No Escape

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No Escape

Post by phoe »

No escape from the hunter,
No escape for the prey,
The hunter sleeps during the daylight,
The prey is hidden away.

The hunter will find prey no matter the cost;
the prey often pays with its life.
There is no escape from the order of things,
the cycle of struggle and strife.

No Escape is a hunter with much practice and patience under her belt, and a vast appetite. She is adventurous and mostly solitary, seldom seen visiting any of her friends and seemingly enjoying the company of her hunting beasts. She is secretly very fond of a certain doe, but keeps those feelings out of the public eye, in addition to smothering them in her own mind. She is practical and competent, non-judgmental and realistic.

She was solely focused on the material world and the baseline needs of hunting and eating -- all thrust, and no vector -- before venturing to the shattered obelisk. There it was revealed to her that the Swamp is far bigger in every way then she'd assumed. She helped in the takedown of the shard-pierced eagle and her past and future selves sort of merged in that moment.

She was very in the moment all the time, accepting things for as they are, and with the continued discovery of the obelisks, the Other, and the spaces between, her appetite has sort of shifted. Now, she is hungry for what could be out there -- what she feels she's ignored all of this time. She did not so much as wander into the actual heart of the swamp as dropped into it as if from a great height, splashing deep into the heart of all of its mysteries.

She joined the Shadow Stalkers tribe, who makes it their business to hunt the ghosts and spectrals of the swamp, and is (despite herself) beginning to nurture feelings for another kimeti.

After the emergence of the kincaller birds, one has befriended her, following her wherever she goes. Wrong unnerves her greatly. She has considered returning it to the tar pits.

Her current journey scares and exhilarates her but she has made it her business to find out what's really going on and seek a greater connection with the Swamp as a whole -- whatever (or whoever) that might mean.

No Escape would make a good legendary because she'd be a very new one, discovering what it means to have that connection to the Motherfather as she learns more about it as a whole. She is very into order and the natural way of things. The Other unnerves her, because it represents chaos. She is solid in her beliefs and and would provide other kin with a defender or an adversary, equally capable.

Trick or Treat
Shadow Stalkers HotM: Runes-Driven CYOA
The Shattered Obelisk: The Mountain's Shadow
The Shattered Obelisk: The Obelisk's Revenge (fighting the shardbear)
The Obelisk's Revenge: Final Prompt
The Shattered Obelisk: Completion
The Shattered Obelisk: Art of the Grouse
Solo RP: Fail Bait 4.0
Marshfowl Madness
Winter Market: Lost Apathy's Tree Party
Mist-Shrouded Obelisk Meta: Earth Prompt
Mist-Shrouded Obelisk Meta: Air Prompt

The Sun and the Rain

RP Points So Far:
word count: 545
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