Dead Endless (Cert) (Kindex)
Dreamt of being half in death and split between all possibilities of life. He exists in a constant state of flux and dissociation. He'll never feel truly connected to anything or anyone.
Hope Springs Eternal (Cert) (Kindex)
Soft spoken and gentle performer that relies on mostly silent slapstick to bring cheer to his audience.
(Not quite a mime; not quite Chaplin. Settling in somewhere between both and neither.)
Water Burden (Cert) (Kindex)
Silent and ever watchful of her surroundings and family. Born into the Borderwalkers she's definitely her father's daughter- She's taken it upon herself to wander away from the caves her family calls home and contemplate the nature of her existence and her place within the world.
Berry Special (Cert) (Kindex)
She's very introverted so appearances are rare. When she chooses to come out of hiding it's a real treat as she's exceptionally charming and kind. After a few days, though, she needs to hide away again and won't be seen for several months at a time.
Notorious (Cert) (Kindex)
A childhood of danger and struggling to survive alone has led to a deep yearning for a more comfortable life, and a need to take it from those that squander such luxury. She's a chameleon that can switch from a fawning damsel in distress to a dangerous killer in the blink of an eye. Stay out of her way and you won't get hurt.
Joyful Defiance (Cert) (Kindex)
Master of malicious compliance and also more than happy to start a riot over injustice. An effervescent bruiser that knows she's smarter than you.
Her *gestures at everything* is reigned in, slightly, by the presence of the love of her life- Grace Under Pressure.
He Who Did Harm (Cert) (Kindex)
Thrives on malicious chaos. Will sow the seeds of destruction and then quietly slip into the shadows to watch what grows.