her journey. If Panther knew she had ventured on her own he wouldn't be too happy with her. The same could be said for Grace, another constant companion of hers... her baby black panther familiar whom she had adopted or rather whom adopted her. I mean how dangerous could it be? She was nearby and she was very quick on her hooves! Regardless, she had to do this! She had was determined to see if she could actually meet with a kin who ascended and gain a blessing!

Bunny was rather new to all this but she had heard through the grapevine that when a kin met with an ascended their breeding would become bountiful! Mind you she would be more than happy to have one baby! But who wouldn't want a female or male version of both of them together? That way they would have each in future. Just the thought of that made her heart melt.
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x ?? : New to This

Post by Lirilei »

Guardian of Life found herself watching a pale doe with the most adorable ears wandering not far from where she'd been resting. She could sense the need of her gifts and she got to her hooves stretching a little as she did to shake the sleep from her limbs before she was moving after the doe a cheery "Hello there!" from her to catch her attention since she was behind her after all.

Tara de Draiocht wrote:
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x ?? : New to This

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Bunny Rabbit knew it wasn't good to let her mind wander but sometimes it just happened. A voice startled her so much that she literally jumped up high and spun around mid air. "H-hello," Bunny Rabbit gasped out, her heart going a mile an hour. Bunny took in the other female with wide eyes, the tail was intimidating yet at the same time it was cool to look at. "Y-you're beautiful.." She knew she was feeling flustered and Bunny tried her best to calm down. The curiosity in her also noticed how this other female was different, she had never seen another like that before. Could this be her chance? Was this a kin who could help her? Or would help her?

As she stared, Bunny tried to come up with a way to get the question out without being TOO obvious. Twitching her nose she spoke out a greeting. "How are you today? You have such a wonderful tail! I bet it could reach anything you needed up high!."
Lirilei wrote:Thank you <3
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x ?? : New to This

Post by Lirilei »

Oh no. She'd startled the doe! Guardian felt bad for scaring her so much, but she forgot that quickly, surprised by her compliments. "Oh! Thank you! I was just thinking the some about you, with your cute ears and tail and such long hair!" She was pleasantly surprised that the doe found her beautiful, since she knew she was a lot more reptilian in looks these days.

"I'm well, you? Well...the fact I startled you aside. I'm sorry about that I wasn't trying to do that." though there she was looking at her tail and moving it a little. "You know, I've never tried. I'll have to the next time I make it home." a soft laugh from her as she thought it over. It could certainly be interesting to test out in any case.
Tara de Draiocht wrote:
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Bunny could feel her face get a bit more pink than usual with the compliments. Though embarrassed she felt her tail wiggle in satisfaction at the thought of being cute! " I am well too! Yes you honestly should! Sometimes I try with my ears but they are too soft it doesn't work. Oh how rude of me! My name is Bunny Rabbit but you can call me Bunny!" She paused for a moment and wondered if she should continue or not but an inner force drove her forward and she found her voice. " I am on a journey to find... what you would call a legendary kin and I am not sure how this works or what I must do but I feel like I have to ask. Have you ascended? If so is it true that you possibly give blessings if asked? I hope you can help me! But if not that is okay too."

Lirilei wrote:Finally a quote back sorry for the wait!
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

Post by Lirilei »

"I would be impressed if you could grasp things with your ears! But I'm sure they hear really well which is more important anyhow I think." safer to be able to hear better in her opinion. "Pleasure to meet you Bunny, I'm Guardian of Life but please just call me Guardian." there though a warm laugh from her. "Yes Bunny, I'm ascended. I'm able to grant you a blessing. Do you know what it is you would like for your young?"

Tara de Draiocht wrote:all good! I know you've had crazy days. I totally felt that!
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

"Guardian of Life... wow sounds like a big responsibility well at least that is the vibe I get from your name. It is very lovely! Nice to meet you Guardian and what luck! I have been searching for some time so I am happy that I have found you!" Bunny stared at Guardian in awed silence for a few minutes and now that she was truly looking, Guardian did come across as mythical. There was so many things inside of her head right now that she wanted to say but the one thing that came across was... " Happiness. Whatever it is they do or how they live I want them to be happy doing it." She hoped that was the appropriate response, this was her first time after-all. " As well as tenacity. Do not give up and keep going!" "
Lirilei wrote: :hardtimes: <3
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

Post by Lirilei »

Guardian gave a smile at Bunny Rabbit's words a small shake of her head given. "For me, not so much. I consider it a great honor to care for life, in whatever way it needs it." Listening to the doe Guardian gave a warm smile. "Then may the MotherFather bless your children with the ability to never give up, but also happiness. It's a fine balance after all." After she finished speaking the Mare vanished from sight, a pale moth in her place, which floated off after a few moments.

Tara de Draiocht wrote: <3
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[B] Bunny Rabbit x Guardian of Life : New to This

Post by Tara de Draiocht »

Bunny could feel her eyes start to water at the kind words being spoken, it truly was a blessing and a pleasure speaking with such a lovely kin. " Thank you for taking the time to listen and-" Bunny let out a gasp in awe. What once was a kin?, well ascended really, was now a beautiful moth right before her eyes. A miracle indeed. Once alone she whispered into the air, "May you find your own happiness as well..." Feeling a bit lighter along with a burden almost lifted she made her way back to the love of her life to speak of the good news.
Lirilei wrote: Thank you for taking the time to RP with me <3
word count: 119
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